Thursday, October 2, 2014

Wednesday and Thursday

So my Wednesday morning started off lovely!  i love it when kyndal is sleeping beside me...however, i do not love it when she requires more than half of the bed.  she kicks josh to where he is at the corner of his side and she just shoves me right on over and fusses if i dont move, so of course, i move over!  lol!  this is how much room she had this morning!

anyway, this morning i took the kids to school and brought jace and kyndal along so that we could all walk around the school parking lot (after drop off) with Denisha!  She is so much fun!  She ended up having to leave kind of early because she had left landry kates backpack at home, so we didnt get to walk very long.  towards the end we let jace and fielder play on the playground so they got to have a little fun too!  all in all, it was a great time! :)  on the way up to the school, jace saw the cows out on 44th street and he said "listening to 'Oh, oh' cows!!!" because he was so excited that we were listening to his FAVORITE song, "Let it be Known" by Worship Central!  it was precious!  the song says "...we lift you up, up..." and jace always says "up up up up up" its so funny!  i want to get it on video but everytime i try he freezes and does nothing! lol!

after that i went to help mom watch diesel whitaker so that charlene could go to Frankies dads funeral.  it was so much fun!  i love love love holding little babies!  he was a sweetie!  he cried a little bit, but what would you expect when his momma isnt there... 

we headed up to Chickfila for lunch then came home to do naps.  Jace was almost asleep and he heard kyndal moving because i didnt have the sound machine up.  DANGIT!!  so anyhow, he didnt get a nap that day!  :(  when we came out, he wanted to play with the basketball, so he and i rolled/tossed it back and forth and he tried to throw it to kyndal.....welllllll that didnt work so well.  it hit hear smack dab on the back of the head and she face planted into the ground.  SO SAD!!!  i swatted jace and had to put him in timeout because he had to know he cant throw it at her, but i do not think he was doing it to be mean AT ALL!  he was just trying to include kyndal in our game, which was nice of him!  he felt so bad and was saying "sorry deedal" while he was still in timeout!  so i went over there to let him up and gave him a big ol hug and just told him kyndal is little and cant play like he can! 

also, i got creative and tried to see if i could get kyndals hair up in a pony tail on top of her head...and I DID!!! :) :)  It was so cute!!!!  isnt she the sweetest!?!

i had my "turbo kick" class at 5 and the zumba at 6, so i headed up to the gym around 450 and the kids stayed with mamaw and bampa ;)  i really like the turbo kick class and i will definately keep going to it and i may keep on doing zumba on wednesdays too.  it was pretty tough doing both classes back to back, but i think i would get used to it and it would get easier.  they have the same deal on fridays, they have "interval training" at 5 and a spin class at 6 and i am debating doing both of those.  what would be great is if they would spread those classes out thru the week more.  but oh well!  i should be happy that i can just go to the gym 2 days a week and get 4 classes in, right?!  ill focus on that! :)  i know thats what daddy would want me to do :)

as for today (thursday) Jace, Kyndal and I headed to the mall around 1030 this morning.  moms tooth broke yesterday evening and so she called Dr. Utecht this morning but they couldnt get her in until 11.  so i decided i would go ahead and take the kids up there and walk around until mom and dad could make it up there.  i walked from about 1045-1215!  i was happy with that!  my phone ended up shutting off (which it has been doing ALOT lately) so i had to call mom from the Macys store phone to see where they were at.  turns out, they were already at the mall and in the food court.  she had texted me but of course i didnt get it.  Man, how did we ever survive before cell phones?!?!  so weird how they are such a lifeline these days!  what would you do without it?!

i talked to josh while we ate lunch and he said i should go to the apple store to get my phone replaced.  so i called and they said i could go on and go in the store and they could see me then.  of course, that was not true.  i went to penn square...made a special trip, just for that....dragged the kids and mom into penn square.....made jace miss his nap.....all for them to tell me i had to have an appointment and they could set one for me.....ooooonly 4 hours away.  so i set an appt for tomrw at 1030.  STUPID!!!  i was so irritated...i felt like jim carrey in liar liar when he is pissed about the tow truck driver scratching his car, LOL!  they basically have the world at their mercy.  it sucks.  i have just tried to deal with my cell phone shutting off pretty much at any and every crucial moment i have had lately, just because i do not want to have to deal with jerks who dont care about me or my time.  i was hoping the problem would work itself out.  it didnt.  turns out if you drop your phone several times daily and let your kids play with them often, they end up having problems.  who knew? 

Anyways, when josh got home we had dinner and then later on we went for a walk.  it was a little chilly but it was quite nice!  mom brought jace home as we were out walking and he didnt have any shoes or a jacket on and she was worried he was going to catch the plague bc he got cold for 4 minutes.  so i took my jacket off and gave it to him and had to tie it up real cute.  he was so excited though!  he was all "les run momma!"  "cmon momma"  i love when he says that!  makes my heart happy!  he ended up riding joshs shoulders most of the way home though!  then we got home and in bed and i told him we would see the trash truck in the morning!  he LOVESSSS the trash truck!  one of his highlights of the day, for sure!!  so we will be going for a walk bright and early in the morning so we dont miss ol trash truck!!  guess i better go get in bed! :)  night all!
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