Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My Sick Boy! :(

Okay, so Tuesday we had several errands to get done.  I took a letter up to CHA about the basketball league we are getting the boys in to see if any other boys in their classes want to get in on it!  The deadline is November 9th, so I am already short on time.  But I get there to find out that Mrs. Low (the new Elementary principal) now has to approve the letters that go out.  (StUpID) but oh well.  So I left it there hoping she might be back tomorrow.  More on that later. 

We went from there to Sooner Mall.  I let the kids play around for a little bit while we were there.  I got some cute pics of both of them while we were there too!  I also got my husband a sweater for our Christmas pictures were doing here soon. 

After leaving there, we headed over to The Boutique.  That place has the CUTEST kids clothes.  I have gotten all the kids' birthday outfits there.  I was looking for a super cute Christmas outfit for Kyndal Faith, but they had ZIP, ZILCH, NADA!!!  So that was disappointing.  You can always order stuff, but I am too impatient, lol!  So we headed on back home from there.  Here are a few of the outfits they had.  SUPER CUTE, right?!?

When Josh got home, we had to take Chris home, so we grabbed the boys from CHA and headed out there.  Dropped him off and then we all went to eat at On the Border!  It was lovely to have a nice little family outing like that!  Headed home from there and they went to bed pretty quick.  It was a typical night from there! 

Wednesday morning came super early.  Josh woke me up at 6:30 because he was getting the boys ready and taking them to school a little early because he had to get on up to Elk City for his job.  So anytime the boys are up, Jace always hears them and wakes up and fusses til you go get him.  He has been havin a rough cough here lately, so I didn't want him to get all worked up wanting to get out of his room, so I went in there as quick as I could.  After the boys left, we sat around and watched some Umizoomi.  It is extremely hard to keep Jace still and not let him jump all around and stuff.  He hates that.  So I tried my best, but he still pretty much crawled all over me using me as a human jungle gym, LOL! 

I went to pick mom up at 9:30 because I had another letter to get up to the school for the Fall Festival.  When I got up there, I found that Mrs. Low is STILL sick and not there to approve my letter yet again.  WHAT IN THE HECK?!!  It is stupid to me that she is the only one person who can approve it.  SO, I took it over her head.  I went to see if I could track down Mr. Josh Bullard, but he was in a meeting.  So I found the next best thing...Mr. Holmes.  To make a long story short, he approved my letter on the spot!  :) 

After leaving there, we headed to our second home, Hobby Lobby!  Or "hovvy lovvy" as Jace calls it!  I grabbed what I needed in there and then we got some lunch at Mcdonalds. We pulled in to a parking space and ate a little bit there and Kyndal faith was SUPER happy!!  I had to snap a quick picture of her!  And she was sitting so funny!  Girlfriend is limber!!!

After that, I told mom I had seen some cute Christmas stuff at a place called Peek-a-Boutique.  SOOO, we headed there!  They had a super cute Thanksgiving dress and I got it.  Then I also went against my will and placed an order for an adorable Christmas outfit for miss K!  She is gonna be so dang cute! :) :)  This is a pic of the Christmas outfit.  Its going to be embroidered too! :)  and also her cute Thanksgiving dress! :)  Can you tell which is which??  LOL!  ;)

So from there, we headed on back to moms house!  When we got in there, Jace was standing around and he came over to me and lifted his hands up for me to pick him up, so I did.  Then it happened......he vomited all over me.  Poor little guy! :(  Mind you, this whole day he has been coughing like CRAZY and just overall not feeling well.  So he finally puked and it went allllllll down my shirt and my back and in my hair.  Yep, cool huh?  I felt so bad for him because he didn't really know what was going on.  He was standing by the toilet dry heaving and crying and saying "Nooo I don't want..."  Then after he finished up, it cracked me right up, because he came over to me and kinda layed his head on me and said "need some decomesh..."  WHAT IN THE WORLD??!?!  lollol!  Where did he come from?  LOL!  Sweet boy!!  You can tell just by lookin at him that he did NOT feel well! :(

We stayed at moms for pretty much the whole afternoon.  Dad took Kyndal in the front room and he let her take a nap with him and then mom and I stayed in the back room with Jace and he pretty much just played around and wanted me to tickle him and wanted to play so bad.  :(  I know he wanted to feel good!!  We went to go pick up the boys from school and then came right back to moms for dinner because Josh was still in Elk City.  So we all had dinner over there and then went for a walk.  then the boys showered and we headed on home.  Josh got home around 815 and we cleaned up for the house showing tomorrow morning!  Cross your fingers that it sells!  Thats all...
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1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the house showing - hopefully they at least show up this time! And sad for Jaceman, but the decomesh comment did crack me up - I wonder what he thinks that means!? lol Cute clothes for Missy K! :) And I'm excited to watch them play b-ball sometime soon!
