Friday, October 10, 2014

Top 15 Things I Have Learned Being a Mom!

1.  No matter what I look like, my kids think I am pretty!  The other day I stumbled out of bed without combing my hair at all and no makeup on and the first thing Carter said to me was "Rachael you look....pretty."  Not sure if it was what he first thought to say, but its always nice to hear! :)

2.  They can be seriously hurt or barely hurt at all and one kiss from you can solve most all of it.  Sometimes Jace doesnt even get hurt or acts like he has bumped his head and he says "Kiss it momma" and of course I do...and I always will!! 

3.  While I always try my best, anything I do is always judged.  Everyone has an opinion and some rather enjoy sharing them!  Anytime a temper tantrum comes, I feel the eyes of EVERYONE on ME!!  "Why doesnt she spank him?"  "Oh what a bad mother for spanking her son" "When will he be potty trained?"  "Why do you let him drink that?"  "When are you going to take him off the bottle?"  you get the drift.  It gets old.  My husband is always telling me not to worry what people think...and in most cases I do that fairly well, but when it comes to parenting, it is HARD.  I'll work on it...

4.  My listening/hearing abilities have reached an all time high--I can tell their different crys, screams, and whines just by hearing them.  I know whether to run as fast as I can to them to make sure they're still alive, or if they're just wanting some attention, or if it is all together FAKE!  I can also hear a pin drop while I am asleep.  Once you have a baby, get ready to never sleep thru any storm or weird sound ever again!

5.  There are new fears that you never even knew existed.  The fear of losing someone who basically IS your heart is the worst one.  That one will keep ya up at night.  There is also the fear of them getting hurt in a way that you cant fix.  Or someone hurting their feelings and you wanting to go punch that person.  Or the absolute worst of them all, the idea that your child could be TAKEN.  I cannot imagine how parents deal with that.  not knowing where your baby is or if theyre safe or even alive.  Oh the terror.

6.  You become very talented at doing...well....pretty much ANYTHING, with just one hand.  and a baby on your hip!  :) 

7.  Kids have the ability to make you slow down...alot!  It takes me so LONG to do pretty much anything anymore.  Going to the mall...unloading and loading up takes 30 minutes by itself.  So I am not able to just "hop in the car" and do anything anymore....and I am totally okay with it! :)  Also, never have I ever stopped to "look at the cows eating grass" before my kids came along.

8.  Sometimes kids can be a great excuse when youre running late or just flat out dont want to go :)

9.  EVERYDAY is a great day for kids!  They have no stress and not a care in the world, except that they get to sit with you while they watch Umizoomi or that youll get them juice.  They just want to be with YOU...thats pretty much it!!  The same goes for me too...except I have bills to pay too! 

10.  The more you over-react or over dramatize their mini meltdowns (or random songs) the funnier they think you are!  When Triston comes in saying "Carter turned the TV off and I wasnt done watching it..." and then I freak out and say "OHHHH MYYY GOODNESS, are you okay??  I hope that didnt hurt you!  Do we need to call 911 or do you think you will make it thru this tradgedy?"  It always seems to make him smile :)  (Clarification: if something is really wrong, I dont use sarcasm)


11.  I get a front row seat to watching how quickly they learn things and how fast they grow.  Jace is already basically speaking in full sentences.  Kyndal will be walking before long.  As they grow there are so many more things to worry about and try to protect them from.  Recently we had to talk to Triston and Carter about the dangerous people in the world and how it is sad, but we CANNOT trust everyone and if it sounds too good to be true, IT IS!!!!!

12.  They watch EVERYTHING I do and hear EVERYTHING I say!!!!  I have cleaned up my mouth quite a bit because Jace repeats everything and he loves to repeat things if you say them in an annoyed voice, lol!  "Either GET OVER or GO ON CAR!!!" is what I said the other day and he repeated it forever and cracked up everytime!!  It terrifies me that they watch and imitate me!  I TRY, but I am far from perfect and I dont want them following what I do.  I ask God daily for grace and wisdom because I know I have four little sets of eyes watching my every move/word...that is a sobering realization.  Yikes---pretty sure I need God's help on this one FOR SURE!

13.  They want YOUR advice!  I remember growing up I always wanted my parents advice---until I got to my rebellious stage and then I didnt need anyones opinions or advice because I knew it all already.  Boy was I confused.  The good part is, I have my parents to go to if I need their advice or input on any situations that come our way.  Triston talked to me a while back about how some of the kids were being mean to him and left him out and how it made him so sad.  :(  I got to talk to him for a while and I was so happy he came to me about it!! :)  I was happy I got to talk him thru it all and make him happy too!!  It was great :) 

14.  Hugs and Kisses!!!  Period.  AMAZING!!  Kyndal wakes Josh and I up most every morning with a BIG ol kiss on the lips and she leaves her face smooshed against mine for a minute and keeps doing that over and over until I wake up!  I love her!!  When I pick her up in the mornings or usually after nap she is really affectionate too!  She will put her arms around my neck and hug me!  AWESOME!!  Then Jace is not near as affectionate as she is, so anytime you get a hug or a kiss from him it is wonderful!  There is just somethin about getting love from the little ones that just melts your heart!  Theres nothin better! :)

15.  Regardless of all the gross things that go along with parenting it is the most amazing and wonderful job I have ever been blessed enough to have!  I am so grateful that I get to stay at home with my children because I know lots of moms do not have that opportunity and I thank God every single day that I get to!!!  I have been elbows deep in puke and poo and cleaned up messes that could turn stomachs and had lots of frustrations along the way, but never once regretted a single thing having to do with my babies.  I love each one of them in a way I could never explain and I am so absolutely thankful to the Lord for giving them all to ME!!!  "Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, ir is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes. always perseveres.  LOVE NEVER FAILS!"


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