Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Time Flies...

So Monday morning came around and daddy got here bright and early to pick up my car to take it in for some maintenance.  THANKS DAD!! :)  Turned out I needed new shocks.  #notcheap #whoreallyneedsshocksanyway  Anyhow, shout out to dad hookin my up on that one!  I told him "put it on my tab!"  At this rate, it will take an extra year for me to never be able to pay him back for all that hes done for me! :)  I am sure glad he loves me!  #blessed #mydadisbetterthanyourdad

When he came here, he dropped off moms car so that I would have a car.  I got the kids all ready and I got ready and then we headed to go pick up mom!  We went to Johnny Carinos (again) and met jobug, Emily, babaw and granddad for lunch.  Lunch went pretty standard as far as lunches with them go.  Grandad took Jace out to go "drive" before anyone else was done eating.  Mom came over there and took Kyndal with them, because Grandad NEVER HOLDS JACES HAND!!!  It is so frustrating.  We are 20 feet from Memorial Road, which is HEAVILY trafficked and he doesn't even want to hold his hand.  WHY?!?!?!?!!  I do NOT get it.  I cannot even express how upsetting it is to me.  I could go on and on about this subject because it upsets me so, but I will just leave it at that.  Oh and Babaw had to get her jabs in as usual.  I ate one of Jaces French fries after he and granddad had already left and she said "DONT you eat those.  Don't eat any more.  That's what makes you fat."  #notjustthefrenchfriesbabaw  Then we were out in the parking lot and she had her diet coke in her hand and Kyndal looked at her and she goes "You want a drink pretty girl?  Oh wait, your momma wont let you have this."  And I'M the crazy one for wanting my daughter to drink water.  #gohome

After that lovely mess, we went to buy Kyndal a new car seat because she has very much outgrown the one mom had for her.  I found one I liked at Target and so we got it.  We went across to Quail Springs to check out Von Maur again and I decided I would install the car seat before we went in as opposed to when we got out.  MAN, I do not enjoy doing things like that.  I am so happy that Josh is a "put it together" kind of guy.  He enjoys that crap.  #oppositesmustattract  I opened the box, which was a disaster in itself.  They seal those damn boxes where you need to SEAL team to open it.  Either that or it was because I was trying to open it with one hand while holding Kyndal. #eitherway  So mom took Kyndal from me and magically, it got easier. I got it out of the box and it had all kinds of stuff on it, so I took it all off.  I put it in the seat and the shoulder straps were in the wrong hole.  So I took those out and worked on that for a minute and then I went to reattach them and they wouldn't reach all the way, they weren't freakin long enough.  Sooo I pushed every dadgum button on there and tried to get it to reach longer every way I could.  I totally couldn't figure out what the HECK I was doing.  So mom had to step in before my head exploded and she figured it out.  #directionscanhelp  SO we finally got to go in to the store after 15 minutes in the parking lot, LOL!  I ran in to the mall area and got us a couple strollers and had to push 2 strollers back to find mom and Jace.  Of course, I ran over my foot twice in the process which hurt like the dickens.  Then we started looking around at the stuff in Von Maur and I soon came to the realization that I didn't give a CRAP about what they had in the store.  LOL!  #overit #maybeanotherday  I don't have a whole lot of patience to begin with and by the end of all that carseat debacle, it was SHOT!  lol!  We did check out the bathrooms there though, and they are FABULOUSSSSS!!!   But off we went to load the kids back up.  I started getting Kyndal in the car only to have a problem with the bloody car seat again.  Fortunately it didn't take me TOO long to fix that one...it is safe to say I would have thrown the car seat out of the car in front of a semi-truck if I had ONE MORE problem with it, hahaha!  Sooo we headed on towards to house.

Jace fell asleep on the way home but Miss Kyndal Faith had no interest in the idea.  She was talkin up a storm, but she was never suited for very long.  Mom would give her a toy and 2 minutes later she would throw that one and then on to the next one, LOL!  Silly girl!  Josh was home when we got home.  We had some dinner and then went to mom and dads house to pick up my car.  Josh was keeping moms car because Carter has a field trip tomorrow and he needed it to take a few of the kids with them.  When we got home, it was pretty much bedtime. 

Tuesday morning, Josh was up and out early.  Brooke had called saying Carter had thrown up the night before. :(  He knew he had his field trip though, so he was READY to come to school! :)  So Josh met them up at the school and Nathaniel ended up riding with them!  Nathaniel and Carter are good buddies.  Nathaniel is a country boy for sure.  Josh called me on speaker phone in the car and had him tell me what he did over the weekend and he said "I shot my first deer!"  LOL!  CRAZY!!  He is the same little man that took care of the fish after Josh caught him!  He is a sweet little guy too!  But they went on a hayride at TG Farms!  Carter had a great time!  I have a few pics of it!  The first is Carter and Landry Kate (Denisha's daughter) and the second one is Mrs. Chapmans class next is Josh, Nathaniel, and Carter obviously in the car, and the last one is them two on the hayride!!


 When I got up, I got the kids up and did all the stuff for them and then I sat down and glued the pictures on to the plates, aka "lollipops" for the Fall Festival.  I needed to get that done so I could get them up to the kids so they could all color their own lollipop!! :)  I cant wait to see it when it is all done and decorated! :) 

I went to pick mom up around 10 and then we headed to drop those off at school.  After that, we went to Target to get random stuff that we both needed.  Then, back to my house.  We grabbed some lunch on the way.  When I got home, I started making lasagna rolls for us for dinner!  Josh LOVES those and I hardly ever make them!  He and Carter ended up getting home around 1:00 and Carter wasn't feeling too great.  I am sure he was just a bit run down after the night before.  Josh had him take a bath and then lay down and watch tv, just to take it pretty easy until Triston got home. 

The boys had earned a toy of their choosing because they both had 30 good days in a row!  That was the deal we had made with them.  They held up their end of the bargain very well! :)  I was very proud of them BOTH!!!  So Tristons toys had come (we had to order them) and Josh took Carter earlier today to get his and so they both played with them for the rest of the night!  Triston got "Light Up Links" and Carter got a NERF gun that shoots little water pellet things!  They had a bit of a tough time sharing their toys when it came time to, but for the most part they did awesome!! 

Kyndal was SUPER interested in walking today!  I am tellin ya, it wont be long at all!  She is SO close!!  :)  She has her walker deal and she pushes it until she runs in to something and then she immediately sits down adn turns around to look at me with a frown and starts fussing until I move her out of her dead end! LOL!  It cracks me up!  She loves walking, she just doesn't trust herself not to fall yet! :( 

Also, Jace and I had a new bedtime routine tonight which I hope very much to continue.  (and I WILL)  I got a book of bedtime prayers today at Target and so we read one of those and looked at the pictures and then I said "okay lets pray" and he bowed his head #meltmyheart and then I said "amen" and he looked up and said "AMEN!"  SO SWEET!!!  I LOVED it!!  Then I gave him the book and had him set it on the nightstand and turn the light off for us and then he got back in my lap and we rocked together til he went to sleep!!!  LOVE IT!!!!!  Love this time with my baby boy!!!!
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