Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween...

Well Thursday morning I was finally able to get my basketball letter approved and sent out.  I sent a letter to all the boys in Triston and Carters classes letting them know that they should be on our YMCA basketball team.  I hope some of them sign up for it!!  The deadline is November 9th though, so that doesnt give them much time.  We will see how it goes.  I also turned it lots of papers for the Fall Festival too. 

After I got done at CHA, we headed off to Sooner mall...YES, again!!  ;)  We let the kiddos play for a bit then had some lunch, then shopped around at Dillards and a few other places.  I am on the prowl for any cute outfits that could be cuter than what I am already planning on wearing....preferrably something that shaves about 50 pounds off of me....yeah!  But I also would love to find a cute necklace or scarf of some sort.  I read that layers add depth (whatever that means) to your photos.  I can only assume it is a good thing!  haha!  I read it off one of those photography whatever those say is 100% truth, yeah??  I always have to snap a couple pics of the littles playin when we go to the mall, so here they are! :)

After that, we headed towards home.  On the way, the most unbelievable thing was amazzzing!  You wont be able to believe it!!  BOTH of the kids took their naps at THE EXACT SAME TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Whaaaaaaaaat?!?!?  Oh yeah, thats right!!  :)  That NEVER happens yo!  Needless to say, it was exciting.  Mom and I didnt spend a good 30-45 minutes trying to shush one of them so the other wouldnt wake up!  LOL, GLORIOUS!!!!  ;)
**Shout out to Mom who took that sweet panoramic photo right thurrrr**

We went to Cattlemans for dinner, me, Josh, mom, dad, and the kids.  Dad had a gift card for there....and he ended up not being able to find it before they left, LOL!  He thought he had lost it, but when he got home AFTER we ate, he found it!  LOL!  guess we will be heading back sometime soon!  hahah!  It was good though!  When we were leaving they had a horse and buggy thing that took people to their cars.  Jace thought the horse was pretty cool!  We got a pic of us on the buggy thing, but not by the horse...its a shame :(

Today started off at Hobby Lobby.  I went to pick mom up and we headed up to HobLob to get the letters J-O-Y so i can paint them for our wonderful Christmas photos we are going to do!  I am excited for them and I really hope they turn out good.  Then we headed to Wal-Mart.  It seems like time FLIES when you are in Wal-Mart.  I found some Christmas pants for Kyndal that were sooooooo dang CuTE!!!  however, they didnt have them in her size.  :(  So we decided to let the kids nap, while I drove to another WalMart.  This time Jace fell asleep and we were having to keep Kyndal Faith QUIET, so i was giving her bits and pieces of Oreos.  Of course, they got all over her face and hands, haha!  I got a pic of her sweet little face lookin at me so sweet & covered in Oreo! 

So for the Halloween festivites, Carter wanted to be with us (or Josh) instead of Brooke for Halloween, even though it was her "turn" for the holiday.  So they worked that all out and she said okay.  So Josh took Carter to Chuckee Cheese and me and the little ones went to Chequers with mom, dad, and Charlene.  We had a lovely evening, til right at the end.  I was holding Kyndal and she was playing around with me and she threw her head back and it hit the top of my drink glass SOOO HARD and it shook the table and was so loud.  It shot chills down my spine, the sound of it.  It was awful.  She cried...HARD!  Thankfully she was okay and everything, but GOSH it was loud.  I bet she will have a bit of a bruise tomorrow.  Poor baby girl! :( 

An exciting thing happened when we got back to mom and dads house too!!  After their baths, dad was walking around with Kyndal and SHE WALKED BY HERSELF!!!!  Just for like two steps, but SHE DID IT!!!!!!!  YAYYYY!!!!!  I was so happy!  :) :)

As for the whole Halloween thing....we didnt celebrate this year.  I fully understand both sides of the arguement, which is why I am torn on the whole thing.  I think the whole premise of Halloween is a fun thing.  The dressing up in cute outfits, the sense of community and getting to know your neighbors, and of course, THE CANDY!!  But I also know that it can be an extremely DARK day too.  I know that many people use it for very, very bad things.  I do not.  I know some people say if you dont let your kids dress up that they are "missing out" which i totally disagree with too.  I didnt dress up for the majority of my life and look how great I turned out ;)  lol!  But I read something on Natalie Grants facebook tonight and it made a lot of sense to me.  She said that as children of the Lord and being in the light, we should open our doors to our community anytime and not turn off all our lights and hide out inside.  We should welcome them with great candy and big smiles and show them what it means to be a believer.  (not the exact wording, but you get the drift)  So I am debating letting my family celebrate the traditional way.  I am still not sure if we will or not.  But I am not super closed off to the idea.  That is all.
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1 comment:

  1. Funny, I've been going back and forth on Halloween too lately. Candy and cute costumes = fun, but the general theme of ghosts, witches, zombies, haunted houses, death, etc. = not of God. We'll have to chat about that in person sometime. I do know I wanna see all the kids in fun costumes, so you need to make Jace's next b-day a costume theme if you decide not to do Halloween! :) YAY for Missy K walking, and how great that it happened on an easy day to remember (and that you wrote about it here so you won't forget). Good job on the blogging and pictures - you're keeping up with it really well. That panoramic shot could be a FB cover photo. :) Also, LOVE the pic of her in her pink bow. (And the oreo one and the walking one and the playing one - she's just cuteness personified! lol) Hope y'all have a fun weekend!!
