Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Patriotic Program!

Okay, so yesterday was Tuesday!  It started out pretty normal.  Mom and I and the kiddos went up to CHA because we needed to get pictures of all the first graders individually for the Fall Festival booth.  We took the lollipop i got a while back as a prop. :)  We got a picture of all the kids and as we were doing that Mrs. Fowler was nice enough to let Jace hang out in her room with all the kids.  I do not know what he did the whole time, but she said he did great!  I definately hope he did! 

After that, we went to good ol Target!  I guess something special came over Kyndal during that trip because she TOTALLY became super friendly.  She sat facing the front of the cart and said "hi" to anyone and everyone who walked past her.  Since you may not know, Kyndal is SUPER shy!  It is hard to get her to say hi to anyone, let alone everyone in the store!!  lol!  It was precious!  I got several compliments about how cute she was along the way :)  I also put a cute little thanksgiving turkey hat on her....ADORABLE!!!  See......

After our Target trip, Jace fell asleep in the car and so we drove around for a few minutes to let him nap for a little bit.  Then mom made brownies at my house to take to Mrs. Fowler tomorrow when we take her dinner.  So after we got done with that mom took Jace with her and Kyndal and I hung out at the house!  She is getting more and more fun to play with!  I love my baby girl! 

I sent the pictures we had taken to Walgreens and so i called mom when i went to go pick them up to see if she wanted me to go ahead and come by and get Jace.  She did!  So i headed there and when dad got home, me, him, Jace and Kyndal all took a walk down to see miss Prissy!  Jace did all his usual things.  This time we counted the trees and he counted them by himself.  There is only 5, but he did really good!  He can count to 12 with a little bit of help!  He is getting smarter and smarter every day!  He also always goes to any flag pole in the neighborhood and sayd "USA....USA" lol!  kinda funny! 

When we got home Triston and Carter and Josh were all home.  Josh was cooking dinner for me (because i was the only one who hadnt eaten yet) and the boys were chillin.  So I put Kyndal in her high chair and Jace in his and I sat down and ate a few bites real quick.  I fed Kyndal a little bit and as I was eating Triston reminded me that we needed to read a couple chapters of his book.  So I told him to go get it.  It is called "An Alien..." and it is actually a cute little book.  He loves it!  So I read to him and then when I put it down he grabbed another book (a Bible question and answer book that we have) and said "Okay now its time to read this one!"  LOL!  normally I wouldnt give in on that, but I did this time.  We ended up reading three more chapters out of it too!  It was a lovely reading evening! :)  After that...BEDTIME!!!

Today, WEDNESDAY!!  I got up super early because Denisha and I decided we would walk up at school after drop off again today!!  I love doing that.  It is exercise and it is fun chatting time! :)  PERFECT!!!  She talked to me about her mom not being the best babysitter and i talked to her about babaw and grandad.  Today is also the day of the Patriotic Program at CHA which is also Grandparents Day!  Brookes mom and dad went for the boys so that was good.  I must admit my "mom fail" and say i did not plan to go.  However, things ended up working out kind of well.  I took Mrs. Fowlers' dinner up to the school and it was about time for the program to be over.  Denisha had texted me and showed me the part of Carter talking and he did GREAT!!  So proud of him! :)  So I walked in right at the end and the boys were so happy so i didnt tell them that i hadnt seen their performance :(  i felt terrible.  HUUUUUGGGE mom fail on my part. :(  Here is a picture of me and Carter after the program!  Hes a sweetie!! 

It was also a little bit of an uncomfortable situation too.  Pat (the boys' grandmother) asked me if she could take the boys for the afternoon.  I KNEW josh didnt want her to because he had told the boys the night before that they were not to leave with her.  So she asked me if I would call Josh and ask him if she could take the boys.  #notcool #awkward  I called Josh and it was the answer I knew it would be...NO!  So I had to go tell her that she couldnt and I told her that Josh was going to come get them shortly.  I felt so bad and it was terrible.  I can NOT handle confrontation of any kind.  It really made me wish I would have stayed in the car and never gone in!!  UGH!  #badidea  Anyhow, it worked out, but not without me feeling bad and uncomfortable, LOL!

After the program nonsense happened, I took mom to Kinkos to make a few copies for her notebook for their house!  The kids did okay for a little bit, but then Kyndal started getting super upset.  So I took her out, which of course didnt go over well with her brother, so I told him we would all get out in a second  and walk around.  So I played with Miss K for a sec and she found some little head band things jobug had gotten her a while back so naturally, i put one on her, LOL!  How is she so cute in EVERYTHING?!?

I got Jace and Kyndal out of the car after they started to get restless and we walked around the shopping center for a little bit.  For some reason my arm got SUPER tired holding Kyndal that time...I am used to holding her, so I dont know why today was any different.  odd!  Mom finally got done there and we headed home. 

I tried to nap Jace at home but it didnt work out well.  It is frustrating at times because he is sooo tired and he just wont let himself go to sleep.  #whatakid  Mom had to leave at 3 to go meet with Todd, so when she left I played with Jace and Kyndal for a bit.  Then it was time to go pick up Triston and Carter.  I had talked to Josh and we decided we would meet out at Olive Garden for dinner around 6.  So I went and picked Triston and Carter up early and let them and Jace play on the CHA playground for a bit.  Of course, Jace and Kyndal both decided that THEN was the perfect time to take a nap!!  #omg  So I let the boys play for a little bit before I woke Jace up.  I didnt want him to miss playing altogether, so I woke him up after ab 10 minutes!

Mrs. Fowler (Tristons teacher) saw me as she was leaving and she drove over and talked to me for what felt like forever because Josh was calling me and I knew we were needing to go.  I most definately enjoyed talking to her because she is AWESOME, but I knew we were needing to get on with our evening so we wouldnt be late.  So eventually the kids got loud enough for me to break free and go check on them.  So we all loaded up and headed on to Olive Garden at that point.  We ended up beating Josh and went on in to get a seat.  Our waitress was great.  She brought breadsticks out first thing and as I was struggling to listen to, feed, pay attention to, and watch all four kids, breadsticks were super helpful!!  It was a lovely evening out for our little family though!  A lady even came by and told Josh and I that our kids were "very well behaved" and so that pretty much made my night!!!  :) :) 

Another random story, anyone who is with me very often knows that i FORGET to load my diaper bag on a pretty regular basis.  It is never on purpose, but it is ALWAYS irritating for me and whoever is with me.  I mean, who doesnt MAKE SURE there are diapers or cookies or juices in their diaper bag?  at all times?!  Not just once in a while...ALLLLL THE TIME!!!  BUT, moving on with the story...  Jace needed a diaper change tonight and so I took him to the bathroom.  As i rifled through my diaper bag I found that all i had in there were diapers for KYNDAL!!  #idiot #irresponsible  So I sit there and gripe at myself in my head for a little bit, but then i decide its time to move on.  I decided it is worth a shot to try to piece together two of Kyndals size 3 diapers to make on of Jaces size 6 diapers.  makes sense right?  I know, i dont think so either.... but nevertheless, i went for it.  I put one diaper on the back of him and the i attached the sticky part of another diaper to it and brought the front of the second diaper around to the front of Jace and i buckled the diaper just like the normal way i would do it.  LOL!  I took pictures when i got home...

Josh took Triston and Carter to Penn Square to go to the Lego Store and they both got a little toy thing to put together soon!  they were so excited about them when they got home.  They love those weird things, lol!  Soo I guess Josh is gonna have some work to do on those, LOL!  I got Jace and Kyndal in bed before Josh and the boys got home.  So it was a wonderful night, but now it is my turn to relax!  and i will! :)  Tomorrow begins fall break!!  woop woop!!  Have a great evening all!
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