Friday, October 17, 2014

Thursday and Friday--Fall Break!

Yesterday was Thursday.  The beginning of fall break for CHA as well as every other school in the metro area it seemed.  And I think the majority of those kids decided they wanted to go to Quail Springs mall!!  LOL!  Mom was actually having lunch with an old friend...of dad came over to hang out with us!  I had the kids both reppin their bampa... (their shirts--Just in case ya missed it)

We went to Quail and walked around a bit.  Then we rode down the elevator with a mom and her four kids.  She never looked up from her phone during our elevator ride, our walk to Chickfila or her ordering Chickfila or her and the kids waiting on their order.  It made me so sad.  WHY???  What is so important on that dang phone that you are missing so much interaction with your kids on their Fall break??!?!  I wanted to ask her that......buuuuut since I am terrified of conflict I skipped it.  OH, and on a totally different note, Von Maur is OPEN!!!!  woooppp!!  It is a super nice department store!  I must say, I was impressed!  It could be that I have been impatiently waiting for it to open since last summer or they had the cutest Thanksgiving outfit for Kyndal, but either way, I LOVED IT!!!!  I cant wait to go back and check it out further...with mom!  Dad wasnt all that in to it! :)  He waited patiently for me though! :) 

So we headed back home and mom came and met us there.  Then after daddy took off to go back to work, she and I headed up to Hobby Lobby!  I got a pair of boots that I plan on crystalling and making AWESOME!!!  So we needed a few different things from there, so off we went :)  When we left there we ran by Mcdonalds to get me a diet coke and it made me laugh because we were waiting in line for drive thru and as Jace was watching Mickey Mouse, he told mom "French fries are comin..."  LOL!  Cracked me right up!  So we got some fries too!  Right before the lady handed me my food, mom said she had just wiped her nose bigtime.  I didn't see it, but the sack was wet too, which just made matters worse.  So we immediately threw the sack out.  YUCK!!  On top of that, they gave me Dr Pepper or something gross to drink...NOT diet coke!!  SOOOOO I went back in!  As I was standing there in line (behind a Mexican man and woman) an older gentleman came in.  They had just called number 224 so I thought it might be him and I asked him if it was, therefore opening the lines of communication between he and I.  #notsmart #badidea  So the man in front of me had gone over to get his drink and he came back up there to stand by his girlfriend and the guy behind me says "Im just worried about that guy.  theyre always running up in line tryin to cut in front of us on everything."  WHAT?!?  I think he is referring to something other than the line at!  I just said "ohhhhhh" He continues on "I just got done with those fools at the rent-a-car place.  You give them all your information and then come back the next time and no one has a clue who you are or what you need or nothing.  Its just wrong."  Thankfully at that point it was time for me to order.  Now, I am pretty good at making conversation with people, but not when it is about another person right in front of me....where the girl is wearing a shirt that says on the back of it "just %&*# off!" and her man-friend looks like he could jump me at any moment, LOL!  I do not know what lovely cause that t-shirt was representing, but I didn't care to find out.  I just tried NOT to make eye contact and get outta there.  #gottaloveMcds!  What is wrong with people these days??  I tell ya!  I do not mind a Hispanic person one bit.  However, I DO mind trashy people.  White, black, Asian, Mexican, French...I don't care.  Trashy people, however, make me crazy.  It is not that hard to pull your pants UP and run a comb thru your hair!  Seriously people! 

After that lovely experience we headed home and mom took Jace and it was great because I got to nap with Kyndal.  I was going to start workin on my boots, but I decided I would rather hold my baby girl while she sleeps!  BEST.  THING.  EVER!!!  When she woke up she was soooo happy and so precious!  I played with her for a while!  She was a doll! 

Josh got home pretty late, so I made Kyndal and I some dinner! :)  Whole wheat pasta noodles with mozzarella cheese! LOL!  It was delicious!  Josh had a little but he isn't as big a fan of the whole wheat pasta as I am!  #hesmissinout  For the rest of the night, after I got the kids down, I crystalled my boots!  I LOVE them!!  Check it out!  the pics don't really do it justice because you cant tell how awesome they sparkle...but you kinda get it :)

Moms car broke down last night, so Friday morning me and Jace and Kyndal went to pick her up!  Jace was in an unusually crabby mood.  Which is never fun.  We had to go pick up a shirt for me in Norman, so after that we hit up Sooner mall!  #surprisesurprise  We played for a little bit and right as we were getting ready to stop, Jace got hurt!!  SAD!!  He always jumps off those toys and LOVES it!  So the last time he did it, he hurt his toe pretty bad.  He CRIED SOOOOO hard!  If you know Jace, he NEVER EVER cries!  So when he cried, mom and I both knew something was not good.  So when he stopped crying we decided we would eat and see how he was doing afterwards.  He wasnt complaining too bad, so we decided we would wait on goin to an urgent care! 

We ran by Helen Enox fabrics to get more Swarovski crystals so that I could finish up my boots.  Then on the way home, we swung by Target.  I took mom back home and when Jace got out there, he was limping pretty bad.  HOW SAD!!!  Not to mention the fact that he hadn't napped, so he was a basket full of cranky! 

Lindsey came home this evening, so we all went to mom and dads for dinner!!  YUM!!!  Mom made lasagna and I fixed up some tortellini..pretty much solely for myself, lol!  Linds had a little!  Good job Lindsey! ;)  After we ate, Lindsey, Josh, Jace, Kyndal and I all took a walk around the neighborhood!  My sweet baby boy ALWAYS runs/walks by himself instead of sitting in the stroller.  But not tonight.  I mentioned the stroller (thinking I would have to beg him to sit down in it and not run around like a crazy boy) but he hopped right in it!  I know his poor baby toe is hurting him because he is limping and he is favoring his other foot big time.  Its so sad to watch because he doesn't fully know how to tell me "MOM it HURTS!!!"  Break my heart! :(  I know he is tough!!  He is similar to his daddy in that.  Josh isn't phased by much!  They both have the whole toughness thing  down! :)  So after all that, we came on home and I got the kids down.  It didn't take long, they were both super tired!  Hopefully they will both sleep good tonight! **Im lookin at you Kyndal**

Shes got some weird sleepin positions huh? LOL!

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  1. Missy doing the splits as she sleeps = adorable! And wow, the "Well, time to flood the earth again" line was unexpectedly hilarious!! :)

  2. HAHAHAH I loved that pic too!! Cracked me right up! :)
