Saturday, October 25, 2014

Friday and Saturday

Alright, alright, alright!  (said in my best matthew mcconaughey voice)  Dad needed me to come up to the office to do a few things, so yesterday that was the first thing I did!  I didn't get done what I needed to get done, but I took care of a few other important things, so it wasn't a wasted trip!  and seeing dad never is wasted. :) 

After that, I went to pick up mom and we went to Denisha's house because I didn't know if the wreath I had made would fit her front doors.  When we got there, she came out and said her appointment had just cancelled so we could stay and hang out for a bit if we wanted to.  It worked out great because Jace was wanting to play with Fielder to begin with, so he got to do that for quite a bit.  I had wanted mom to see her house too.  It is a really nice house and I knew mom would love it.  So we first went around back and they played outside.  Then we went inside because Fielder wanted to show me his "choo choo" that his poppa had gotten him just the day before.  He was soooo excited about it.  We went and saw it and Jace and Fielder played all around the house and Denisha was able to show mom the house too.  Mom loved it as I knew she would, she loved their tile in the entry and it goes into the kitchen and its cool lookin... I took a pic of it.  Sadly, the wreath was like half an inch too big and it would get in the way every time she opened the door, so I told her I was going to have to downsize it a bit. 

When we left there, we came on home and I went ahead and made her first wreath.  She is going to ask her husband if we can put nails in their stucco outside and I really hope he will go for it.  we shall see.  Here is a pic of her wreath so far.  It has more ribbon than I usually ever put in, but I love it.

When we got done with the wreath, I went ahead and napped Jace.  Josh was slow today so he was home fairly soon after that.  Mom took Jace for just a little bit after his nap and she was gonna bring him back in about an hour, so Josh and I decided to see if Kyndal would walk down the street with her little walker.  She loves walking all around the house, but there is no real big area for her to walk for very long, so she gets annoyed with it easily.  If we let her go down the street, I figured she would dig it..and she DID!! 

Josh left shorly after that and went to go pick up the boys.  I showered real quick while Kyndal napped and then Josh came back and picked Kyndal and I up and we headed to get Jace from moms house and then went to eat at Rib Crib.  It was a fun little family evening.  Then we headed home and put everyone to bed.  Then Josh and I cleaned the house quite a bit because we are showing our house tomorrow at 430 and that was the only time that we would have with no kids to clean it up! 

So the next morning, Saturday morning, came all too soon.  Kyndal woke me up with a couple kisses then she smacked me right in the face.  That wasn't a great way to wake up.  In fact it annoyed me greatly, LOL!  Shes too sweet though.  I couldn't be mad.  :)  We got up and around and Josh was planning on taking the boys all to get haircuts at some point.  So he called his lady and she asked if he could come immediately and he said yes.  So we scrambled everyone together and they headed out.  I cleaned up some more because we had a ton left to do, as always, LOL!  I love my kids, but they leave a trail of a mess behind them everywhere they go. 

Josh brought Mcdonalds home for breakfast.  So we all sat down and ate and then decided to go for a walk.  When I said I would, I was totally unaware that it was HOT outside.  But I suffered through it, lol!  Triston and Carter raced a few times and I was quite impressed with how fast Triston was.  Carter was a bit in front of him and T caught right up and passed him and won.  Jace walked with them for a little bit too, but he opted for the stroller for a while too. 

When we got back, Jace watched Umizoomi for a few minutes and the boys went to play with their Light up Links and then Carter came out and wanted to go play outside.  So that sounded good to everyone.  They played with sidewalk chalk and Jace slid down the slide over and over and we brought Kyndal out there too.  She loves being outside. 

We came inside and Josh ordered some pizza for lunch.  After we ate that, mom came and picked up Jace to help me with naps because Triston and Carter had a dentist appointment at 145 at Dental Depot.  So when mom came and got J, Josh had already left with the boys, so I layed Kyndal down and did a few more cleaning things around the house and then I saw Kyndal was asleep.  So I picked her up and laid her on my chest and she and I napped for a little bit. 

Josh and the boys got home around 2:45ish and when they did, Josh and Carter went outside to play soccer and I asked Triston if he wanted to read some more of his Alien book and he did.  So we read four chapters and I must say, it is getting to be quite an interesting little book.  Then Triston and I worked on his "challenge cards" for church tomorrow.  Somewhere along in here, Josh told me that our house showing got cancelled.  That was pretty cool seeing as how our house was now SPOTLESS.  STUPID!!!!  oh well though, what can ya do?  When Josh and Carter came in they went to play the Wii and then Carter wanted Josh to put together his Lego car thing.  So they started working on that around 4:45 and we were gonna leave to go to mom and dads for dinner at 5:15.  I had to make Josh quit putting it together and COME ON, so we could leave, LOL!  Once he gets in to something, its tough pulling him away, lol! 

Josh decided to cook breakfast for everyone for dinner.  So he got busy when we got over there and we took the kids all outside to play around.  They have a big garage back area and the kids love playin back there.  Kyndal prolly ruined her pants crawling all around the concrete, but oh well :(  When Josh got done cookin we all came in and ate.  kyndal was lovin the eggs and bacon!  That is good because she needs to eat more protein...just like her mom!!  Then we went for another walk around their neighborhood.  We got to see Prissy and her mom was outside too.  She came over and chatted with us for a bit.  When we got back to the house everyone came in and went right to the shower.  I got the kids all some shampoo and then mom helped me get Kyndal in the bath.  So all my little ones went from super dirty and sweaty to super fresh and clean! 

That about does it for our night!  I am excited for church tomorrow.  Should be a great one! :)
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