Thursday, October 9, 2014

Gametime Inflatables and Fun Times...

So yesterday was Wednesday and the boys get out of school at 12:15 on wednesdays!  So Denisha and I decided to do something fun!!   Mom had to go to Tulsa, so it was me on all four children!  :)  It was actually quite fun!  I picked the boys up at 215 and we headed to Gametime Inflatables in Moore.  It was so great because we were the ONLY ones there!  PERFECT!!!  So I just let Kyndal crawl all around on the floor and Triston went around with Jace and Fielder for the most part and Landry Kate and Carter had each other, so everybody had a pal!  It was wonderful!  We stayed there for a little over an hour and then headed to Chickfila to have some dinner before they had to go to church.  They got to play a little bit longer there.  It was so cute walking in there, Denisha told Landry "Hold Jaces hand Lan..." and Landry Kate looked around and then went right to Carter and held his hand instead!  SO SWEET :)  It was lots easier with all four kids than I thought it would be.  Jace minded really well and that made me happy.  Kyndal took well to Denisha and even let her hold her for a little bit.  I was surprised by that.  Kyndal lets NO ONE hold her, ESPECIALLY people she doesnt know.  But I was glad she did because that gave me a little bit of a break! :) 

After that, I took Triston and Carter to Brookes and then headed home with Jace and Kyndal.  Josh cooked steak and pasta while I showered and then we got ready to sit down and feed Kyndal a little bit more dinner because we had eaten so early.  Jace of course, just ate a few more cookies.  So I was getting things together on the table and i went by Kyndals high chair, and low and behold, I saw the unbelievable.....the worst.......the all time most horrible thing to be in your home......a SNAKE.  OH the grosness!!!  So I told myself to calm down before I told Josh because i knew if I wasnt calm that would make him FREAK OUT way more than he would normally.  (he HATES snakes)  So I said "Honey, I am not kidding, there is a snake over there and we need to figure out what to do about it NOW."  He kinda locked up for a second.  So i said "I am going to go get Bo (our neighbor) and Ill be right back"  So Bo and Lauren came over and, come to find out, the snake was dead.  So he ended up picking it up and getting rid of it.  WHEW!!!  yuck.  As they were leaving out of our house, Josh said "I'll give you my man card later."  LOL!!!  Poor guy is so afraid of snakes...and tornados.  LOL!  Who am I to talk though....Im scared of EVERYTHING!!!  haha!   Josh and I were both creeped out the rest of the night :( 

As for today, Thursday, the kids actually slept in until around 8:20!  It was glorious! :)  We got up and Jace wanted to watch dump truck on Umizoomi as always.  So we did!  As I was getting Kyndal ready, I put a bow in her hair, which lately she has been hating.  That is so sad to me, because I LOVE it when little baby girls have bows on!!  :)  It is just SO cute!!!  So I put it on her and when she tried to take it off, I said "NOOO" very sternly...she didn't take it off!  YAY!!  However, she was so mad at me.  It made me laugh.  I got a pic of her because she was avoiding me...she wouldn't look at me and she was so mad.  Isnt she cute?!  When mom got here we left for the mall, as per our usual routine!!  Dad called as we were leaving and said he was up for meeting us for lunch!! YAY!  So he met us at Quail at 1230 and we had lunch.  I got my walking out of the way before lunch, so after we ate, we had to grab a lollipop and then head on towards home. 

When we got home, mom convinced me to cut Jaces hair.  She kept telling me she knew i could do it.  She has alot more faith in me than I ever do....which has helped me in lots of ways :)  But I got some CRAPPY scissors and decided to give it a go.  I figured, worst case scenario, I would call Denisha and tell her I had an emergency and have her fix it for me.  Jace had a HARD time being still.  But i finally got it done! :)  WOOHOO!  And I was looked decent.  I had a terrible time on the sides of his head because he was so wiggly, but for the most part it looked okay.  It had grown out ALOT, so anything shorter was an improvement!  Its good to know I can do that in a pinch.  I know I would get better if I did it for him all the time, but I am just not quite fast enough.  He is not happy if he has to be still.

After that Josh got home and he had a couple things to do but then we went to have dinner at Judges.  Jace was wanting to play the whole time we were eating, so we headed to the park after dinner.  Josh likes Regional Park the best (i do NOT) so that is where we went.  It just seems a bit ghetto to me.  Tonight there were a thousand people there.  They were having a football practice, a soccer practice, and a birthday party, so it was CRAZAY!  But we swang anyway!!  Jace went down the slides a couple times as well.  We didnt stay too long though. 

When we got home it was bedtime.  The kids pretty much both had an all around meltdown as we were getting PJ's on.  Kyndal was crying because she didnt want to be put on the floor.  Jace was fussing because he couldnt watch dump truck.  Needless to say, I couldnt get them in their PJ's and their bottles made fast enough.  LOL!  But i finally did and got them both in their beds and now it is MY time!!  So off i go to do something interesting, LOL!  prolly Pinterest ;)  Til next time...
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