Sunday, October 19, 2014

Wonderful Weekend

So Saturday mom was going to help Lindsey with some stuff and Josh had to work.  So I decided maybe daddy would be able to hang out with me and the kids!  He WAS! :)  I just had Jace and Kyndal, because this is Brookes weekend with Triston and Carter.  So we all 4 went to Bricktown Brewery for some lunch.  Jace still had his hurt foot, and he had "Bampa" carry him quite a bit.  If you know jace, you know how INDEPENDENT he is.  So his foot must really be bugging him to let someone carry him instead of getting to walk by himself! LOL! I put both the kids in the "I love mommy" shirts so I had to get a pic of them with their dearest momma!!!  I love them both ever so much!!!  (not sure whats up with Jaces face in this one...but like I said, they will NEVER both smile in the same picture for me....EVER!!!!!) #toomuchtoask

Josh ended up getting off a little earlier than he thought, so after lunch we came on back to my house.  Josh played with the kids for a while and I showered.  He went to get his haircut, then he came home and we decided to go grab a bite to eat!  We went to Joshs FAVORITE place, Texas Roadhouse!!  #overrated #mehhh  It is safe to say that Kyndal has come out of her shell, officially! LOL!  She is little miss friendly to everyone wherever we go! :)  She was just loving the people sitting across from us at the restaurant.  She turned around and said "HIIIIII" to them 50 times at least.  I am glad they were good sports.  That could have really annoyed some people!  Here is a pic of her with a pacifier in her mouth lookin like a smile!  LOVE IT!!
When we got home, we just got the kids in bed and then Lindsey texted me a picture of the sign she did for the Fall Festival booth,  IT LOOKS AWESOME!!!!!!  She is so talented!!  I am so lucky to get to have her help me with pretty much anything I need! :)  THANK YOU SISTER!!!!  It looks great huh?!?

Today is Sunday!  It started with us getting up to go to church.  It actually really started with Kyndal being miss fussy pants and raising heck while she was still half asleep and nothing would suit her.  I was getting frustrated.  So we ended up just getting on up! :)  We went to church at the Northwest campus with Brooke and Chris and the boys.  They were going to come to lunch with us, but they had a party for her dad and ended up not being able to.  I like the Northwest campus a lot!  It is small and doesn't have the HUGE crowds that the OKC and Edmond campuses do, and they are not dumb with their seating!!  Two big pluses!!  haha! ;) 

Anyhow, after church, we headed to Wes Welkers for lunch with mom, dad, and Lindsey!  Jace was ready to go to mamaws from the moment he walked in!  but kyndal was awful cute!!  #whatsnew  She has been much more talkative lately which I like, but it seems like if I am holding her, that she shys away from most anyone.  If I set her down, she is fine and happy!  weird.

So mom took Jace from there and we went home and I fell asleep on the way home.  I was SO tired!  It seems like I have not been getting a whole lot of sleep here lately.  Not sure if Kyndal is teething, but she is sure as heck fussier than usual.  (If dad heard this he would say "Makes you appreciate all those nights shes not teething" LOL)  When we got home I kinda rested for a little bit but then started playing with miss K and then it was time for me to get ready! 

We took Kyndal to moms at 430 and headed to Johnny Carinos for our datenight!  It was fun and much needed.  Seems like there are always little ones around us and it gets a little difficult to talk much in depth about anything with them around interrupting and such!  So it is always a nice time when we get to hang out just us two!!  I always feel like the kids are in the back seat still, LOL, but theyre not! haha!  After we ate, we went to all the auto part stores in the metro it felt like!  Josh was looking for a certain light and he needed a few of them and no one had more than 2.  So we went all around lookin for em!  He finally found them though!  yay!  Our date was fun AND productive! 

So I hesitate to even post these, because I am NOT, I repeat NOOOOOTTTT a selfie type of person.  BUT, these are so cute!  I was playing with Kyndal and showing her her face on the camera and she started doing every face I did.  I got a couple of the pictures...SO SWEET!  It made me laugh!  Do not hold these pics against me though #kissyface #omgface #ifshewasntsocuteiwouldntpostthem

Okay, that's all for now!!  Have a lovely evening!
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