Monday, October 13, 2014

Time Flies!!

Okay, so I think I left off at Friday!  I cant believe I let 4 whole days go by without updating, haha!  I'm sure you were all dying with suspense in wondering what the heck the Parrish's have been up to! ;)  Well let me tell ya...

Friday, mom did a wreath making class for Jill Lemieux and a couple of her friends, so I was sort of on stand by if I needed to come help or not.  If I come, so comes Jace and Kyndal and as cute as they are, they aren't a whole lot of help with wreath making!!  #shocking #duh   Dad came over to go to the mall with the kids and mom called a little before he got there saying for me to run by there and do some decomesh before we left for the mall.  So when dad got here we went there and I whipped a few wreaths together!!  It was fun!  I love that kind of stuff!  They all said they loved the way it looked, so that always makes me happy too!  I wish I would have taken a few pics of the wreaths! :(  bummer!

After we left mom and dads house, dad and me and the kids headed to Quail!  We did a few laps around the mall and then had some lunch.  Dad and I share the same gift of sarcasm, so we always have a great time! :)  My husband doesn't appreciate my sarcasm quite as much as some might, so I have to watch it with him!  So when we got done at the mall we headed back to my house and then kinda looked around at a few houses here and there and the kids were napping so we were just wasting time really.  When we got home dad had to head onward so I stayed in the car with the kids til they woke up..which didn't take long.  We watched Umizoomi until Josh got home with Triston and Carter, which again didn't take too long.  We got the boys' homework done and took it easy until bedtime. 

Saturday rolled around and we did the normal morning thing.  Josh ended up taking Triston and Carter to Ardmore to fish and shoot some guns because he had a job to do down there.  So they went down there to have some fun before going to the job.  Carter was the only one who caught a fish.  Triston built a "fort" out of twigs and branches and they all shot guns and did a lot of that fun outdoor crap! LOL! 

Meanwhile, back at home, I took the kids over to moms because Jill and the girls came over to work on their wreaths again.  So we did a lot of that and had Judges for lunch and Bill Lemieux came over to chat with dad.  We all watched the OU vs Texas game...ou won :(   I ended up leaving with Jace and Kyndal around 3:30 and Jace fell asleep in the car, so we took it easy in the car and chilled.  I facebooked and dozed off here and there and then when they woke up we got out and went inside to play!  I put the kids in their pins and then I showered and got ready to go to Pelicans with mom, dad, Bill and Jill.  It was delicious and a great time.  Bill talked about taking Jill to Phantom of the Opera and how it was dreadful!  HAHA!!  I almost spit my drink out because he was so funny talking about it, haha!  He feels pretty similar to the way I feel about opera, LOL!  #stupid #wasteoftime

Josh didn't end up getting home until 10ish and he and the boys were worn out!!!  Two boys headed directly for bed!  Jace and Kyndal were already asleep.  So Josh and I watched the news and then headed to bed ourselves.

Sunday, my favorite day of the week!!!  We got up and went to church in Midwest City!  I do not like the Midwest City campus as much as I used to.  If daddy didn't greet there, there is no possible way I would ever go back!  Since Dameon left it has gone downhill.  It is so irritating that they shut the curtains around the back seating area until like 1 minute before the service.  Like, are we TRYING to have no room for people to come sit down?!?!  #ignorance  We were a tad late this week, fortunately we got there in time to get a seat tho!!  They have also removed several rows of seating.  I do not get it.  seems to me like they are trying to make people NOT come there.  HOW DUMB!  I know the point is to get people to move closer to the front, but seriously, WHY???  There are no live recordings from the Midwest City campus!!  cmon now!  I do not like being annoyed with the church because I LOVE, but it is so irritating that they are doin things like that with the seating.  A couple weeks back we were in our seats and it was pretty close to full and a lady walked in carrying a baby carrier and she couldn't find a seat!!!!  RIDICULOUS!!!!  I was so annoyed.  #why #whatisthepoint

Mom took Jace from church and they napped him and then Babaw and Grandad came over around 3:00 so I took miss Kyndal over to see them.  We went down to see Prissy with granddad but sadly she wasn't out.  Jace showed granddad how he could be "dangerous" and how he waved all the American flags!  lol!  Hes a cutie!  When we got back home we took the kids out to swing.  Kyndal loves swinging, especially if Jace is out there with her.  Mom was needing to leave to go to Tulsa around 5, so we were hoping babaw and granddad would leave at a reasonable hour.  Thankfully, they did!  I left shortly after they left and I came home to pick up Josh, Triston, and Carter to go have some dinner at Chequers.  It was delicious!  I had been wanting their fetuccini alfredo for a while.  Our waitress was great and she even complimented the kids, so that always makes me feel good :) 

When we got home, Triston and Carter took showers and I got Jace and Kyndal ready for bed.  As I was getting Jace ready for bed, Kyndal started using her little walker toy thing.  She is so close to walking on her own.  She will be doing it in no time, I'm sure!  Makes me happy....and sad!  I LOVE babies, so it makes me sad that I don't really have a "baby" any longer :(  But here is a pic...isn't she cute?! :)

So now, for today!  (this may be the longest blog I have written to date, just fyi)  Today is Monday!  Mom had to go pick Lindsey up from the airport last night, so she was in Tulsa this morning.  I got up and took Triston and Carter to school and met Melanie so that she and I could go to Sams to get stuff for the Fall Festival.  It was lots of fun!  She was so nice and she helped a lot with Jace and Kyndal!  So we bought a few different food type prizes there and some suckers for our booth (the Lollipop Pull)  I ended up spending $83.48 on random stuff.  I'm trying to stay under budget, which is $100/class and we are combining classes, so we technically have $200.  SURELY we wont need THAT much!! 

Anyways, after that I came home and kinda just waited on mom to get home.  Josh called me, he was playing in the CHA golf tournament, and he said they got rained out.  They had played 7 holes and they ended up calling it to reschedule.  Bummer!!!  It sounded like they had a decent time. 

I went and picked mom up from her house and we went to Hobby Lobby to get some more random Fall Festival stuff.  I needed butcher paper for when my dear sister comes to town on Friday.  I need her artistic abilities to write several different things on it.  So Lindsey, I have the paper and I am ready for ya ;) 

Later, some of dads family came to their house for dinner.  It was delicious!  Having Jace and Kyndal there sometimes makes it hard to socialize too much, HOWEVER, I talked to Marilyn for a few minutes.  Her new daughter-in-law is a nurse, actually an ICU DALLAS!!  Where the EBOLA thing is going on.  NOT COOL!!!!!  In fact, to make matters worse, she works at a hospital about 20 minutes away from the hospital the guy died at and where the NURSE now has it!!!!  HOLY CRAP!!!!  I had not even thought of her!!  SO SCARY!!  Marilyn said she is concerned and so are they!  They have told her she should quit, because she is also working another job in a physicians office.  She likes the critical care part, but she doesn't want to have to treat anyone with ebola.  #scary #terrifying  But hopefully this ebola nonsense will be over the whole sars scare was!  Either that, or its the end times...CMON Jesus, come get us!!!

After dinner with the fam, we took Jace and Kyndal out to swing.  Jace hadn't had a nap all day, so he was a little crabby, but he did fairly well!  Also, I fixed Kyndals hair for the first time!!  OMG it was so cute!  I put it in a little high up pony tail on the top of her head and put a bow on it!  SOOOO stinking adorable!!!!  :) 

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1 comment:

  1. How great are T&C in their cowboy boots!? I love the last pic of you with both kids swinging - why are these not on FB? lol And Missy K pushing her stroller = preciously cute! And the one of Jaceman watching TV looking all casual with his sunglasses cracks me up... you can totally replicate that when he's in high school with him standing by a real fence - it'd be a cute side-by-side shot. =) ...Also, I wish I'd been there for the Bill and Jill convo - he always cracks me up!!
