Monday, October 6, 2014

Two Days Pass Awful Fast!

When i started back to blogging i told myself i should just sit down and do it every other night.  that way i wont forget (because i have the memory of a....well whatever has a really bad memory, lol)  anyway, i have actually stuck to it pretty well so far!  GO ME! 

Sunday, Sunday!  i LOVE sundays!!  We got all the kids up and got ready for church!  i had us all dress in coordinating pink clothes...i hate that i didnt get a pic!  #sad #weweresocute  Brooke and Chris met us up there!  we went to midwest city this week #YAY so they had to drive a little bit and they ended up being a little late.  we were already sitting down when they got there.  then after the service, we all went and ate lunch at Pelicans!  Jace has been "roaring" like a tiger quite a bit lately, so he was doing that quite often.  and its quite funny, if he does it then almost always Kyndal will follow and roar herself!  its so cute!  i need to get a video of it!  Kyndal is the worst to try to video though, because when she sees you get your phone she is distracted by wanting to hold the phone.  #nokyndalno 

when we got home we took a quick nap before getting ready to go to the Walsh's house for a "fun" afternoon of fishing and cooking out and kayaking and various outdoor activities.  The walsh family goes to CHA (their dad is actually Rebecca Walshs brother #smallworld) but they have William, who is Tristons age, Nathaniel, who is Carters age, and then twin girls, Caroline and Madeline, who happen to be Jaces age!  CRAZY!  But they are country people in every way!  Katy is their mom and she is very nice and such a hard worker!  its amazing what all she does.  they have chickens, cows, goats, horses, all that stuff!  the boys LOVED fishing and they ended up going kayaking too!  i took kyndal and her being the mommas girl she is, she wouldnt let anyone else hold her.  so i stayed for a little while but my arm started BREAKING and so i told them i was going to take kyndal to moms and come back.  the truth was, I AM A CITY GIRL!!!!!!  i do not enjoy the country or the outdoors or fishing or any of that crap!  i dont like it.  and i especially dont like it when i am holding my daughter on my hip and she isnt old enough to walk or do anything on her own yet.  #notthatfun  Josh ended up catching a pretty good size fish while they were there and he sent me a pic of it.  he pulled it to the bank of the pond so his line wouldnt break and he said Nathaniel just manhandled it and held it down and took the hook out of its mouth...he said he was crazy good at it!  i guess thats not the first fish nathaniel has caught. #countryboy

so i came on home and hung out with jace and kyndal!  we had dinner and took a walk and watched some umizoomi until dad and the boys got home!  jace always loves to sit in my lap while we watch tv, so at one point he was sitting with me and kyndal came over and wanted to sit up with us and so i picked her up too!  i tried to get a quick selfie of the 3 of us.  is it too much to ask for both kids to smile at the same time for a picture??!?!  i took several and i got a good one of kyndal smiling and a good one of jace smiling...not a single one of them even both looking at the camera. 

Now, for Monday, which is today!  i got up to help josh get the boys ready for school and got jace and kyndal up and their diapers changed and their clothes on and all that fun stuff!  then jace wanted me to sit and watch tv with him again.  i love that he wants me to, but i have so much to do in the mornings it feels like.  i wondered in my head this morning, whether anything else i do is as important as being with jace when he wants me to.  i dont know.  my usual routine in the morning consists of getting the kids up, diapers changed, clothes on, breakfast fed, juice/water in their cups, and then i go to read my Bible for a few minutes (while they are in their pens) and then i usually do a little laundry or clean up around the house or a few random things before i sit down in the living room to play with them.  so i feel like that is all pertinent things that i need to get done as well, but does it mean more to jace for me to sit and watch tv with him while i need to be getting the laundry done or things of that sort?  i could go on and on with the back and forth that goes on in my head on this subject.  you always read on pinterest "10 things to do to be a better mom" or "99 fun activities to do with your kids" or annoying things like that.  yet my arguement is spend time with them and that is really all they need.  they dont NEED activities or presents or money to be spent on them, they need ME!!!  okay, im done on that one. 

So i went and picked up mom and we went to CHA so i could copy my letter for the Fall Festival sign-ups and get it sent out.  i was in my exercise pants and i wasnt really thinking i would see many people, however, (as it usually goes when you are thinking that) i saw pretty much EVERYONE!!  the boys were in the cafeteria eating lunch and so were all the teachers, so i had to walk in there in my tight pants and all.  #embarrassing  i could just feel Mrs. Garner eyeing me and wondering why i would come dressed like that.  i asked myself 1000 times thru my short time in the cafeteria with them, WHY DIDNT I PUT JEANS ON?!?!??  oh well.  not the worst thing in the world, i suppose.  at least i HAD pants on.

After that, we did the usual.  our trip to the mall for me to walk and jace to play and then us all to have lunch.  We got jace a couple Disney dvds while we were there too!  he watched Mickey the whole way home--and didnt nap!  Maybe he is just one of those kids who doesnt get too tired.  seems like he has been missing his naps more and more frequently.  he may just be a big ball of energy and not need to get any extra sleep.  #ihopenotthough

i dropped mom and jace off at her house and i came home to get a few things done.  while kyndal and i were at the house, she was soooo super sweet!  she was giving me lots of hugs and lots of kisses!  so needless to say, i got a few pics! :)  i love that girl!!!  then we went back to moms house!  when we got there, we waited on "Bampa" for a couple minutes and when he got there, we all went on our walk around the block.

of course jace had to go see "kissy" aka Prissy!  she always licks jaces face and it makes me crazy...YUCK!!

Jace was walking along the curb and saw the drainage ditch area and just goes "uhhh ohhhhhhhhhh..." and just looked up at me, like what happened here??  made me laugh!

And he saw the full moon and kept talking to it!  "full moon, you want to go see kissy?"  "hey full moon, i gave kissy kisses"  things like that!  "hey full moon, im being dangerous!" which is what we say he is being when he walks on the curb, haha!  

then we got home and gave jace and kyndal a bath and ate our pizza and off we went!

now, theyre in bed and all is quiet!  so i will head on to watch the news now that were all caught up here! :)  talk to you in two days!! 
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1 comment:

  1. "Hey full moon, I'm being dangerous!" might be my new favorite Jaceman quote! lol Cuteness!!

    Also, as soon as you put "fun" in quotes, I got cracked up! #indoorgirl #iknowwhaticefishingis :)
