Monday, October 27, 2014

Sunday Funday!

Sunday began as usual, getting up and getting ready for church.  We went to the northwest campus this week to meet up with Brooke and Chris.  I love the NW campus much better anyway!  I just HATE not going with my just doesn't feel right to not be with them at church!!  It was the first message in the series "Love Song" which is about Song of Solomon.  It was a really good message.  There is always room for improvement in any marriage.  Always good to hear different perspectives and ways to do better.  Josh ordered Craigs new book, From This Day Forward and I started reading that just last night!  It is really good.  Similar to the series he did at church, but very good! 

After church we went to Macaroni Grill with Chris and Brooke.  I always enjoy going with them!  Then we headed home.  We dropped Jace of at mom and dads and then went home to do naps with the kids.  We took it easy for a little bit and Josh worked outside on random stuff and I colored another one of the banners Linds made for the Fall Festival.  Then Joshs mom came by around 3:30.  She got a new car, so we all took a ride around the block in it.  Mom brought Jace on home while she was still here because she hadnt seen him in quite a while.  Then after she left, we all got ready and went up to Pelicans with my mom and dad for dinner.  Kyndal was SOOOO CUTE at Pelicans.  She was playing peek-a-boo with anyone who would play it with her and being so sweet!!  I put a video and a couple pics on here because it was awesome!! 

After that, it was home and to bed they went.  Jace and I have been reading our book every night and then praying.  I cant wait til he gets in the habit of it! :)  I also found out that Brooke is having Masons first birthday party on November 9th at 2:00 and Denisha is having Fielders third birthday party aaaaaaat..............................YEP you guessed it, November 9th at 2:00!!!  WHAT IN THE WORLD!?!?!  That is a SUNDAY for cryin out loud!!!  Seriously, what are the odds that two of the people that I feel VERY obligated to would have their kids birthdays on the EXACT same day at the EXACT same time?!?!  UGH!!!!  I don't know what to do.  :(  Made me want to cry...

Monday everyone was up early for school.  All the kids are always so happy in the mornings it makes it hard to be grumpy when you didn't get enough sleep, LOL!  Josh took the boys to school and Jace got to go too, which he LOVES!!  He loves being with his brothers!  and they love him :)  When they got home, he watched Umizoomi while I finished getting ready and then he played around with Josh for a little bit. 

When mom got here, we packed up and headed up to Hemispheres up by Quail Springs.  It was WONDERFUL!!!  They had so much pretty stuff.  Specifically, they had a rug that I really loved.  It was super soft and plush, it would look lovely in my living room, LOL!  After that, Jace was dying to go to the mall, so we headed there.  We had some lunch and then looked around at Von Maur and The Childrens Place and a few other places for outfits for the kids to wear in the pictures we are going to take in the next couple of weeks!  I love taking family husband....not so much!  LOL!  To me, its always worth it when you see the cute ones that come out!  We are taking them so we can have a pic for our Christmas cards this year!  Josh always suffers thru and puts up with it...Just for me! ;)  Kyndal ended up falling asleep in her stroller in the mall after fussing LIKE CRAZY!!!  She sleeps in such weird ways :):)

We got home and mom came in and we put together the outfits to see what we thought.  They will look great! :)  Jace and Kyndal were playing around and they "trapped" themselves in Joshs office.  It was so cute.  Jace knew they could get out, but Kyndal wasn't so sure, LOL!  Then mom took Jace and I cleaned up around the house and did a little laundry before Josh got home.  When he came home, he was having to leave pretty quick to get Chris up to meet Brooke.  He and Don had a little squabble, so I ended up going with him so that I could hear about everything from Josh.  Then we had some dinner at Santa Fe and went to pick up Jace.  Came home and got the kids down and now im blogging! :) 
I need to do another like Top 10 list or something else a little more interesting than just my day to day life.  I know that is interesting and all, but I know something else could be a little better!  any ideas would be lovely! ;)
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