Saturday, October 4, 2014

Lots of Stuff...

Well its only been 2 days, but it seems like so much has happened.  my apologies if this is a bit lengthy!  Yesterday was Friday!  yay for that!  a busy friday it was!

We started the day off with a wonderful walk, josh, kyndal, jace and me!

we not only saw the trash truck, but we saw the recycling truck, plus TWO dump trucks--which are jaces favorite because there is a "dump truck" on umizoomi that laughs funny, so jace does the laugh when he sees one :)  i took a few pics of the awesome trucks and then i was trying to get one of me and the kids and they were both so interested in the trucks that we got a pic of the back of their heads, lol!  but i have been trying to take more pictures lately, since ive started this blogging endevour.  i LOVE pictures, i just seem to never take them when they could be so cute.  so i have been trying to pay better attention to good photo ops.  :) 

After our lovely walk, we got ready and me and jace headed over to see Denisha and Fielder.  we went to their house, which is beautiful!!  and jace had a BLAST!!!  their upstairs is basically just a huge play area that is not exactly all finished yet, but that makes it better because there is nothing for jace to hurt, lol!  they also played down in fielders room and jace played basketball for quite a while!  Denisha and i got to talking at one point and i heard a thud from upstairs and i went in there to find jace had made his way up there, LOL!  oops!!  then i went in to check on him another time and i said "jace what are you doing?"  and he said "i playing baxetball me" lol!  such a sweet boy!!  it took fielder a little bit to want to play because we were at his house and all the toys there are old news to him.  not the same for jace...he was in heaven! 

we went outside to their fort and trampoline and jace loved that too!  he immediately went to the trampoline!

then he wanted to swing, then he wanted to slide, then he started trying to run to their pond in the backyard and i yelled at him to come back bc he scared me!  i thought i was gonna have to run catch him!  YIPES!  then denisha was going to sit down in the chair outside and there was a HUGE brown fuzzy spider on there!!  EWWWWWW!!!!!!!!  it was seriously BIG!!  i thought there was a possibility of it being a baby talkin LARGE yall!!  but she, for some unknown reason, wanted to kill it.  so first she moved it with the shovel and so it started crawling all around the chair, YUCK!!  then finally she killed it...then afterwards she and i were both feeling like something was crawling all over us.  i dont like bugs!!

When we left there, we went to pick up mom and kyndal and headed up to Penn Square for my appointment at the Apple store for my silly phone that keeps shutting off when i need it the most. #annoying #ihatetechnology  i went in to see if there was any way they could get me in a little early and of course there wasnt...shocker!  so we went and had some lunch then i headed down tehre for my 1:40 appt!  the guy who helped me was so nice, but it took FOREVER!!!!  he said my battery was swollen...weird....must be all the times ive hit it on the floor and stuff?  lol!  but i got a replacement phone, so woohoo!  i finally got out of there at 2:47...ridiculous???  i think so!!! 

From there we headed back home!  i got ready for the gym real quick and then took mom, jace and kyndal to her house and dropped them off and headed up for my interval training class and my spin class!  i like the interval training, i think it could be really beneficial strength training, so i am going to keep doing that.  the spin class was easier the second time, just like zumba.  however, the hardness of the seat does mess with my back, which i do not appreciate.  im going to persevere.  the instructor, Rachael, said that she is up for doing a class on monday mornings at 630 and so i think angela and i are going to go to it this monday.  i am not 100% sure yet, because i dont know what the scoop for jace and kyndal will be, but hopefully i will be able to.  even though waking up that early sucks, i like getting it all over with and being able to go about your day!!  we shall see!

As for today, Saturday, the morning started out pretty easy.  Josh took Jace and Carter to the grocery store with him to pick up a few things for the weekend.  He had to get a present for Nate's party that we were going to at 2 #procrastination  We had lunch when they got home and then started getting ready to go to the party.

When we got there, the boys immediately went to play with all their buddies and kyndal and i were left to chat it up.

the party was actually at Meri Echols' house.  she is now married to a guy who used to work at kona ranch with ty and them, named john warren.  #smallworld #weird  but i saw kristen "cox" echols there also.  she didnt recognize me, but when i told her who i was she kinda remembered me from way back when!  i am the youngest of all the alumni parents in both triston and carters classes.  After they cut the cookie cake i told the boys it was time to go--this is after an hour and a half there--i had paid my dues.  so of course triston and carter start in saying "we didnt even get to see him open presents..." "can we wait?"  "can we stay a little bit longer?"  "can i go get a drink?"  lol, so i sit there shooting down every question they ask...made me feel like a mean mom, lol! 

After all that, we got home and decided to go for a walk before i showered.  so the boys rode their bikes and i pushed the stroller around the block.  i love our little walks so much!  then triston was pushing his bike and jace was DYING to try to ride it.  so josh said "let him give it a try" so i helped him up on it and he rode for a little second and got off.  then he wanted to run with me, then he wanted to get back on the bike.  so i got him back on it again and josh gave him a little shove so he could try to peddle but turned out he decided to get off at the same time and down he went.  the bike tipped and he fell and he hit his head on the concrete.  #notcool  i was worried, of course, but i picked him up for a second and he was trying to get down to "run" already!  so needless to say, he wasnt hurt.  i am so thankful he is so tough!  sometimes its amazing how he NEVER cries.  kyndal is turning out to be quite tough her own self.  she better be...she is gonna have to hold her own with all her brothers!!  but anyway, jaces forehead and eye kinda got a little swollen but nothing bad, thank goodness, so i called mom to double check but dad just said to watch him for a couple hours and make sure hes acting normal and then were good!  so all was well :) 

when we got home, i showered as josh cooked dinner #awesome  he cooked a great meal too!  baked chicken with pastaroni and rice! YUM!  We had a nice family dinner!  after that i made cookies for tomorrows trip to go fishing at the Walsh's house!  hopefully that will be fun.  #ehhh  i am not much of a fisherman if you didnt know.  so we will see.  i am taking my own car so i can leave when i want #assoonasigetthere

Josh played with jace for quite a while in the living room, while i was finishing up the cookies and waiting on bedtime!  Jace LOVED it!  he was laughing pretty much nonstop and so was josh!  it was great! :)  Jace is such a daredevil!  he will do anything that is in any way dangerous!  i dont usually have too much of a problem with it, but sometimes i have to turn my eyes and hope for the best, LOL!  anyhow, i got done with the cookies and now the kids are in bed and im writing this long blog!  what a great end to a great saturday! :)

that is all for now!!
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