Thursday, October 23, 2014

Life is Good...

So yesterday (Wednesday) was a pretty busy day for us!  It started pretty normal though.  The kids got up and I got them dressed and watched an UmiZoomi.  Then I got them outta their pins and we started playing.  Ya know how people always say kids play with the box their toys come in as opposed to the actual toy?  Well, that holds true for Jace!  I had a box from something I got in the mail and he and Kyndal both enjoyed playing with that quite a bit!  Crazy Kid!!

Anyhow, after all the playing, I got the kids loaded up and mom got there and we headed out for the day!  We headed up to Penn Square and had some lunch and looked around a bit.  We got a couple outfits to take Christmas pictures in and looked at some pretty bedspreads and Jace loved looking at the reindeer!!  lol!  So when we left there, Jace and Kyndal fell asleep, so we drove for a little while then wound up at Hobby Lobby!!  lol!  Earlier Denisha texted me and said she had seen a wreath I had made and that I MUST make one for her!! :)  Of course, I told her I would be happy to!  She said she wanted it massive, so we went and got a couple BIG wreath forms and a few random things to make them! 

After that, we headed to pick up Triston and Carter and take them home!  While I was there, I talked to Mrs. Fowler and she had their "lollipop plate pictures" ready to go! :)  So I picked those up and I was really impressed with how well the kids had colored them!  I cant wait to get it all put up for the big day! :)  These are my favorites! :)

Then we headed back to my house!  Josh was there and was working hard on making our front porch look pretty!  He got a HUGE mum and some pumpkins and hay bails and just some cute fall décor!  I was so happy he did that!  He set it all up and was like "Soooo, i need you to fix this!" :) it made me happy!!  He did really good, but mom and I kinda rearranged a little bit and it looks fantastic...SEE!

So after all that, I hurried and scurried and got all the kids' stuff rounded up and went to moms to drop them off and went to my hair appointment at 5!  I got new extensions in my hair which takes quite a while!  I knew i was in for a long night, but when Crystal was running 30 minutes behind, I was not thrilled.  I didn't end up getting out of there until 10:00!  I jetted to mom and dads and grabbed the kiddos and headed home to try to get the down asap and go to bed my own self!!  Kyndal was out when I picked her up, so she was easy.  Jace on the other hand.  NOT easy!  He was so cranky and mad and was bad.  I was trying to relax and telling myself hes SUPER tired, but man I was getting frustrated with the kid.  But he finally went down!  and then I followed! :)

Then Thursday morning rolls around and I wake up feeling like I got virtually no sleep.  Which I kinda didnt, because when Jace and Kyndal get that off schedule, they tend to not do well.  They can be TOO tired to sleep right and that creates a mess too!  and that was the case last night.  But I made it thru ;)  So, Thursday morning it was the Homeroom Mom Meeting up at school at 8:30.  So I got up early and got the kids up and around and all dressed.  Josh took Triston and Carter because I had to go pick up mom so she could hang with Jace and Kyndal while I went to the meeting real quick.  It was definitely the quickest one yet.  It didn't last too long at all!  I got the Fall Festival info and money and asked a few questions and we were on our way!  I am ready for this shin-dig to be over with though!  It will be here soon!  November 6th at 5:30!  Lets just hope all goes as planned and itll be great!! 

After the meeting, we headed to Hobby Lobby to grab some more stuff.  We went to the one on the south side because I wanted to go by The Boutique afterwards to see if they had any Christmas stuff out for Kyndal.  So we grabbed some ribbon and such for Denishas wreaths and then headed out.  I grabbed McDonalds for lunch on the way to The Boutique and then, we freakin get there and they are CLOSED for the stupid Affair of the Heart!!!  OMG!!  ANNOY ME!!  So we decided time to go home and work on the wreaths.  It was only 1130ish and as we were driving home both the kids fell asleep.  Talk about some tired little people.  So they got their naps in and we drove to my house and I did a quick inventory of all the decomesh I had and what I might need for her wreaths.  Of course, i needed some stuff, so since the kids were asleep, off we went BACK to Hobby Lobby!!  hahaha!  I exchanged lots of stuff while we were there, so it was a really beneficial trip! :) 

I took Kyndal in with me because she was awake and we got to an aisle with so many cute hats!  I HAD to try some on her! :)  Isnt she the CUTEST!?!?!  She was tellin everyone "Hi" again!  Makes me happy!!

So we did the exchange and I got all my stuff for free this time :)  AND even got $19.22 back because of all the junk i returned, LOL!  Yes, we go to Hobby Lobby too much!  But it sure is fun!  Then i got outside and I put Kyndal in the car and was walking around to the drivers side and I saw several Midwest City Policemen over leaving Mazzios, so I looked real close at them to see if I knew any of them and I didn't see any.  Then I looked over and saw John was waving at me tryin to say hey!  So i walked over there to chat with him for a little bit.  We talked about Josh and the cameras he had put in for him and he acutally caught a coyote eating one of his chickens, so he was really happy with the quality of the cameras!  Anywho, the point of this story is, when I got back to the car, mom was like Oh my goodness, I had no clue where you went.  You were walking around and you never made it here!  I felt terrible!!!  She said she wondered if I had passed out behind the car or something.  Soooo WOOPS!!!!!!  I am sorry mom!! :(  I had no clue she didn't watch me walk over there to talk to them!!! 

So we headed home and I started working on Denishas wreath and then I started wondering if it was going to be too big.  So I decided we better pause and wait to see how big her front doors are!  So we stopped...its not close to all done, but it is already looking pretty great!  Mom took Jace to her house for a bit so Kyndal and I could catch a quick nap.  And we did just that!  It was nice!  Kyndal was as tired as was I!  So we napped for a bit and when Josh got home, I woke Kyndal up, and BOY was she crabby!!!!  Nothing suited that girl!  I had to pretty much just let her get over it because I tried helpin her out, but it never worked!  I made some tortellini and heated up the lasagna rolls from the other night for us for dinner.  Then we went on a walk and when Jace got home, we got the kids in bed and now I am about ready to be done with my day!!  What a lovely couple of days weve had!! :)  Life is perfect!!!

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1 comment:

  1. Seriously, I can't even handle the snowman hat pic! So freaking cute!! =)
    Glad y'all have had a good week!!
