Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hangin with Bampa-- :)

So Monday mom had to go to Pat Moores funeral in Channing, Texas and dad came over to help me out with the kiddos and we all went to Quail Springs!  We did two laps around the mall and then went to have some lunch.  It was pretty much the usual mall outing.  then when we got home, dad played "get me" with Jace for a little bit and i helped kyndal run back and forth with them a few times.  she did REALLY good.  she is going to be walking in no time!  she thought it was so fun too! 

then we played in the chair in jaces room and rocked back and forth...thats the first time weve played that game since Kyndal fell over the side of the chair.  they loved it!!  after dad left it wasnt long before josh got home!  then he had to get cleaned up and head up to the school for parent teacher conference with Mrs. Chapman!  she said Carter is doing GREAT!!  i am so happy for him! :) 

i made some green beans for dinner and got jace chickfila and me a cookie parfait...which is the most delicious thing at chickfila, in case you werent aware! ;)  then we went on a walk and played outside til time for bed.  i cant wait for kyndal to be able to walk!  she wants to do so much and always wants to participate with jace but its hard for her to have to crawl over the ground outside.  i know she will soon though!!!

This morning we all went on another walk, which i LOVE!!!!  i love those walks early in the morning!  theyre perfect!  the weather is perfect!  we get to usually see the geese!  on fridays we get to see the trash truck!  its just all around GREAT!!  i am so happy josh goes with us! 

after that, when mom got here, we left for Sooner mall!  the mall has been a pretty go-to spot for us, because i get to get some walking in there while the kids are occupied in their strollers or playing!  mom let jace play in the play area today!  then when i got done i took kyndal over there and let her join him for a bit!  after that, we had lunch and it was the mall as usual! :) 

from there we headed to Target and picked up a few random things that we both needed!  there we decided to have dinner at mom and dads so we got stuff for spaghetti!  later when i got to mom and dads, josh wasnt there quite yet, so we (me, dad, jace and kyndal) all took a walk to go see "kissy" aka prissy, the neighbors dog!  jace was so excited that she was out and she gave him lots of kisses!  then we headed back to their house for dinner and showers! 

now were home and all the kids are in bed and ready to relax for a few short hours before bed time and then doing it all over again!!  wouldnt trade it for ANYthing!!! 

tomorrow i am going to walk at the school after drop off with denisha and then mom and i get to keep diesel for kristin so she can go to her father in laws funeral!  should be a fun day!!
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