Friday, September 19, 2014

God is So Awesome :)

Hey kids! :)  Ill just hop right in!  So yesterday, Kyndal and I went to the State Fair with dad and the State Farm crew!  It was so fun!  Although I didn't get a whole lot to eat I still enjoyed it.  I only had a corn dog and some cookie dough! YUM!  It was all so insanely expensive!  CRAZY!  Dad, Kyndal and I went through all the buildings there and were done with lots of time to spare, so we went to a little "café" there and sat inside because it was so hot and just drank our drinks and talked!  it was a good time! :)  Afterwards, I went to moms and Babaw and Grandad were there finishing up their visit so I got to see them for a little bit then we went back to my house and I napped Jace!  After his nap all he wanted was a "blue icee from Target!!"  so off we went! :)  While we were out we grabbed some Chickfila for dinner too! 

So later, as I was laying down to go to bed I got freaked out and scared and kept hearing things making me afraid, so I prayed and prayed about God not giving me a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind and saying greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world and so I was able to fall asleep finally and be fine.  however, about an hour later, Jace wakes up SCREAMING and crying.  it was NOT a typical cry, it was a terrified cry, so I ran in to his room to see what was going on.  I picked him up when I got in there and held him and rocked him for a few minutes until I heard Kyndal crying too.  (Great.)  so I went to put him back in his crib and he FOUGHT ME SO HARD for all he was worth.  He pushed his feet against the edge of his crib and just said "NO!! NO!! NO!!!"  so there was NO WAY I was going to do that to him!  so I took him in the living room and had to wake josh up and told him I needed help and I needed him to get Kyndal for me because I had to handle Jace.  So Jace and I went back to his room and I sat in the chair to rock him back to sleep and I started praying for God to get the spirit of fear off of my son and pleading with God to give him a sound mind, a spirit of love, a spirit of peace and all that.  I was basically praying and begging God to give my son peace for about 5 minutes.  (I really didn't want to have to sleep in the chair with him because of him being so scared...and trust me, that's happened before!!)  So anyhow, I was praying, praying, praying and then finally I decided to give it a try and see if he would go in his crib, and.......HE DID!!!  Not only did he go down in his crib, he didn't fuss, or even whine or say a single word.  He was a completely different boy from the one from 5 minutes ago!!!  It was awesome!!!  I was so excited!!  I walked outta the room thanking God so much because I knew it was all HIM!!  I was pretty much in awe!!  That is the fastest I have ever seen God work! :)  So I was able to go lay back down instead of sleeping the whole night in the rocking chair and I was very happy about that!! :)

Friday morning Jace and I went to Sooner Mall with Denesha and Fielder Bryan!  She is the homeroom mom for Carters class and Fielder and Jace are the same age and they played and had so much fun!  
So did I!  I really like Denesha and she is hilarious!  I enjoyed it a lot and I was hoping they had fun too!  then after we left, she sent me a text saying it was really fun, which made me happy! :)  She and I are going to walk after we drop the kids off on Wednesdays, so im excited for that too!  then afterwards, jace and I went back to moms house and picked up her and Kyndal and headed to get Jace another blue icee from Target! :)  The majority of that evening I spent at mom and dads house painting, or I guess "glazing" the cabinets!  I am really liking the way it is turning out!!!  so woohoo for that!  Josh came there after he got off work and daddy brought Chequers home for dinner for us all!  it was a lovely evening had by all :)

Well, that's about all I have to report on!  This weekend we will not have Triston and Carter so I am not really sure what we are going to do!  Hopefully itll be fun though!  catch ya lata!!
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