Sunday, September 14, 2014

Weekend Update

well we had a lovely weekend here at the Parrish household!  it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL weather so we got to be outside quite a bit!  Carter had "Freddy the Frog" and he was supposed to take him everywhere we went thru the weekend...whiiiiich didn't work out so well.  we took him to Lifegroup on Sunday night and that's about it.  lol! 

Friday night my dear sister came to town, so we all had steak at mom and dads house that night.  Charlene came to join us.  it was pretty close to mass chaos the entire time, but it was still fun!!  I always wish I would have more time to talk to Lindsey when she comes to town, but it rarely seems to work out like that.  (and im not just sayin that bc you read my blog!!)  but after dinner, all my three boys took a shower back in mom and dads big shower, which they all think is so awesome.  then when that was done, it was time for cake and ice cream, then time to go home and go night night! 

then on Saturday there was a party for Carters class.  it was an ice cream social and it was hosted by the Bryan family.  Carters whole class was invited and they all ended up showing up and most came with their siblings as well.  it was great meeting all the parents of the kids in carters class and getting to know them better.  I want to do that same thing for the boys next year.  it is nice to know the kids in their classes and know who their parents are.  

Mrs. Chapman came too!  we love her!  she is the best.  God truly put Carter in her class this year for a great reason.  Triston was in Mrs. Garners' kindergarten class last year and she is a wonderful teacher as well.  she is very structured, which triston thrived on, HOWEVER, carter is not the same.  Mrs. Chapman is very patient and gives a few extra chances if they are needed sometimes.  she is the perfect teacher for Carter!  Anyhow, after the party we went to pick jace and kyndal up from mom and dads then we grabbed a quick bite for dinner at chilis.  afterwards, it was so nice outside that we strolled around the shopping area over on 29th.  also, I found out today that they are building an OLD NAVY over there!!!  I am so excited!!!!  cant wait! :)

now, on to sunday, we got up and got ready for church, which is always an event in itself. then we went to church and met brooke, chris, mom, Lindsey, dad and Charlene there.  it was a great message on #struggles about how we miss out on whats MOST important and that is what is RIGHT IN FRONT OF US all because we are on facebook or on instagram or just on our phones in general.  I already don't allow the use of cell phones (or any electronics) anytime we are eating a meal together. (much to the boys' dismay) but I explained it to them last night at Chilis and I showed them a family at a different table and showed them the 2 boys playing on their phones and the mom and dad just talking to each other and I told them the mom and dad will NEVER get that time back with their kids.  and I also told them that I didn't want to regret letting them be on their phones all the time and missing out on hearing about their day, or what they did at the party, or random thoughts going thru their heads.  yes, I am guilty of letting jace watch umizoomi or mickey at the lunch/dinner table sometimes, but that's only to keep him occupied and not yelling or making a scene.  when he gets a little older that is out of the question for him also.  anyhow, don't know how I got off on that rabbit trail!  but church was wonderful, as always, and afterwards we went to Ted's Café Escondido.  it was delish!  brooke, chris, mason, Charlene, linds, mom and dad all came with us.  I had a great convo with Charlene after we got done eating and she told me how I was doing great with jace and all the kids and how she knows its hard and she just complimented me and was very nice!  I loved and appreciated that more than she will know!  it always feels good to hear that you are doing good with your children.  bc I always see what I feel like is bad behavior or what I feel is wrong, so its good to know that other people aren't as hard on my kids as I am!!  then we went to lifegroup at the cordrays sunday night!  josh went for the first time and it was my second time to go.  he enjoyed it a lot, which is great and I like it a lot too!  im happy to be getting back in to a lifegroup again!! :) 

but that pretty much sums up my weekend!  now I am caught up on here and off to finish up some reading!!!  have a great night! :)
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1 comment:

  1. Aww, I wish that too! :) And I didn't hear the conversation, but I'm sure I agree with Charlene!

    Happy you're back to blogging - I hope you stick with it! And yay for y'all joining a new lifegroup!! I hope it works out well! :)
