Thursday, September 25, 2014

Here We Go Again!

OKAY!  So yesterday wasnt all that exciting, but Jace and Kyndal were so sweet to each other in the morning.  I was even able to snap a quick pic of Jace giving Kyndal a kiss!  LOVE!!!

But mom and I went out to Penn Square for lunch and i walked around there for 30 minutes before we ate.  After we left the mall, while the kids were napping, we went to look at the $2 million home in the Parade of Homes and WOW!!  it was quite nice!  i wouldnt mind moving in! :)  Then we went to another house in the "parade" and took the kids in at this one.  They had an upstairs, so of course going up the steps was all Jace wanted to do.  Sooooo, he and I went up of course!  It was quite nice.  There was a nice theater room that was decked out in Thunder stuff.  Jace and I got a pic in there, but you cant really tell anything about the actual room, LOL!

So after we got done there, we ran home to finish Carissa's wreath all quick and in a hurry.  I had to go to Zumba with Angela at 6 and we didnt get home until about 4:15 and i had to finish her wreath and get up to dad's office because he needed me to do something with my log on at the office.  So i left around 5 and dropped Kyndal off with mom and headed to dads office.  I got there and finally got logged on and i had abount 3,000 emails.  LOTS of junk!  So i did what dad needed me to and chatted with him for a quick second, then Angela and i took off for ZUMBA!  Its been a LONG time since we have been, but it was FUN!!  we are going to keep that up!  There is also a spin class on Fridays, so we are going to give that a go tomorrow night!  wish me luck :) 

As for today, i got up bright and early for the Homeroom Mothers meeting.  It was very informative and pretty much ALL about the Fall Festival!  So it lasted quite a while and poor mom was in the car with the kids and im sure they were fresh outta patience by the time we FINALLY finished.  After that Carissa came out to the car to get her wreath and she loved it!!  YAY!!  i was happy she liked it!  then i ran the box tops for Triston and Carter in to their classes and ran around to try to find Coach Kufahl.  he was of course on the third floor....and those stairs are just as annoying as i remembered, LOL!  But he happened to embarrass me just a smidge.  He was very nice though!  he just goes "Rachael...Muecke...Parrish.  Rachael.  Muecke.  She was in 8th grade when i started here and her and her family put on a baby shower at the Muecke home for Maddie before she was born.  she and her family have been a blessing to our family for many years...what can i do for you Rach?"  so i was kind of flustered and i just said "uhhhm so when is a good time for me to come talk with you?"  he said he is off 1st and 2nd hours and so i told him i would try to get up there early some day soon and go over some stuff with him.  i didnt even think to get his email or anything like that (sorry lindsey)  i blame him for making me uncomfortable, LOL!  but anywho, after we got outta the school, we headed up to Quail this time.  i walked again for 30 minutes before we had our lunch and then after lunch we played at the little play area for a little bit.

Jace was, as usual, FEARLESS!!  Made me crazy.  he was jumping off the bridge that was TOO HIGH, but i just let him go!  hes crazy though.  one of the other moms was like "WOW, hes not afraid is he?"  SO TRUE!

then we went down to get my drink refilled and Jace had to ride the purple dump truck, so kyndal and him rode in it.  they seemed to enjoy it, but it didnt last as long as either of them would have preferred.  They both cried when we went back to the elevator.

So then we headed for home and they napped in the car.  i dropped mom off and we came in for a few minutes.  jace played some basketball outside and i painted a few more cabinets inside and dad hung out with kyndal for a minute.   then we came home, picked up Josh and went to Cheddars for a little family dinner.  (i got a caesar salad, wooo)  and after that, we went to Dicks to look around!  Jace loved putting the hats on, Kyndal however, was not amused, haha!  when we got home, we took a walk and then came home to get the kids down and thats that!  another day, another dolla!! :)  thats a wrap!
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1 comment:

  1. Look at you - 7 new posts in 16 days! Impressive!! :) Glad you're getting in a blogging habit. (I'm about ready to get back in to mine!)
    Good luck at spin class tonight!! Lemme know how it goes!
