Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Thank you, PINTEREST!

SOO I am so excited that I found out how to fix my kitchen cabinets!!!  WAHOO for sure!!!  I read about it on, none other than pinterest, and it WORKED!!!!  I used the antiquing glaze, I wiped it on with a towel and then I wiped the "excess" off with another clean towel and it looks awesome!!  it is exactly what I have been going for.  I am thrilled with how it turned out!  what do you think?

Later on, around 2:00 I remembered that I had to send cupcakes to school with Triston Wednesday (the next day) for Constitution Day.  I am nothing if not a last minute QUEEN!  Not good but judge all you want ;) so off to Buy for Less we went.  I got a white cake mix, red and blue food coloring, red and blue gel icing, and white whipped icing (which is bomb, btw)  So I got all that stuff so that I could follow my pinterest idea that I had!  They had made the icing to look kind of like a firework.  adorable, right!?  So I mixed up the cake and then dyed the cupcake batter red and blue, so it would be cute of course!  then I baked them and went to pick up the boys from school, then came back to mom and dads house to finish up!  we had pizza over there for dinner and the boys all played outside while I finished up being Betty Crocker! :)  But all that to say, I am so proud of the way they turned out.  just call me Rachael Ray!  ha!  but the fireworks on top turned out SO CUTE!!  here is proof!

Anyhow, on to a sadder story.  this morning I was playing with Kyndal and Jace rocking them back and forth in the red chair, a game they LOVE!  they always just crack up the whole time and Kyndal always falls back hard and Jace always wants to "fall off" the front edge of the chair.  so anyhow, today my phone rang and I looked down for what couldn't have been more than 2 seconds and Kyndal darted to the side of the chair and went over the arm rest and fell head first down to the floor.  I KNOW!!! AWFUL!!!!  my heart broke.  she looked so helpless.  we both cried.  hard.  I hated it and I cant imagine how she felt!!  needless to say, that game is not happening any more EVER!!  THANK THE LORD that she wasn't seriously injured.  I am so grateful that He had an angel there helping her out when I failed to.  :( 

Today when the boys got home from school Carter was so sad.  I asked him what was wrong and he said he had a bad day!  Josh has a deal going with Triston and Carter both, that if they have 30 good days in a row that he will buy them a Nerf gun that they really want which has appeared to work great because they have both had 2 solid weeks of good days!  SO good for them! :)  however, today Carter got a red dot (had a bad day) because he opened one of the other kids' friends presents.  So he got in trouble from Mrs. Chapman and had to miss some recess time.  He was the most upset about getting the red dot.  Mrs. Chapman told me he was so sad and crying at recess and just so upset about having a bad day.  So anyhow, we came in and sat down for dinner and I let him pray and he asked God to forgive him for it too!  So that was awesome!!!  so josh and I decided to give him grace on this one and let it go and if he continues having good days that this one bad day wont make him not get his Nerf gun!  he was soooo excited! :)  He has truly been doing GREAT!!  it makes me so happy that he is progressing like he is! 

so anyhow, that should have us caught up now!  have a lovely evening!  be back soon! :)
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