Sunday, September 28, 2014

Weekend Update! :)

So we never get to sleep in these days!  i have to say, i wouldnt have minded getting a few extra hours on saturday morning, but at the same time, i wouldnt trade it for anything.  Kyndal is so sweet in the mornings.  i usually bring her in to my bed around 6:00 so that she will sleep for a little while longer.  then when she wakes up for good, she will crawl back and forth from me to Josh giving us kisses and telling us hi--"iiiii-ahhhh" is how she says it.  that prolly wont make sense to anyone who hasnt heard her actually say it, but those of us that have--it makes perfect sense! :)

anywho, after we woke up (around 7ish) i went in to get Jace up and of course triston and carter were already awake too.  (where in the world do kids get their internal alarm clocks???)  but the kids all ate some breakfast while i read my Bible and did a few other "morning" things like get jace and kyndal fed and give them their drinks and random things like that.

after breakfast and a little bit of down time, josh took triston and carter out in the garage to build a shelf for their room!  they LOVED it! :)  while they were doing that i took Jace and Kyndal out back to play.  i kept Kyndal in her pen for a little bit but i eventually let her get out and mess her clothes all up by crawling all around the dirty ground!  i knew they were going to be heck to get all cleaned up, but they had a blast! :) 

so when they got tired of playing outside i took them both in for a bath.  its not the easiest thing giving a toddler and a baby a bath together, but it is doable! :)  Jace LOVED it and Kyndal just splashed her heart out like she always does.  needless to say i was fairly wet when we finally got finished in there!  Jace thought it was a good idea to pour a cup of water on to my pants...i didnt think it was such a good plan :)  but they played for a while in the bath.  when i got them out and got them all dressed again, we headed off to Chickfila to pick up some lunch for the fam!

After lunch time it was nap time for Jace!  However, he ran out of his bottle about 4-5 minutes after he had fallen asleep...which is a recipe for disaster!!  he woke up and REFUSED to go back to sleep again!  so i had him sit in there with me and be quiet (YEAH RIGHT) and just watch Mickey Mouse for a while.  He really actually did pretty well with it!  he watched almost a whole episode with me and he kept asking "are we almost done?"  i tried to doze off here and there, but seemed like anytime i did he would say somethin!  oh well!  the way it goes i guess :)
Brooke came to get Triston and Carter for a birthday party around 5ish and after that we went to dinner at lupes with mom and dad.  When we got home we went for a walk and then got the kids in bed! 
Sunday morning we got everyone up and got ready for church.  we met brooke and chris up at the northwest campus this morning beacuse we had to get the boys back!  we had fazolis for lunch, but mason was really fussy so we kinda all hurried thru our meals and headed out.  dropped jace off at judges with mom and dad so they could nap him and play with him for a while.  i came home and the boys took a nap and josh and i talked for a little while and then i sat down and watched a little of the devil wears prada....what an awful person the boss lady is in that movie.  MAN!!!  crazy! 

Josh has been making "swords" for a play for Tristons class.  he is doing there really cute.  i am going to try to put a few finishing touches on them when theyre all done! 

i have been thinking about jenni and the kufahl family alot lately.  My heart is so broken for their whole family.  Craig talked about compassion today and being able to feel it "in your bowels" which was weird, but in an odd way, i understood it.  i literally ache internally for coach kufahl and all his kids.  so many things children NEED a mother for and they will not have one.  sure, they have several people who would LOVE to fill that role for them and will try to be there for them as they grow up, but not any single person, no matter how hard they may try, can fill the role of Jenni!  Why God?  Why do they not get to have her?  there are several other people that had cancer and lived...why didnt Jenni get that opportunity???  today is mrs merrells birthday...her first birthday without jenni.  last week, brody broke his arm...without his mom there to hug him and kiss him and make it all better.  i just dont understand it.  period.  end of story.  i never will.  why God?  i want to ask Him that.  but if there is no pain or sadness in Heaven, i will never get to ask Him.  because this subject will always make me sad.  hopefully there is a reason and hopefully one day i will really know what it is.  its not that i dont have faith and KNOW that His ways are higher than mine, i just wish that loving people didnt have to bring such heartache along with it.  that is probably one of the hardest things humans have to deal with--love and loss.  death is difficult.  so hopefully Jesus will just come on back before anyone else i know dies. 

well, a bit of a debbie downer note to end this one on.  sorry about that!  but hope its a great day!!  til next time :)
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1 comment:

  1. Lol I know you're completely serious, but I had to laugh at the ending of this one because that's something I've said so many times (only changing "dies" to "leaves.") I'm glad the thought of Jesus coming back doesn't freak you out anymore. Yes, please, to that happening soon!! I'm sorry for the pain and loss you're feeling and will pray for God to give you more peace about it. Love you!
