Sunday, September 21, 2014


Well it was a little bit of a slower weekend!  It was Brookes weekend with Triston and Carter so that always makes for a little less going on around the house!  So anyhow, on Saturday, my lovely husband had to work.  So mom came over around 11 and I had the kids ready to go to Jay's wedding shower and so we messed around here for a little bit then we headed up to ChickFilA to get Jace and Kyndal and mom and I some lunch!  We sat in the Kohls parking lot to eat it real quick and as we were eating a guy pulled up next to us and motioned for me to roll the window down.  I didn't know what to do, so I just rolled it down a little bit to see what was up.  Of course, he said he had been to every church in the vicinity and his wife was pregnant and they were just needing $13.86 to add to what they had to get their hotel room for the night.  weird.  But I felt bad, so I ended up giving him $8 and telling him good luck.  Then after a little bit we saw him still driving around the area so I decided to call the Midwest City police and have them come catch up with him!  He was only asking women.  At one point he was waiting to ask a mom who was putting her stroller in the back of her car and her husband came out of Chick-fil-a and off he went.  So that's a little weird.

But after all that nonsense, we went to Jays shower deal.  I got to see alot of people I hadn't seen in quite a while!!  Mark Richards, Taylor Ortiz, Jay, and Derek Nickell were the ones who i knew there.  It was good seeing them all and kind of catching up.  We of course had Jace and Kyndal so we didn't get to stay the whole time because it was Jaces naptime and he doesn't act the greatest around then.  After the shower we didn't really do much.  Mom took Jace and then when Josh and Chris got home i went with Josh to take Chris to his house and we went to Penn Square afterwards to get my toenails fixed and then came on back and picked Jace up and headed home to get the kids in bed! 

Sunday morning came awful quick...  Jace woke up in the middle of the night a little scared again, but was fairly easy to get back down, so that was good.  As for Kyndal, she wakes up every night and I ended up bringing her in my room around 2 because she had already been up 3 times.  So I figured it'd be a much smoother night with her close by then having to get up every time!  however, when we all got up, as Josh and I were getting ready, Jace and Kyndal were playing with each other by the bed and they were being SO SWEET to each other!  it was so awesome!  i love when they do that! :)  makes me smile!

but anywho, we went to Lifechurch on the nw expressway because Brooke has the boys.  The message is still #struggles and even Chris commented at lunch how good the messages in this series have been! :)  I am so happy they have been coming so often!  Kyndal didn't do well during the service so they had to call us out and i went and got her and took her to the "Nursing Mothers Room" and watched the rest of the service in there.  After church we went to Olive Garden for lunch and it was delicious as usual!  Then we came home and took it pretty easy.  Went to mom and dads for dinner and that about wraps up today!  So there ya have it!  Pretty easy going weekend with us! :)  Thats all folks!! ;)

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