Friday, September 26, 2014

Almost the Weekend!!

Today was Triston's field trip to the Sam Noble Museum then to eat lunch at Cicis!  Josh went with him and they both had lots of fun.  Turns out, Josh hung out with the kids quite a bit while the adults talked with the teachers.  But that is a good thing, Josh is kind of a big kid his own self! :)

As for mom and i and the babies, we met babaw and grandad at the mall.  We got there and got all our food and sat down to eat.  wasnt too long before babaw was telling me all the things i needed to do for if i had never fed her lunch without her there to assist. #frustrating 

Then Jace was fussin over wanting to go "ride" the purple dump truck (which is one of those lame "pay $.75 to ride something that barely moves for about 30 seconds" things) so we did that and then he rode the helicopter too...and then the green race car (which actually kind of scared him)  but that was a total of $2.50 that ill never get back.  but actually only $2.25 on my part...Grandad put in a quarter, so thats somethin ;) 

Anywho, after that we went up to the play area where Jace and Kyndal had lots of fun.  I was just waiting for something to go all wrong though...  so there happened to be a little girl there about 2, maybe 2.5 in a longer dress.  she was there with her dad.  anyway, because of her dress, she couldnt play very well.  So i was kinda watchin her and feelin a little sad for her, but nothing major, just figured her dad had it under control. so as im walking over to mom, babaw is getting up walking towards her dad.#ohdear  so i ask mom what she is doing and mom said "shes going to tell that dad to tie her dress up so she can play better."#whatthehell   "who does that?" you may be asking?  BABAW, THATS WHO!!  lol! 

so then i went into the PINK store to see if they had a rubber band to help her out and come out to find jace standing up out of the play area holding grandads hand and i hear they are going to "go drive" which didnt thrill me.  Mom said she told grandad to hold jaces hand the whole way inside and outside.  #hebetter  so anyway, after that we went to the car and grandad and babaw brought jace around to where we were parked.  it seemed like there was tension in the car when i went to get Jace out though.  weird. 

but anyways, then we headed home and came to my house for a quick nap for Jace..and ME :)  when he got up josh and triston were home and so jace played around with them for a few, before he left with mom. 

a little later i met Angela at Shape Fitness for a spin class.  the instructors name was Rachael, spelled the same as mine! :)  but it was a great class and she was awesome!  She told us she would be willing to meet us up at the gym any time we wanted her to.  NICE!!  She also teaches several classes around okc so i am totally going to go to more of hers.  she does interval training, spin, and turbo kickboxing.  so i will work on going to more of those!  next wednesday we are going to try her interval training class before zumba! 

After all that i went to pick up Jace and Kyndal and came home and it was bed time!  Jace was so funny as i was putting him in bed.  he cracked me up!  He had been talking to me for a little bit while i was trying to get him to go to sleep, so i told him "okay bubba, i am going to put you in your crib if you dont close your eyes and go night night."  he said "NOOOO!!!!" and the continued chattin it up! :)  so i talked with him for a little bit longer and then i said "okay, im going to put you in your crib" and he goes "nooo!!  im closing my eyes....(as he closed his eyes)....SEE?  RIGHT THERE!"  hahaha!  i cracked up, so of course he started laughing and opened his eyes right back up too!  How can you be mad at such a little sweetheart?!?  anyway, i finally put him down and all was well!  he is fast asleep now, with his precious self! :)

thats about it from round here!  seems like alot for one day, lol!  but anyway, have a lovely evening! 
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