Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Howdy Ho, Ranger Joe!

So yesterday was Monday and I am officially making a lifestyle change and eating better and working out on a daily basis. more on that later.  Mom and dad had to end up going to see Jeff to try to get the plans for their house finalized.  So Jace, Kyndal and I went to go see my old friends Zack and Cortney Brewers' new house.  Josh was working there and so he said we should come out there and check it out.  so we did!! :) 

Cortney showed us all around the house.  they did great!  they had built it from the ground, up and it was beautiful! :)  I also had told jace that if he acted right over there that we would get him a blue icee afterwards and HE DID GREAT!!!!  He acted so good and zack and cortney said how cute he was a few times :)  always makes me happy when he does good!!! 

Zack brought out their 4wheeler and josh took jace out for a ride on it and then josh and chris went and while they were gone, zack told me he was going to "make my husband pee his pants" and so when they got back zack went over there and told josh "one more time" and so he got in the drivers seat and josh got in!  we heard them hollerin as they went thru the track and then when josh got back he said "I'm not gonna lie, I was scared!"  hahaha!  so it sounded like they all had fun! 

so after all the fun and games, me and the kids left!  the first 7-11 I came to jace was fussin like crazy for me to turn in and get him his icee, so of course, I did! :) 

So, from there I headed up to Quail Springs to wait on mom and dad.  I had just pulled in the parking lot when dad called and asked where to go.  So we met them down in the food court and dad stayed and had some lunch with us!  then we headed back home and swung by some Parade of Homes houses on the way as the kids were napping.  Josh didn't end up getting home til pretty late, but when he got home, we took a walk.  the weather has been beautiful lately, so I am trying to take advantage of it! :) 

Now for today, Tuesday, this morning first thing when we woke up, we all 4 took a walk!  it was a little chilly but it was fun!  I hope we start doing that more often!!  I drank 4 bottles of water by the time mom got here too!  so needless to say, I had to go to the bathroom a few times after we left the house!  lol! 

so when mom got here we took off to Hobby Lobby to get a few things for Carissa's fall wreath she is wanting.  After that we went to Wal-Mart.  Time always seems to FLY in wally world.  We shopped and I got lots of healthy stuff and hopefully stuff I can snack on BESIDES oreos!!  We grabbed some lunch and then came home for nap time. 

When Jace woke up we began to work on the wreath for Carissa and Jace and Kyndal were kind of making it difficult to concentrate.  Jace was wanting to throw the ball back and forth with mom and so I just decided we could save that for tomorrow.  So we put everything up and then I followed mom and the kids to her house and I started painting the cabinets.  I am learning how to paint with that glaze better and better as I go and I hope it turns out great!  I cant wait to see it when its all done.  There are so many little ornate areas that make me nervous, but I am hoping it will turn out wonderful! :) 

Josh and the boys came over after he had his parent teacher conference with Mrs. Fowler and we all had spaghetti for dinner.  (I had the whole wheat kind, which is actually really good!!)  After dinner we went on a short little walk after the kids had played for a while!  I LOVED it!!  Jace ran with Triston and Carter and I tried to keep up with him while Josh pushed Kyndal in the stroller!  when we got back, josh took the boys on home and I stayed to bathe Jace and Kyndal real quick.  I took Jace back to shower in their big shower and mom bathed miss Kyndal!  we had it done in a flash! :)  now im home and the kids are all clean and in bed and im ready to go there myself!

So lastly, as for my new "lifestyle change" I have downloaded the app "My Fitness Pal" and it keeps a log of your food you've eaten and you enter all your info and it tells you how many calories you should be eating and it keeps track of exercise and water and all that good stuff.  I am going to REALLY try to branch out and try stuff that I have never tried before and hopefully I will like it so it will be a little easier and I will have a little more variety!  I got some quinoa (keen-wah) to try because I have heard its really good for you and I tried some green tea today and its fantastic!  I really like it!  mom wasn't crazy about it, but I was expecting it to be terrible, so I was pleasantly surprised!  but it is supposed to boost your metabolism and we all know mine could use some boostin!!  I have been having grapefruit for breakfast and planning on trying to do zumba with angela when she can and then going walking with josh or denesha or by myself as often as I can!!  I am making it a goal to work out at least 30 minutes a day and I am hoping to fit back in my jeans (where theyre not super tight) by Halloween!  yes, I know that is a ways away, but I am not going to rush this because I really want to stick with it and not fail.  so it has to be maintainable and I have to be okay if I mess up here and there.  so anyways, that's all!  hope yall had a great day!  check ya lata! :)

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