Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween...

Well Thursday morning I was finally able to get my basketball letter approved and sent out.  I sent a letter to all the boys in Triston and Carters classes letting them know that they should be on our YMCA basketball team.  I hope some of them sign up for it!!  The deadline is November 9th though, so that doesnt give them much time.  We will see how it goes.  I also turned it lots of papers for the Fall Festival too. 

After I got done at CHA, we headed off to Sooner mall...YES, again!!  ;)  We let the kiddos play for a bit then had some lunch, then shopped around at Dillards and a few other places.  I am on the prowl for any cute outfits that could be cuter than what I am already planning on wearing....preferrably something that shaves about 50 pounds off of me....yeah!  But I also would love to find a cute necklace or scarf of some sort.  I read that layers add depth (whatever that means) to your photos.  I can only assume it is a good thing!  haha!  I read it off one of those photography whatever those say is 100% truth, yeah??  I always have to snap a couple pics of the littles playin when we go to the mall, so here they are! :)

After that, we headed towards home.  On the way, the most unbelievable thing was amazzzing!  You wont be able to believe it!!  BOTH of the kids took their naps at THE EXACT SAME TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Whaaaaaaaaat?!?!?  Oh yeah, thats right!!  :)  That NEVER happens yo!  Needless to say, it was exciting.  Mom and I didnt spend a good 30-45 minutes trying to shush one of them so the other wouldnt wake up!  LOL, GLORIOUS!!!!  ;)
**Shout out to Mom who took that sweet panoramic photo right thurrrr**

We went to Cattlemans for dinner, me, Josh, mom, dad, and the kids.  Dad had a gift card for there....and he ended up not being able to find it before they left, LOL!  He thought he had lost it, but when he got home AFTER we ate, he found it!  LOL!  guess we will be heading back sometime soon!  hahah!  It was good though!  When we were leaving they had a horse and buggy thing that took people to their cars.  Jace thought the horse was pretty cool!  We got a pic of us on the buggy thing, but not by the horse...its a shame :(

Today started off at Hobby Lobby.  I went to pick mom up and we headed up to HobLob to get the letters J-O-Y so i can paint them for our wonderful Christmas photos we are going to do!  I am excited for them and I really hope they turn out good.  Then we headed to Wal-Mart.  It seems like time FLIES when you are in Wal-Mart.  I found some Christmas pants for Kyndal that were sooooooo dang CuTE!!!  however, they didnt have them in her size.  :(  So we decided to let the kids nap, while I drove to another WalMart.  This time Jace fell asleep and we were having to keep Kyndal Faith QUIET, so i was giving her bits and pieces of Oreos.  Of course, they got all over her face and hands, haha!  I got a pic of her sweet little face lookin at me so sweet & covered in Oreo! 

So for the Halloween festivites, Carter wanted to be with us (or Josh) instead of Brooke for Halloween, even though it was her "turn" for the holiday.  So they worked that all out and she said okay.  So Josh took Carter to Chuckee Cheese and me and the little ones went to Chequers with mom, dad, and Charlene.  We had a lovely evening, til right at the end.  I was holding Kyndal and she was playing around with me and she threw her head back and it hit the top of my drink glass SOOO HARD and it shook the table and was so loud.  It shot chills down my spine, the sound of it.  It was awful.  She cried...HARD!  Thankfully she was okay and everything, but GOSH it was loud.  I bet she will have a bit of a bruise tomorrow.  Poor baby girl! :( 

An exciting thing happened when we got back to mom and dads house too!!  After their baths, dad was walking around with Kyndal and SHE WALKED BY HERSELF!!!!  Just for like two steps, but SHE DID IT!!!!!!!  YAYYYY!!!!!  I was so happy!  :) :)

As for the whole Halloween thing....we didnt celebrate this year.  I fully understand both sides of the arguement, which is why I am torn on the whole thing.  I think the whole premise of Halloween is a fun thing.  The dressing up in cute outfits, the sense of community and getting to know your neighbors, and of course, THE CANDY!!  But I also know that it can be an extremely DARK day too.  I know that many people use it for very, very bad things.  I do not.  I know some people say if you dont let your kids dress up that they are "missing out" which i totally disagree with too.  I didnt dress up for the majority of my life and look how great I turned out ;)  lol!  But I read something on Natalie Grants facebook tonight and it made a lot of sense to me.  She said that as children of the Lord and being in the light, we should open our doors to our community anytime and not turn off all our lights and hide out inside.  We should welcome them with great candy and big smiles and show them what it means to be a believer.  (not the exact wording, but you get the drift)  So I am debating letting my family celebrate the traditional way.  I am still not sure if we will or not.  But I am not super closed off to the idea.  That is all.
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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My Sick Boy! :(

Okay, so Tuesday we had several errands to get done.  I took a letter up to CHA about the basketball league we are getting the boys in to see if any other boys in their classes want to get in on it!  The deadline is November 9th, so I am already short on time.  But I get there to find out that Mrs. Low (the new Elementary principal) now has to approve the letters that go out.  (StUpID) but oh well.  So I left it there hoping she might be back tomorrow.  More on that later. 

We went from there to Sooner Mall.  I let the kids play around for a little bit while we were there.  I got some cute pics of both of them while we were there too!  I also got my husband a sweater for our Christmas pictures were doing here soon. 

After leaving there, we headed over to The Boutique.  That place has the CUTEST kids clothes.  I have gotten all the kids' birthday outfits there.  I was looking for a super cute Christmas outfit for Kyndal Faith, but they had ZIP, ZILCH, NADA!!!  So that was disappointing.  You can always order stuff, but I am too impatient, lol!  So we headed on back home from there.  Here are a few of the outfits they had.  SUPER CUTE, right?!?

When Josh got home, we had to take Chris home, so we grabbed the boys from CHA and headed out there.  Dropped him off and then we all went to eat at On the Border!  It was lovely to have a nice little family outing like that!  Headed home from there and they went to bed pretty quick.  It was a typical night from there! 

Wednesday morning came super early.  Josh woke me up at 6:30 because he was getting the boys ready and taking them to school a little early because he had to get on up to Elk City for his job.  So anytime the boys are up, Jace always hears them and wakes up and fusses til you go get him.  He has been havin a rough cough here lately, so I didn't want him to get all worked up wanting to get out of his room, so I went in there as quick as I could.  After the boys left, we sat around and watched some Umizoomi.  It is extremely hard to keep Jace still and not let him jump all around and stuff.  He hates that.  So I tried my best, but he still pretty much crawled all over me using me as a human jungle gym, LOL! 

I went to pick mom up at 9:30 because I had another letter to get up to the school for the Fall Festival.  When I got up there, I found that Mrs. Low is STILL sick and not there to approve my letter yet again.  WHAT IN THE HECK?!!  It is stupid to me that she is the only one person who can approve it.  SO, I took it over her head.  I went to see if I could track down Mr. Josh Bullard, but he was in a meeting.  So I found the next best thing...Mr. Holmes.  To make a long story short, he approved my letter on the spot!  :) 

After leaving there, we headed to our second home, Hobby Lobby!  Or "hovvy lovvy" as Jace calls it!  I grabbed what I needed in there and then we got some lunch at Mcdonalds. We pulled in to a parking space and ate a little bit there and Kyndal faith was SUPER happy!!  I had to snap a quick picture of her!  And she was sitting so funny!  Girlfriend is limber!!!

After that, I told mom I had seen some cute Christmas stuff at a place called Peek-a-Boutique.  SOOO, we headed there!  They had a super cute Thanksgiving dress and I got it.  Then I also went against my will and placed an order for an adorable Christmas outfit for miss K!  She is gonna be so dang cute! :) :)  This is a pic of the Christmas outfit.  Its going to be embroidered too! :)  and also her cute Thanksgiving dress! :)  Can you tell which is which??  LOL!  ;)

So from there, we headed on back to moms house!  When we got in there, Jace was standing around and he came over to me and lifted his hands up for me to pick him up, so I did.  Then it happened......he vomited all over me.  Poor little guy! :(  Mind you, this whole day he has been coughing like CRAZY and just overall not feeling well.  So he finally puked and it went allllllll down my shirt and my back and in my hair.  Yep, cool huh?  I felt so bad for him because he didn't really know what was going on.  He was standing by the toilet dry heaving and crying and saying "Nooo I don't want..."  Then after he finished up, it cracked me right up, because he came over to me and kinda layed his head on me and said "need some decomesh..."  WHAT IN THE WORLD??!?!  lollol!  Where did he come from?  LOL!  Sweet boy!!  You can tell just by lookin at him that he did NOT feel well! :(

We stayed at moms for pretty much the whole afternoon.  Dad took Kyndal in the front room and he let her take a nap with him and then mom and I stayed in the back room with Jace and he pretty much just played around and wanted me to tickle him and wanted to play so bad.  :(  I know he wanted to feel good!!  We went to go pick up the boys from school and then came right back to moms for dinner because Josh was still in Elk City.  So we all had dinner over there and then went for a walk.  then the boys showered and we headed on home.  Josh got home around 815 and we cleaned up for the house showing tomorrow morning!  Cross your fingers that it sells!  Thats all...
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Monday, October 27, 2014

Sunday Funday!

Sunday began as usual, getting up and getting ready for church.  We went to the northwest campus this week to meet up with Brooke and Chris.  I love the NW campus much better anyway!  I just HATE not going with my just doesn't feel right to not be with them at church!!  It was the first message in the series "Love Song" which is about Song of Solomon.  It was a really good message.  There is always room for improvement in any marriage.  Always good to hear different perspectives and ways to do better.  Josh ordered Craigs new book, From This Day Forward and I started reading that just last night!  It is really good.  Similar to the series he did at church, but very good! 

After church we went to Macaroni Grill with Chris and Brooke.  I always enjoy going with them!  Then we headed home.  We dropped Jace of at mom and dads and then went home to do naps with the kids.  We took it easy for a little bit and Josh worked outside on random stuff and I colored another one of the banners Linds made for the Fall Festival.  Then Joshs mom came by around 3:30.  She got a new car, so we all took a ride around the block in it.  Mom brought Jace on home while she was still here because she hadnt seen him in quite a while.  Then after she left, we all got ready and went up to Pelicans with my mom and dad for dinner.  Kyndal was SOOOO CUTE at Pelicans.  She was playing peek-a-boo with anyone who would play it with her and being so sweet!!  I put a video and a couple pics on here because it was awesome!! 

After that, it was home and to bed they went.  Jace and I have been reading our book every night and then praying.  I cant wait til he gets in the habit of it! :)  I also found out that Brooke is having Masons first birthday party on November 9th at 2:00 and Denisha is having Fielders third birthday party aaaaaaat..............................YEP you guessed it, November 9th at 2:00!!!  WHAT IN THE WORLD!?!?!  That is a SUNDAY for cryin out loud!!!  Seriously, what are the odds that two of the people that I feel VERY obligated to would have their kids birthdays on the EXACT same day at the EXACT same time?!?!  UGH!!!!  I don't know what to do.  :(  Made me want to cry...

Monday everyone was up early for school.  All the kids are always so happy in the mornings it makes it hard to be grumpy when you didn't get enough sleep, LOL!  Josh took the boys to school and Jace got to go too, which he LOVES!!  He loves being with his brothers!  and they love him :)  When they got home, he watched Umizoomi while I finished getting ready and then he played around with Josh for a little bit. 

When mom got here, we packed up and headed up to Hemispheres up by Quail Springs.  It was WONDERFUL!!!  They had so much pretty stuff.  Specifically, they had a rug that I really loved.  It was super soft and plush, it would look lovely in my living room, LOL!  After that, Jace was dying to go to the mall, so we headed there.  We had some lunch and then looked around at Von Maur and The Childrens Place and a few other places for outfits for the kids to wear in the pictures we are going to take in the next couple of weeks!  I love taking family husband....not so much!  LOL!  To me, its always worth it when you see the cute ones that come out!  We are taking them so we can have a pic for our Christmas cards this year!  Josh always suffers thru and puts up with it...Just for me! ;)  Kyndal ended up falling asleep in her stroller in the mall after fussing LIKE CRAZY!!!  She sleeps in such weird ways :):)

We got home and mom came in and we put together the outfits to see what we thought.  They will look great! :)  Jace and Kyndal were playing around and they "trapped" themselves in Joshs office.  It was so cute.  Jace knew they could get out, but Kyndal wasn't so sure, LOL!  Then mom took Jace and I cleaned up around the house and did a little laundry before Josh got home.  When he came home, he was having to leave pretty quick to get Chris up to meet Brooke.  He and Don had a little squabble, so I ended up going with him so that I could hear about everything from Josh.  Then we had some dinner at Santa Fe and went to pick up Jace.  Came home and got the kids down and now im blogging! :) 
I need to do another like Top 10 list or something else a little more interesting than just my day to day life.  I know that is interesting and all, but I know something else could be a little better!  any ideas would be lovely! ;)
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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Friday and Saturday

Alright, alright, alright!  (said in my best matthew mcconaughey voice)  Dad needed me to come up to the office to do a few things, so yesterday that was the first thing I did!  I didn't get done what I needed to get done, but I took care of a few other important things, so it wasn't a wasted trip!  and seeing dad never is wasted. :) 

After that, I went to pick up mom and we went to Denisha's house because I didn't know if the wreath I had made would fit her front doors.  When we got there, she came out and said her appointment had just cancelled so we could stay and hang out for a bit if we wanted to.  It worked out great because Jace was wanting to play with Fielder to begin with, so he got to do that for quite a bit.  I had wanted mom to see her house too.  It is a really nice house and I knew mom would love it.  So we first went around back and they played outside.  Then we went inside because Fielder wanted to show me his "choo choo" that his poppa had gotten him just the day before.  He was soooo excited about it.  We went and saw it and Jace and Fielder played all around the house and Denisha was able to show mom the house too.  Mom loved it as I knew she would, she loved their tile in the entry and it goes into the kitchen and its cool lookin... I took a pic of it.  Sadly, the wreath was like half an inch too big and it would get in the way every time she opened the door, so I told her I was going to have to downsize it a bit. 

When we left there, we came on home and I went ahead and made her first wreath.  She is going to ask her husband if we can put nails in their stucco outside and I really hope he will go for it.  we shall see.  Here is a pic of her wreath so far.  It has more ribbon than I usually ever put in, but I love it.

When we got done with the wreath, I went ahead and napped Jace.  Josh was slow today so he was home fairly soon after that.  Mom took Jace for just a little bit after his nap and she was gonna bring him back in about an hour, so Josh and I decided to see if Kyndal would walk down the street with her little walker.  She loves walking all around the house, but there is no real big area for her to walk for very long, so she gets annoyed with it easily.  If we let her go down the street, I figured she would dig it..and she DID!! 

Josh left shorly after that and went to go pick up the boys.  I showered real quick while Kyndal napped and then Josh came back and picked Kyndal and I up and we headed to get Jace from moms house and then went to eat at Rib Crib.  It was a fun little family evening.  Then we headed home and put everyone to bed.  Then Josh and I cleaned the house quite a bit because we are showing our house tomorrow at 430 and that was the only time that we would have with no kids to clean it up! 

So the next morning, Saturday morning, came all too soon.  Kyndal woke me up with a couple kisses then she smacked me right in the face.  That wasn't a great way to wake up.  In fact it annoyed me greatly, LOL!  Shes too sweet though.  I couldn't be mad.  :)  We got up and around and Josh was planning on taking the boys all to get haircuts at some point.  So he called his lady and she asked if he could come immediately and he said yes.  So we scrambled everyone together and they headed out.  I cleaned up some more because we had a ton left to do, as always, LOL!  I love my kids, but they leave a trail of a mess behind them everywhere they go. 

Josh brought Mcdonalds home for breakfast.  So we all sat down and ate and then decided to go for a walk.  When I said I would, I was totally unaware that it was HOT outside.  But I suffered through it, lol!  Triston and Carter raced a few times and I was quite impressed with how fast Triston was.  Carter was a bit in front of him and T caught right up and passed him and won.  Jace walked with them for a little bit too, but he opted for the stroller for a while too. 

When we got back, Jace watched Umizoomi for a few minutes and the boys went to play with their Light up Links and then Carter came out and wanted to go play outside.  So that sounded good to everyone.  They played with sidewalk chalk and Jace slid down the slide over and over and we brought Kyndal out there too.  She loves being outside. 

We came inside and Josh ordered some pizza for lunch.  After we ate that, mom came and picked up Jace to help me with naps because Triston and Carter had a dentist appointment at 145 at Dental Depot.  So when mom came and got J, Josh had already left with the boys, so I layed Kyndal down and did a few more cleaning things around the house and then I saw Kyndal was asleep.  So I picked her up and laid her on my chest and she and I napped for a little bit. 

Josh and the boys got home around 2:45ish and when they did, Josh and Carter went outside to play soccer and I asked Triston if he wanted to read some more of his Alien book and he did.  So we read four chapters and I must say, it is getting to be quite an interesting little book.  Then Triston and I worked on his "challenge cards" for church tomorrow.  Somewhere along in here, Josh told me that our house showing got cancelled.  That was pretty cool seeing as how our house was now SPOTLESS.  STUPID!!!!  oh well though, what can ya do?  When Josh and Carter came in they went to play the Wii and then Carter wanted Josh to put together his Lego car thing.  So they started working on that around 4:45 and we were gonna leave to go to mom and dads for dinner at 5:15.  I had to make Josh quit putting it together and COME ON, so we could leave, LOL!  Once he gets in to something, its tough pulling him away, lol! 

Josh decided to cook breakfast for everyone for dinner.  So he got busy when we got over there and we took the kids all outside to play around.  They have a big garage back area and the kids love playin back there.  Kyndal prolly ruined her pants crawling all around the concrete, but oh well :(  When Josh got done cookin we all came in and ate.  kyndal was lovin the eggs and bacon!  That is good because she needs to eat more protein...just like her mom!!  Then we went for another walk around their neighborhood.  We got to see Prissy and her mom was outside too.  She came over and chatted with us for a bit.  When we got back to the house everyone came in and went right to the shower.  I got the kids all some shampoo and then mom helped me get Kyndal in the bath.  So all my little ones went from super dirty and sweaty to super fresh and clean! 

That about does it for our night!  I am excited for church tomorrow.  Should be a great one! :)
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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Life is Good...

So yesterday (Wednesday) was a pretty busy day for us!  It started pretty normal though.  The kids got up and I got them dressed and watched an UmiZoomi.  Then I got them outta their pins and we started playing.  Ya know how people always say kids play with the box their toys come in as opposed to the actual toy?  Well, that holds true for Jace!  I had a box from something I got in the mail and he and Kyndal both enjoyed playing with that quite a bit!  Crazy Kid!!

Anyhow, after all the playing, I got the kids loaded up and mom got there and we headed out for the day!  We headed up to Penn Square and had some lunch and looked around a bit.  We got a couple outfits to take Christmas pictures in and looked at some pretty bedspreads and Jace loved looking at the reindeer!!  lol!  So when we left there, Jace and Kyndal fell asleep, so we drove for a little while then wound up at Hobby Lobby!!  lol!  Earlier Denisha texted me and said she had seen a wreath I had made and that I MUST make one for her!! :)  Of course, I told her I would be happy to!  She said she wanted it massive, so we went and got a couple BIG wreath forms and a few random things to make them! 

After that, we headed to pick up Triston and Carter and take them home!  While I was there, I talked to Mrs. Fowler and she had their "lollipop plate pictures" ready to go! :)  So I picked those up and I was really impressed with how well the kids had colored them!  I cant wait to get it all put up for the big day! :)  These are my favorites! :)

Then we headed back to my house!  Josh was there and was working hard on making our front porch look pretty!  He got a HUGE mum and some pumpkins and hay bails and just some cute fall décor!  I was so happy he did that!  He set it all up and was like "Soooo, i need you to fix this!" :) it made me happy!!  He did really good, but mom and I kinda rearranged a little bit and it looks fantastic...SEE!

So after all that, I hurried and scurried and got all the kids' stuff rounded up and went to moms to drop them off and went to my hair appointment at 5!  I got new extensions in my hair which takes quite a while!  I knew i was in for a long night, but when Crystal was running 30 minutes behind, I was not thrilled.  I didn't end up getting out of there until 10:00!  I jetted to mom and dads and grabbed the kiddos and headed home to try to get the down asap and go to bed my own self!!  Kyndal was out when I picked her up, so she was easy.  Jace on the other hand.  NOT easy!  He was so cranky and mad and was bad.  I was trying to relax and telling myself hes SUPER tired, but man I was getting frustrated with the kid.  But he finally went down!  and then I followed! :)

Then Thursday morning rolls around and I wake up feeling like I got virtually no sleep.  Which I kinda didnt, because when Jace and Kyndal get that off schedule, they tend to not do well.  They can be TOO tired to sleep right and that creates a mess too!  and that was the case last night.  But I made it thru ;)  So, Thursday morning it was the Homeroom Mom Meeting up at school at 8:30.  So I got up early and got the kids up and around and all dressed.  Josh took Triston and Carter because I had to go pick up mom so she could hang with Jace and Kyndal while I went to the meeting real quick.  It was definitely the quickest one yet.  It didn't last too long at all!  I got the Fall Festival info and money and asked a few questions and we were on our way!  I am ready for this shin-dig to be over with though!  It will be here soon!  November 6th at 5:30!  Lets just hope all goes as planned and itll be great!! 

After the meeting, we headed to Hobby Lobby to grab some more stuff.  We went to the one on the south side because I wanted to go by The Boutique afterwards to see if they had any Christmas stuff out for Kyndal.  So we grabbed some ribbon and such for Denishas wreaths and then headed out.  I grabbed McDonalds for lunch on the way to The Boutique and then, we freakin get there and they are CLOSED for the stupid Affair of the Heart!!!  OMG!!  ANNOY ME!!  So we decided time to go home and work on the wreaths.  It was only 1130ish and as we were driving home both the kids fell asleep.  Talk about some tired little people.  So they got their naps in and we drove to my house and I did a quick inventory of all the decomesh I had and what I might need for her wreaths.  Of course, i needed some stuff, so since the kids were asleep, off we went BACK to Hobby Lobby!!  hahaha!  I exchanged lots of stuff while we were there, so it was a really beneficial trip! :) 

I took Kyndal in with me because she was awake and we got to an aisle with so many cute hats!  I HAD to try some on her! :)  Isnt she the CUTEST!?!?!  She was tellin everyone "Hi" again!  Makes me happy!!

So we did the exchange and I got all my stuff for free this time :)  AND even got $19.22 back because of all the junk i returned, LOL!  Yes, we go to Hobby Lobby too much!  But it sure is fun!  Then i got outside and I put Kyndal in the car and was walking around to the drivers side and I saw several Midwest City Policemen over leaving Mazzios, so I looked real close at them to see if I knew any of them and I didn't see any.  Then I looked over and saw John was waving at me tryin to say hey!  So i walked over there to chat with him for a little bit.  We talked about Josh and the cameras he had put in for him and he acutally caught a coyote eating one of his chickens, so he was really happy with the quality of the cameras!  Anywho, the point of this story is, when I got back to the car, mom was like Oh my goodness, I had no clue where you went.  You were walking around and you never made it here!  I felt terrible!!!  She said she wondered if I had passed out behind the car or something.  Soooo WOOPS!!!!!!  I am sorry mom!! :(  I had no clue she didn't watch me walk over there to talk to them!!! 

So we headed home and I started working on Denishas wreath and then I started wondering if it was going to be too big.  So I decided we better pause and wait to see how big her front doors are!  So we stopped...its not close to all done, but it is already looking pretty great!  Mom took Jace to her house for a bit so Kyndal and I could catch a quick nap.  And we did just that!  It was nice!  Kyndal was as tired as was I!  So we napped for a bit and when Josh got home, I woke Kyndal up, and BOY was she crabby!!!!  Nothing suited that girl!  I had to pretty much just let her get over it because I tried helpin her out, but it never worked!  I made some tortellini and heated up the lasagna rolls from the other night for us for dinner.  Then we went on a walk and when Jace got home, we got the kids in bed and now I am about ready to be done with my day!!  What a lovely couple of days weve had!! :)  Life is perfect!!!

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