Friday, November 7, 2014

The Fall Festival!!

Well the Fall Festival was a big success!!!  It was lots and lots of fun and our booth did really well.  Plus we got a TON of compliments on our signs, shout out linds! ;)  They were awesome!  Thank you so much Lindsey, seriously! :)  Triston and Carter had a BLAST!!!  They got to go around by themselves and hang with their friends for the majority of the time! 

They had a "Car Bash" there and the boys and Josh all 3 did that!  That must be lots of fun for boys because there seemed to always be a line for it! :)  I pretty much stayed inside at our booth!  There wasn't too much I was interested in doing.  Josh went all around though, so he was able to take the boys wherever they wanted to go! 

I got to talk to several people!  I got to see Shauna Mcgee who I hadn't seen in quite a while.  I talked to Coach Kufahl about the book and about Reece and her having trouble with learning to read and about his volleyball team and all sorts of stuff!  It was nice getting to chat with him for a bit.  He is always so busy going and going, so it was nice for him to be rushing around and actually getting to talk with him.  I saw Laynie and she was so nice to me :)  I didn't get to see Denisha much, but she did take a picture with me and Miss Landry Kate!  Cutest little girl ever :)   
It was nice getting to meet a lot of the moms that I didnt know.  I got a chance to talk to most all of them.  There were times that it was so hectic and crazy, but it was all fun! :)  Melanie was such an amazing help for me.  She did so much!  I am so glad she offered to help me so much because I do not know what I would have done without her.  I wish I would have gotten more pictures with more people, but I didn't really think about it at the time.  Anyhow, it was a fun night overall, but I am excited it is behind us.  :)  Everyone has said it is the hardest part about being a homeroom mom.  So if that is true, the rest of this year should be a breeze!!  

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