Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thankfulness Number 6!!

Thankfulness day 11-The eleventh thing I am thankful for is the family dynamic between Josh and I and Brooke and Chris!  It is wonderful that we get along so great and Brooke is a big part of that.  I love that she allowed me to come in to her boys' lives and be their stepmom.  I love that she never bad mouthed me to them, like several mothers do.  I love that she was open to me and has been okay with getting to know me better and being willing to hang out with us.  A lot of people, ex-wifes in particular, would not be so kind to the "new wife"! 

I love that they come over and hang out with us and go to dinner with us a lot.  I love that they come to church with us every Sunday!  I love that the boys see us all getting along.  I love that we co-parent the kids and don't let them think they can get away with doing the wrong things behind our backs.  I love that they get to see that mistakes CAN and DO happen in life, but it is how you handle them that really counts.  We are going to all be in each others life's for 18 years and so we might as well make the best of it and enjoy it!  There are so many things to be thankful for!! 

I knew from day one that I was going to be Brooke's friend.  I wanted to so bad because I didn't want to ever put the boys in a situation where THEY had to be uncomfortable because they knew that their mom and their step mom would be in the same building together and they had to worry what would happen.  How UNFAIR!!!!  They asked for NONE of this.  It is not their faults and yet they are the ones that most of the burdens fall on in the "typical" divorce cases.  It is so nice that we can work as a team and that we always have each other when things aren't going so great!  Brooke brought the boys up to the hospital after we had Jace and Kyndal and we took them up there when she had Mason.  It is such a blessing that we all get along as well as we do.  I really enjoy Brookes company and I would most certainly call us friends!  And Josh and Chris work together almost daily, so they are definitely close too!  There are so many families that are completely torn apart by divorces and the kids suffer and the parents bad mouth the ex to their kids and all kinds of awful things.  I am SO GRATEFUL that Josh and Brookes divorce didn't turn out that way!  It speaks a lot about both of them!  It has taken effort on ALL of our parts, but it has been worth every bit of it!!!!! 

November 12th-The twelfth thing I am thankful for is my aunt JOBUG (this is her birthday too!!) and her pool that we got to use ALLLLL summer!!!!!  It was awesome!  We had so much fun.  We went over there pretty much daily!  Mom and I had our routine going when we would get out there! 

Jace LOVED the water and was basically a fish from day one.  When we finally got Kyndal in and used to the idea of being in the water she loved it too!  At the beginning of the summer she was too little to fit in a raft, so if she got in, we just had to hold her, which isn't that fun for her because it makes it harder for her to play very well.  But once she was able to be in a raft, she loved every second!!  She loved being by the waterfalls and letting it hit her hand and rush over it.  So sweet!!  She loved the little "sun deck" of Jobugs pool and sitting/standing there as she played with all her toys.  One time Jobug and I even put her in the HUGE bowl that held the toys and she played in there for quite some time.  She usually got fussy around 1ish and Jobug would get up in the shade and give her a bottle and let her lay on her lap but still in the water and she would fall asleep every time!  Such a sweet girl!  :) 

Jace was just all over it!  He had to wear floaties and so every day we would get outside and he would bring them to me and tell me to get them on him so he could get in!  He loved jumping off the waterfall and sliding down the "slide" that was also the raft bent backwards.  He loved eating popsicles and suckers in the pool.  His always melted rather quick because he would hold it under the water unknowingly and then go to take a bite and itd be almost gone, LOL!  Funny!  Jace always wanted to put the umbrella down when we were done. 

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1 comment:

  1. Awww, and now I miss summer! lol #sad
    Love all the pool pics, and yes, I'm really glad you all have such a good relationship with Brooke and Chris!! :)
