Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thankfulness Post #10

Okay, these two things that I am thankful for are kind of weird and random, but nevertheless, I dont like the idea of not having either of them! 

November 19th-the nineteenth thing I am thankful for is DIAPERS!!!!!  LOL!  and not those cloth diapers that people reuse #ewwww #toonastyforme  The disposable kind...that i DO NOT have to wash!!!  Sometimes there is a diaper so foul that the only thing I want to do is throw it outside in the trash and get it as far away from me as possible.  I do not know why people would want to have to go thru the trouble of cleaning that all off and then running it thru the washer and all that mess.  To each their own, I guess, but thats just not for me! :)  Give me some Pampers all day long!! 

I am thankful that I am born in a time where I have that option of disposable as opposed to the cloth diapers.  I know that hasnt always been the case.  Nevertheless, whoever invented diapers....GOOD CALL!!!  Moms everywhere thank you!! :) 

November 20th-the twentieth thing I am thankful for issssss PINTEREST!!!!!!!  LOL!  Stupid, i know, BUT seriously!!  I.  LOVE.  PINTEREST!!!  It is safe to say I am an addict.  It is the best website and there are millions of ideas for baking, cleaning, decorating, parenting, eating healthy, eating clean, decorating babies rooms, decorating houses, hairstyles for you, hairstyles for your kids, wreath ideas, hilarious quotes, and so many other random things!!!  ITS AMAZING!!!  They even have this pin.........

I mean, SERIOUSLY, where else could you find things like this??!  I totally pinned that, btw! ;)  I may need to skim over it a little later, hehe!  Anyhow, I absolutely love Pinterest and get on it pretty regularly!  It is a great source of random information and has way to make preeeeeetty much ANYTHING you could ever want to eat, wear, or try.  And if youre ever bored, it is a great way to waste seriously large amounts of time! ;)  And if you havent ever been on there, CHECK IT OUT!!!  youll thank me later!!! :)

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