Thursday, November 13, 2014

LifeChurch Seating Assignments.... lol

Okay, so a while back, I had mentioned that Lifechurch in Midwest City has removed rows of seating (#WHYYYYY?) for some unknown reason, causing there to be hardly any seats available in the 10:00 service, which is their most popular service. #makesnosense  We have been going Northwest because we have not wanted to deal with there being not enough seats for us.  However, last weekend, we decided to go to Midwest City because we had a lot going on that day and didn't have time to go that far away.  SO there is where this story begins. 

That Sunday morning, Josh and I were somewhat at odds with each other, and we ended up having no place to sit, which did NOT help matters.  So once the ushers put an extra row of fold up chairs out for us, we got to sit down.  #whythefoldupchairswhenyouhavenormalchairs  So we sat down and we had already missed worship trying to decide if we should try to find chairs or just leave.  #irritating  So I sat down and began writing a note on the prayer card on the bulletin asking them WHY they are doing that with the chairs and letting them know that I will NEVER invite anyone else when they don't even have enough room for ME.  #ridiculous!  I hardly paid any attention to the sermon because I was so frustrated.  So I wrote a rather strongly worded note to them and ended it with "We will NOT be back until this NONSENSE changes!"  So yesterday I get a call from Karyn Taylor, who works up at Lifechurch and who we know from First Southern also.  She asked if we could meet and go over my prayer card. 

This morning Karyn, Kyndal and I went to Starbucks to have "coffee" there. #ibroughtmydietcoke   But she started it off asking me what had happened on Sunday.  I let her know that Josh and I were upset which is what probably made me a little ruder to begin with, but that I do not care for the situation at all.  I told her that it makes no sense to me why they are removing chairs when they KNOW a lot of people attend.  Another thing they do is close the curtains to the back seating until 2 minutes before the service starts, which I told her I can understand.  I get wanting to push people to the front, but having NO place for people to sit doesn't add up.  So I told her I can get behind the curtain idea although I do not like it either.  CMON, they know they're going to open it anyway.  BUT whatever.  So I went on to say that my friend who is 8 months pregnant had to sit in a hard chair last weekend because they didn't want to have chairs out for her.  I told her that a couple weeks ago a lady came in with a baby carrier and was standing around for 5-6 minutes looking for somewhere to sit.  WHY?!?  You think she will come back???  #NO!

She told me that everything they do at Lifechurch is thought out and done for a reason.  She said they are wanting to give everyone a sense of  "community" and let them really be able to get into the experience & really feel the Holy Spirit move.  and I said "by making them crawl over 10 people to get to their seat and then be crowded in when they sit down?"  I said "No one wants to sit by a stranger, that is uncomfortable."  and she said "that is what church is, people coming together from all walks of life"  and I said but I have to be comfortable before I can really get in to worship and get in to the flow!  She said something about knowing lots of people like the aisle seats and so I rebutted "so why are you removing what you know people enjoy?"  She said something like Jesus calls us to go out of our comfort zones, to which I said "I agree!  He does!  We should go out of our comfort zones by talking to people about Jesus and inviting them to come to church with us.  But WHY would I invite someone to come when there isn't even a seat for me?" 

She also said that their number one thought is about the first timer and how their experience is.  I said that is great and I also think about that.  I said imagine if you were a larger person looking for a place to sit and they usher you to a seat where you have to crawl over 7 people then sit in between 2 people and don't even have room to relax?  that isn't comfortable for that person and I would venture to guess they will NOT be back!  She said that their ushers try to pay attention to people who may need more space and they would ask someone to move in to the center of their aisle so that the bigger person can get the edge.  To which I said, that isn't fair either.  I get there early to sit on the edge bc that is where I WANT to sit and then youre going to come in and make me move because of someone who is late?  That isn't right either.  I also said just because you sit by someone doesn't mean you are going to be friends with them when the service is over.  you have ZERO time to talk during the church service anyway, so the basic point is to make everyone uncomfortable for an hour? 

I also mentioned something about after having a stressful morning getting 4 kids dressed and ready for church, we go drop them off to come in to the auditorium to relax for ONE hour before going to resume our day.  I do not think it is too much to ask to be comfortable for that one hour.  and if I cannot be comfortable at Midwest City I will go to another campus that doesn't mind putting seats out.  I also told her that I wasn't trying to be mean or rude or just another annoying person they have to deal with.  She said no and that she appreciated me letting her know how I feel.  She also said that things are always subject to change and it doesn't mean that is going to go on forever.  She asked if we would be interested in switching to a different time, and I told her we had thought about that, but we would either have to rush our kids around like crazy in the morning to make the early one or our nap schedule would be all out of whack and I cannot reason out messing up our whole routine because they don't want to put extra chairs out. 

So anyhow, we basically left it with agreeing to disagree about the situation.  I still think it is beyond ridiculous and I will stand by that.  I feel like I am not the only one who thinks that?  I don't know though because I haven't talked to enough people about it.  But the fact that my dad is annoyed by it is sayin something!!!  He NEVER, I repeat, NEVER EVER gets annoyed, so for him to say it is a bad idea.......ITS A BAD IDEA!!!!  It is just nonsense.  They want to feed you the blah blah blah of community and crap but if people WANT that, they will find it.  They do not have to control where they sit in order to help someone find a buddy.  #silliness  I know she was just told to give me their go-to lines ab all that, so she was just doing her job.  I LOVE Lifechurch though, and surely they will change this silliness eventually.  Until then, we will be at the Northwest campus......sitting in the seats that WE want!!  Oh and that reminds me, she mentioned something ab how we are spiritual contributors not spiritual consumers and that we exist for the world, the church doesn't exist for us.  To which I said, but why does that mean I cannot have the seat that I want?  I understand that we should always be reaching out to others, but that doesn't really mean that I need to sit in the front of the church and be uncomfortable?  I said, "I don't know why it is so bad to have a certain spot where you enjoy sitting."  and honestly, I am still confused on that subject!  WHY?  Why is that a bad thing?  I go there week in and week out and obviously I am going to gravitate towards the same chairs week after week.  most anyone does that.  I would think that is more the norm than the abnormal?  No?? 

Anyhow, its done and over with and they will probably change nothing.  But at least I said my piece.  It fell on deaf ears, but I said it! ;)  That is all......back to thankfulness tomorrow! LOL!
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  1. Lol I'm kinda surprised you wrote that on the prayer card, and very surprised that they made the effort to call and meet with you about it! I'm glad you stood firm and explained your side of things. Not sure how they think that making it a major hassle to find a seat during church shows that they exist to serve the world and not themselves? #notsomuch I doubt the first timers are impressed or drawn in by the self-important attitude and needless rules there. Hopefully they'll think about it a bit more and make some good changes soon. :)

  2. Also, love and "community" aren't real when they're forced, hence God giving people free will. If you saw someone sitting by themselves and reached out to talk to them or ask if they wanted to sit by you, that's real and awesome. But if the church forces a single person like me to sit up front next to a big family (making them feel even more alone and self-conscious), that's just awkward. #manipulationneverworks
