Monday, November 10, 2014

Thankfulness Number 5

November 9th is already here, so the ninth thing I am thankful for is Christian Heritage Academy!!  If you would have known me back in high school you would have thought this day would NEVER come!!  My friends and I used to HATE the school with a passion and talk about buying it out and renaming it.....and all that.  However, that obviously didn't happen.  #duh! 

Now I have a whole new appreciation for the place because my children now get to go there.  I KNOW there is no greater place for them to be.  I love that they get to go to a school with small classes where the teachers truly know and care for each child and stay in constant communication with their parents and know each and every one of the kids family lifes and things of that nature.  Both Triston and Carters teachers know that the boys are from a split household and they both know a lot about each of the homes.  They pay good attention to that!  The boys get to learn phonics and how to sound out words instead of just looking at a word and knowing what it says. 

If there every comes a day where any of my kids do not enjoy their time at CHA I will let them know that I have been there too.  When I was young and foolish I did not care about the sacrifices my parents made for us to go there, all I wanted to do was gripe about it.  Now, I am older and wiser and I realize that they made the best decision and I am so grateful for my education and my knowledge of the Bible.  Funny how things work out!  CHA is truly a wonderful place to assist us in raising our kids and I am so happy my parents are helping us out financially so they can go there!  THANK YOU doesn't even begin to cover it!  Since I have never been to a public school, it would absolutely terrify me to put my child on the bus and send them off to school having no clue who is in their class or who their friends are or any of that IMPORTANT stuff!!  Their friends can make a huge difference in their lives.  I pray that they always choose the people who will keep them closer to God rather than draw them away!!  Triston is pretty good friends with Worth, so hes doing good on that so far ;)! 

November 10th-The tenth thing I am thankful for is!  I am truly thankful for this church and all that it stands for.  It is so far away from the legalism and judgemental mindset that tends to follow "Christians" around.  I love when Craig preaches on that because you can tell how absolutely passionate he is about it!  They really believe in doing "anything short of sin" to reach the lost, and that is how all Christians should be!  We should have our hands out to lift people up at all times instead of being the first to condemn and judge when someone messes up.  I love Billy Grahams quote saying "It is the Holy Spirits job to convict, Gods job to judge, and my job to love" or something similar to that :) 

I love their kids ministry too!  It is awesome!  They have "challenge cards" for the kids and they memorize a verse and a "point" (which is just the main topic of their message) and if they come back the next week and say it they get points to get awesome prizes and if you get a million points then you get $100!  Triston is saving up for that of course! :)  One week when Kyndal didn't do well in her class, I pulled her out and took her to the "Mothers room" and it was right by the kids' area and I heard them in there all singing worship songs and it was so great! 

Most of all, I love how Craig isn't afraid to make mistakes and he is the first to admit that he isn't perfect.  He also understands that he will have several critics and "haters" if you will, but that doesn't slow him down in the least!  He keeps preachin and does a wonderful job at it!  He also gets fantastic guest preachers!!  I LOVE Carl Lentz and Judah Smith and Christine Caine!  Those are just a few of my favs, I pretty much enjoy anyone he invites there to preach!  I love how he went for the whole video teaching even though no one thought it would work.  It DID work and that is how so many campuses exist! 

A while back they used to do a skit with a fake Satan and Craig interviewed him and it was always so funny!  I wish they would bring that back!  The guy who played satan was so great!  I like how its not a "stuffy" church where everyone feels like they have to wear a suit and tie.  I like how anyone is welcome!  Its cool how they have their messages and do little previews for what is coming up.  And their At the Movies series is always fantastic.  Anyhow, all that to say, it is pretty much all around awesome!!  If you haven't been you should check it out!!! :) :)

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