Tuesday, November 18, 2014

9 Times Thankful!!

November 17th and 18th-the seventeenth and eighteenth thing I am thankful for is my two best friendships.  I would say that I have two close female friends that I talk to on a regular basis.  I have several "acquaintances" that I enjoy talking to and would love to hang out with and get to know better.  But at the moment, I have two girls that I would call if I needed anything. 

I have to say I do not get close to women very easily.  I do not care to honestly.  I have been stabbed in the back several times and I have also always found women, in general, too whiny for my liking, LOL.  Not being rude, but they tend to whine a bit more than males would.  I have always gotten along better with men than women.  I remember back when I used to go party, the girls would ALLLLWAYYYS be back in the back getting ready "does this necklace look good?" "do i look okay in this shirt?" "what dress should I wear?" #wahwahwahhhhh  I was usually the only girl in the living room with the guys taking shots and getting ready to party!  lol!  ahhh the good ol days!  UGH.  #wouldntgobackifyoupaidme

Anyhow, all that to say, I feel like I have Ariel Shabaj and Denisha Bryan as two of my closest friends.  Ariel, I have known for a few years now.  I met her when she and Agim, her husband, came to try out our lifegroup.  It was great.  We instantly got along and then the more we hung out the closer we got.  We have had bumps along the way here and there, but we have remained close through quite a lot!  I am thankful for that.  I recently thought that she was not really wanting to be friends with me still, so I completely withdrew from her because I will NOT beg anyone to be my friend.  But I later found out that she had been going through alot because her husband switched jobs and she lost alot of her friends and she told me that it had been a really hard time for her.  So I apologized for having been distant and now we are back to good! :)  I did not EVER want to not be her friend, so I am glad we have worked through things! :)  Her kids are around the same ages as our kids are, so that always helps out when we hang out as families.  The kids have entertainment too!  :)  She has always been there for me to talk to through so much.  She threw me a shower when I was pregnant with Kyndal.  She has such a giving heart and always thinks about others.  She is a wonderful person and I am so glad that we are such great friends!  We had a great talk the other day and she told me "no matter how long we go without talking, or what happens in either of our lives, I always know that we will be best friends and will be able to pick up right where we left off!"  That made me happy...I feel 100% the same!!!! 

As for Denisha, I met her just this year.  Her daughter is in Carters class and she is also the homeroom mom for Carters class.  Her son, Fielder is Jaces age, so that is great too!  We have had quite a few playdates with them!  I love her!  She is so funny and fun to be around.  She literally keeps you laughing the majority of the time youre with her! :) :)  I do not know her near as well as I know Ariel, but I hope to keep improving and getting to know her better!  She is someone who is SUPER busy, so it gets difficult to find times to do things with her!  But anytime she has free time, we try to get together!  I am so happy that God brought her in to my life also!  I am sure we will be going all through CHA together, so we should have plenty of time to get to be close friends! :)  In conclusion, aside from my family, these two girls are the ones that I would call if I was ever in need of anything!  I am thankful that God has given me two GREAT and Godly friends!!

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  1. Yay for Ariel and Denisha!! I'm so glad to hear that about Ariel - seriously, I like them! And it makes me sad to see any best friendship end, so I'm thankful yours didn't go that route. :) #thatmakesoneofus #perhapsthenotbeggingthingwouldvehelped (#orchoosingsomeonewhosnotahatefulbiatch) lol

    1. HAHAHA #ilovethehashtags!!! :) :) Cracked me right up! and yes, I am definately glad we worked it all out! :)
