Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thankfulness Number 8---My FAVORITE Number!! :)

November 15-Today I am thankful for my wonderful, fantastic dad and boss allowing me to not have to work while my babies are little.  I am so insanely blessed because of that!!  It would be impossible to tell him thank you enough times for him to understand how much it means to me. 

I get to take care of my little babies every single day.  I get to be the one to teach them things while they are young.  I get to be the one to take care of them every single day.  Not someone else.  Not someone I do not even know at a daycare....who really doesn't even care about my child.  ME!!  I get to!!  It is not everyone who can say that these days.  Sure, some moms would rather work than stay at home, and more power to them!  Not me!  There is not one single thing in the world I would rather do than be with my babies.  At times, yes, they wear me out, but I would never ever want to trade my life for ANYONE elses!! 

I get to take daily trips to the mall or out to do whatever I need to do and I do not have to find time to go after work or on the weekends or things like that.  I get to do my Christmas shopping during the day, instead of the evenings or weekends when its crazy busy.  I get to take the kids to the park on nice days and watch them play and have fun!  Seriously, does it get any better?? 

I have always been grateful for my mom and dad, but even more so since all of this has happened.  I know my mom had something to do with the whole idea because she got to stay at home with us when we were little too.  So she knew how awesome it was too!  And my dad is the MAN for allowing it!!!  He has always been the A+#1 dad, but now its just like WOW, who in the whole world is this lucky???  All that to say, THANK YOU MOM AND DAD!!!!!  Yall are so amazing and I seriously cannot possibly ever do enough to make it up to yall!!  :)  LOVE YOU!! 

November 16-the sixteenth thing I am thankful for is my cell phone!  I know this one is kind of random, but seriously, how in the world did I ever get along without one??  It is crazy to think that we used to not have them.  I remember my dads car phone that he would have installed in his car anytime he bought a new one (which for him is OFTEN)  But he needed it because he would be out taking pictures of houses a lot and the office staff would need to get ahold of him for random things.  Then they came out with the "Zack Morris phone" if you will..  Those huge honkers were all we had back then, and I remember when mom got one and I just thought it was the JAM!!  We were BIG TIME!!!  My mom had a cell phone so you can reach me at any time!!  LOL!  Then the Nokia phones came about where you could CHANGE THE COLOR of your phone covers and you could play Snake on them and you could TEXT!!!!  How freakin cool!  Right?!?  Then the littler ones came out and then the RAZR came out.  Which, just fyi, my dad still had up until about a year ago, LOL!  Hes not big on technology! ;)  (Love ya dad!)  After the RAZR came the SLIVR and then Motorola kinda died as Apple took over the world!!  lol!  Iphones, Iphones, EVERYWHERE!!!  You see the occasional Samsungs here and there, but the Iphones seriously dominate in the cell phone industry.  Not sure why we just went thru the history of cell phones, but all that to say, I am so grateful that I have one.  They are a lifeline these days!  If you are stranded, call someone.  If you are bored, get on facebook.  If you are waiting in the doctors office, get on Pinterest.  If you are thinking about going to the park, get on your weather app and see what the temperature is.  If you have seriously any question in the universe, get on Google.  OR ask Siri.  LOL!  Anyhow, cell phones are seriously amazing.  Technology has come so far!!  Should be interesting to see what they come up with in the next 10 years!! :) 
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