Thursday, November 6, 2014

Being Thankful Part Tres

November 5th- the fifth thing I am thankful for is my amazing and wonderful husband.  I truly am grateful to God that I found him.  There is no tellin where I would be or what I would be doing if I hadnt found my dear husband.  God brought him to me right when I needed him because I was sliding...dang near free-falling, down a slippery slope towards all kinds of BAD things!!  When Josh came along he didnt do all that partying stuff, so I slowly stopped hanging out with the wrong crowd and he brought me back around to the right people and back in to church and together, we got in a lifegroup and I started improving my life choices.  I love my husband for many reasons.  He is very smart and technological and if anything is broke I KNOW he will be able to fix it!!  He can build anything I ever could think of and he always does it happily! :)  If I ask him to do something and he doesnt know how, by golly, he will dang sure figure it out!  He is stubborn like that!!  He WILL solve the problem!! :) :)  He is also handsome and funny and sweet and generous!  I have so much fun when we get to go on date nights, which isnt a whole lot, but that makes them all the more special when we get them! :)  He is an extremely hard worker and has never backed away from a challenge.  Of course, we argue here and there, but we have improved drastically since our first year of marriage!  We both make an effort to do better, so that makes it easier!  I am so happy that I get to grow old with him!  He is going to coach Triston and Carters basketball team and I cant wait to see him do that!  He will do GREAT!!  He is good at basketball and loves little kids, so he will be a great guy to teach them all the fundamentals of that game!  Though it could get interesting with that many little ones, LOL!  He is quite a guy and I really am thankful that God brought us together!  I love him completely! 

November 6th-Six on the list is my Daddy, Mike Muecke!  He is such an amazing man of integrity who I look up to.  He is one person who has never let me down and always, in every single situation in my life, been there for me.  He has been a constant source of advice and wisdom through several "friendships" that have come and gone in my lifetime.  Through all my elementary friends and then the high school drama, and then the friends I had who were nothing but bad influences on me, to now friends from church that I have been back and forth on whether it is best to let go of or try to hang on to, HE has been there!  He is without a doubt the wisest (is that a word??) person I know!!  His favorite saying is "Attitude of Gratitude" and he LIVES it!!  He is thankful for everything that ever happens to him!!  ex: gets a parking space close to the store "Must be that God's favor!"--gets a parking space far away from the store "God is letting me get a little exercise!"--hits a red light or a traffic jam "Now I get to have more time to pray and focus on what all I am grateful for!"  These are serious examples people!  I have literally witnessed every single one of em! :) :)  I want so badly to follow in his footsteps and set such a great example of faith and honesty and integrity and peace and joy for my children!  I am so glad they have him as a grandpa so they can see it all in action!  And so they can see what a good, solid marriage is between he and my mom!  Their marriage has lasted for quite a while now and it is definately because they both honor the Lord and seek to make the other one happy! 

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