Sunday, November 9, 2014

Thankful Times Four! :)

November 7th-the seventh thing I am thankful for is my amazing and awesome momma!!  She is hands down the greatest mom ever.  All yall who THINK you have the best mom, youre WRONG!!!!  except for you linds, lol, you are right too!! ;)  I am so thankful that she was able to stay at home with us when we were little.  and I am also so thankful that my dad is allowing me to do the same!  It is the best thing ever!  But mom has always put us before herself in every situation.  Even still, she is always letting me have the better end of the deal in anything we do.  Thanks mom! :) 

She was the coolest mom when we were in school.  I am not sure if my friends were really my friends because of me or because they wanted to be involved with all the stuff my mom did for us, lol!  She always took us TPing and took us to crash the boys' parties and we had the best birthday parties and end of year parties and so much more!!  It was awesome!  She knew every single person in both mine and lindseys classes because she cared enough to make an effort to get to know them.  She was always there at pick up and would usually be chatting around with the students or the parents too.  She always did the best class parties too with the most creative ideas and surprises! 

She is extremely organized too.  It has helped me out on numerous occasions.  And somehow she ALWAYS knew and still knows where EVERYTHING is!!!!  Doesn't matter what it is, she knows where the heck I put it!! :) :)  "Mom where is my wrinkle release spray bottle?"  "Did you check in your drawer in your laundry room?"  Seriously folks, its true!  I don't know how she does it! 

She is the number one person you need in your corner if you are ever moving or redecorating!  She gets it done the quickest and most efficient way and she works her butt off doing it!  She is also super good and creative at the redecorating part!  She is always up for painting anything a different color or redoing anything to make it cute! :) 

Not to mention the fact that she is the best Mamaw there ever was!  Triston, Carter, Jace and Kyndal all love her!  She is always aiming to make all of the little ones happy, anytime she gets to see them all.  When we come over some evenings for dinner, she always makes brownies for the boys because Triston LOVES them!!  Jace pretty much rules the roost as their house and Kyndal is always walking around with mom or dads help, whoever is closest to her ;)  She and my dad are the best grandparents any kids could be lucky enough to have!!!!

I wish I had more pictures of my mom and I, but sadly I do not.  I do have pictures from most every special occasion though, thanks to Lindsey!!  :) :) 

November 8th-the eighth thing I am extremely thankful for is my amazing and talented and beautiful and fun and tremendous sister!!!  I am so blessed to have a sister like Lindsey!!!  She and I have had our ups and downs (or more like down) through life as most sisters can but there has never been any question that we are both loyal to each other through anything.  She is so talented and creative and can paint or draw absolutely ANYTHING!!  She has decorated pretty well all of my kids' rooms and it is so nice to always be complimented on something that she did!  :) 

We had so many good times when we were younger.  We watched Cinderella and Robin Hood ALL the time and made cookies and played "big rock" with Grandad babysitting us!  We had most of the same friends through high school and had lots of fun trips to Dallas and times playing Catch Phrase (where we werent allowed to be on the same team bc we were THAT good!)  She is the only one who knows the craziness of all our families and the inside jokes we have with them.  Her brain is like a steel trap and if you say anything to her, or even around her, she will remember it forever!!  I LOVE that too because there are so many quotes in movies or fun things that happened with our friends or whatever the case may be and ill be trying to retell it and she will quote it all exactly word for word how it happened!  LOL!  The other day mom and I were trying to remember what someone said and how they said it and we both wished she would have been there to remember it for us!! :) :)  #steeltrap  Anytime we reminisce about trips we have taken and she pulls out her journals it is SO FUN to hear random memories and quotes she wrote down!  Her love for the Lord is always shining through in all she does and she knows preeeeetty much the entire Bible by heart! ;)  #CHAkidforlife

It is true that there is no friend as good as a sister, and we both have several friends now and several that have come and gone, but she and I are stuck together FOREVER!!!  I hope you're as happy about that as I am!!! ;)   Love you Lindsey!!  (Here is where Linds would insert several said quotes and fun memories, alas, I cannot do that because I have nowhere near the memory she does!!)  But I can add some pictures! :) 

  photo d0e04041-2262-45f7-8245-3793ce7c5929.jpg

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! :) I'm thankful for you too, and for Mom! Loving all the thankfulness posts - aren't you glad you caved and did that? lol

    Also... I really think writing stuff down is part of why I have a good memory. So a year or two from now, you'll be able to look back at your (printed) blog book and remember exactly when Kyndal started walking or random funny things Jace said or walking with Denisha, etc. And you'll love it!! :)
