Monday, November 24, 2014

Catching up on Thankfulness! :)

So hey readers, have all two of you been wondering where I have been??  LOL!  Well, just a bit busy here and there! :)  But now, to catch up on my thankfulness!! 

The twenty-first thing I am thankful for came about just tonight!  I am SSOOOOO THANKFUL that they did not indict Officer Wilson for the shooting of Michael Brown.  The whole case has been such a mess with all the violence that has accompanied it all.  What has the world come to?  Seems like the media loves to make the police officers the villians when they are trying to HELP!!!  I know there are dirty cops out there, but seems like the media would like you to assume the majority of them are all shady.  Some are up in arms because they say "he shot an unarmed little boy"  YEAH.....right.  about that.  You don't have to have a gun to cause physical harm to someone.  there doesn't have to be a gun involved for someone to feel threatened.  It is just crazy that everyone thinks the officer just decided that day that he was gonna kill him a black boy.  WHAT IN THE HECK????  #stupid  ALL THAT TO SAY, I am THRILLED that they came to the correct conclusion!!  Thank you JESUS!!!  I will say that I am sorry for Michael Browns family.  It was a tragic loss and I am sorry to them for that.  But it was not the officers fault.  PERIOD!!  The truth always comes out in the end! :)

Now, these next few all go together!  The 22, 23, and 24th things I am thankful for....or acutally PEOPLE I am thankful for are three amazingly awesome men of God who I admire very much!  I have gotten to hear them all speak for the first time thru Lifechurch (and one is the pastor) but I really look up to and would love to meet all three of these guys.  They are Craig Groeschel, Carl Lentz, and Judah Smith!  They are super awesome guys who truly have a passion for teaching about the Lord.  They also are all three extremely gifted by God for reaching the lost. 

Carl Lentz....well....looking at him my first thought would certainly not be that he is a wonderful pastor of a huge church.  LOL!  He looks a little more on the "gangster" side, if you will.  Then Judah Smith, he looks like a golfer/hipster!  LOL!  Craig probably looks the most what I would consider the "role" of a pastor.  but they all three genuinely have a desire to reach the lost every single day.  That is their number one goal in their lives and I love it!!!  I love how they all stay current.  Craig taking all those selfies and posting them online is hilarious.  People totally relate to that and that draws them in and then when they hear their messages its a done deal!!  :) 

I am in the process of reading Judah Smiths' book Jesus is ______.  So far it is really good.  He and Craig both write just as if they were preaching their messages.  You can totally relate to their sarcasm and humor in their books.  I hope one day Carl Lentz will write one....and if he already has.....I hope someone will tell me about it! :)  Because I will absolutely positively read it!!!!!  He may be my favorite.  although it is hard to choose between the three of them.  I just so totally feel like he and I would be homies.  He just seems so legit and awesome! haha!  If I got lucky enough to run across him and kevin Durant when he visits OKC I would MOST DEFINITELY be more star struck by Carl Lentz!!  I would ask KD to take my pic with Carl, LOL!  Seriously though, he is super awesome and I would love to get to meet him one day!! 

Anyhow, I snagged a few pics of these awesome guys off instagram.  I wanted to try to photoshop me in and make it seem like I was buddies with them all.....buuuuuut I didn't.  hahaha!  Anyhow, I am seriously grateful for these three men and I cannot wait to see how they continue reaching more and more people throughout their lives.  :)

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  1. Look at you being thankful for three pastors and reading a Christian book! :) Yay - and yes, I did wonder where you'd been. ;)
    (Also, Carl Lentz has officially not written a book yet, because I just looked for it on google and amazon. lol)

    1. haha good idea! I never looked it up on there! glad to know he hasnt, although i hope one day he will!! i adore that man! :) and yes....ive come a long way from 7-8 years ago... :) :)
