Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Thankfulness #3 and #4

So November 3rd is here.  First off, however, I am saddened to report that Teresa Mobley has passed away today at 8:15 this evening.  They had moved her to hospice this morning because they were unable to get her pain under control.  Brittani (her daughter) had said they hoped that was a temporary thing and they would move her back home, but sadly, it was not.  She was not even there 24 hours.  She was such an example of grace and always had a grateful heart, even though towards the end, her situation was bleak.  She NEVER wanted to surrender to the cancer, and I KNOW her cancer did not win.  It won over her earthly body but she is the one who really won.  When she and Jenni both passed I have found myself in a way, envious, because they now know what it is like to be with Jesus.  HOW COOL!!!!  I am not excited to die, but I am excited for that part of it.  It scares me a little, but for the most part it is exciting.  I will get to see Jesus....and like, hang out with Him..  WHAT?!?!?  #superawesome #icanonlyimagine  The hardest part about this life is loving someone and letting go of them.  Death just sucks....soooo Jesus needs to hurry back :)

So yet again, on to happier subjects!  Thankfulness!!  WOOOOO!!!  Today the third thing I am THANKFUL for is my Carter Lee!!  Oh that boy!!  He is Joshs clone.  He wants to be like him in every way!!  No matter what Josh does, he does it too.  He even ordered a baked potato (even though he doesn't really like them) because Josh did.  WHY????  I don't know!  He has the biggest heart ever!  Anytime he hears of something going wrong or someone who is sad or hurt he always says "we need to pray for them, right?"  So we always pray for them real quick!  He has improved on his speech so much.  He was tough to understand earlier in his life.  Josh and I could understand him pretty well, but most other people had a difficult time.  Triston was the one who could ALWAYS understand him.  No matter what he was saying, Triston knew it!  Even if Josh and I didn't...he still knew! :)  #brotherslove  I love seeing Triston and Carters bond.  They have been through a lot in their short little lifes and they have remained resilient as ever!  I have heard from several teachers how well adjusted they are for being from a split household.  That always makes me feel like we must be doing somethin right! :) 
He has a little bit of trouble listening here and there, but for the most part he does great!  He always aims to please and tries very hard to do what is right.  He is super eager to help at any time in any way with the babies.  He wants so badly to be old enough to hold them and help me more with them, but for now he does what he can! :)  I love how he always gives the teachers (and Principals) a hug anytime he sees them!  They all know him just because of that!  He is such a handsome little guy and he has such beautiful blue eyes!  He is a daddys boy through and through and loves getting dirty and fishing and doing anything if josh is along for the ride! :) 

November 4th, the fourth thing I am thankful for is Mister Triston Michael Parrish!  I have told Triston several times that God knew what He was doing when He made him the big brother of all the other kids.  Triston is the perfect boy for that position.  He has a total of four brothers and sister, Carter, Jace, Kyndal and Mason, who is Brookes youngest son.  (He is 3 months younger than Kyndal)  Triston is a great leader and encourager.  He is quick to help Carter when he is trying to read or work on homework type stuff.  He always wants him to do better.  Triston has already accepted the Lord as his Savior and he was baptized too!  That made my heart so happy for him!  He truly understands the way it all works too.  He always has really good questions and sometimes I do not even know the answer, lol!  He is a very smart boy!  He loves reading and is getting really really good at it.  He began Accelerated Reader this year and has gotten all 100s on his tests.  He can be so goofy sometimes, the way he jokes around with my dad always makes me laugh.  He works very hard in all that he does and wants to give everything his best effort.  Learning has come very easy to him, and I have told him he is blessed because of that.  I have also told him that because that comes easy to him, other things will be more difficult and will take him longer to learn.  He is just now beginning to understand that because sports are coming a little bit easier to Carter and that is unusual to Triston for him not to be the best.  He is handling it well and still working very hard at it.  I am so lucky that I get to be such a big part of his life and I am so happy that I get to call him my son!  I have truly enjoyed watching him grow up.  All the different stages of his life have been wonderful to watch.  He is now getting old enough to have real friends and to interact in a meaningful way with his classmates.  I enjoyed getting to have his friend Worth come swimming with us over the summer.  Triston and Worth are best buddies and are very similar.  They are both very smart and creative, and Triston tends to compare them quite a bit.        

Well, again, there were many pictures on these, but trust me, I left a TON out!  lol!  I wanted to add that today, David Perry, Teresas brother in law came in and asked dad if he would be interested in speaking at Teresas funeral.  Dad said he would be happy to if they wanted him to, so he is going to do it!  He is great at that and always has just the right amount of humor and seriousness to any subject.  I am sure he is nervous, but I know he will do great! :)  He has always liked Teresa a lot and them two together built his business in to what it is today!  I know he has always been very grateful to her for that.  Daddy spent the majority of the day today calling friends and insured that knew Teresa really well and letting them know about her passing.  She was really loved by so many people.  Anyone that ever worked at dads office loved her.  She was a wonderful office manager and such a happy person in general.  I am so sad and it is hard to imagine dads office without her.  :( 
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