Sunday, March 1, 2015

Snow, Snow, GO AWAY!!

This snow stuff SUCKS!  I hate it.  with all my heart.  It needs to go the heck AWAY FOREVER!!!!!  okay, now that i got that out, lol, it has however, given me a little extra time at my house to get a few random things done.  I have a few finishing touches on several different wreaths to get finished up and then they will be all ready to go!  So that is exciting!  The baby girl wreath is almost done, i got the base finished and just got the sign done last night. #interestingname 

The one single thing this snow has been good for is getting a few cute pictures.  lol!  Josh took Jace "sledding" last night out in the street and he just pulled him around on a board...Jace had the time of his life.  Hasnt stopped talking about it since :)  Of course Kyndal was dying to go herself, but she is NOT old enough yet!  She is so cute, when the boys are out playing and stuff, she trails them by a bit but tries so hard to stay right there with them.  :)  It is funny bc she will NOT let them go anywhere without her.  Love that girl! :)

I was thinking today i havent really done much of an update on the kids lately!  SO here we go!  Miss Kyndal aka miss thang aka miss ATTITUDE has been gettin a little crazy here lately!  She has had way more attitude than usual and throws huge fits, banging her head on everything close to her and kickin her feet and all that.  Its insane.  I hate it.  She is so amazingly sweet sometimes but when you take something (that she shouldnt have) or make her stop doing something she wants to do then you unleash her rage!  ugh!  But hopefully she will get thru that stage here shortly!  #hereshoping  She also has a super cute way of being mad at you!  I got it in action in the car the other day.  I got on to her and she was mad at me and so she put her hand up to cover her eyes so that she wouldnt happen to have to look at me, LOL!  precious...

Jace has been having a hard time accepting "no" without being extremely tacky.  Which is seriously unpleasant.  He as with kyndal, can be so precious when he wants to be.  Like when i am putting him down at night for bed, he is soooo sweet to me and so funny and all that, but there are those other times...where hes not sweet nor funny.  :(  parenting is hard.  The other day i was telling him that he couldnt have something in Hobby Lobby and he goes "NO...STOP TELLING ME NO" which didnt work out very well for him.  But when he acts like that it is so embarassing to be out in public.  I was walking him outta Michaels to go give him a spankin and he was screamin like a crazy man the whole way out.  OMG STOP!!!  I was mortified.  it was awful. :(  Then there are Judgy mcjudgersons all around that really tick me off.  #iseethemlookin   I am also hoping he gets over this fairly quickly.  It is just difficult.  But i love it!  :)  EVERY. Single. MINUTE!! 

Carterman is doing great at school!  He is learning real well and trying really hard to learn how to read.  He is a whirlwind of chaos at times, but i know with all my heart that he tries so hard to do the right thing.  He always aims to please, sometimes it just doesnt quite work out for him!  He is the kindest lil guy ever tho! :)  oh and i finished his board too! yay!

Triston is also doing so well in school!  We worked on his memory verses for the Easter program tonight...he can memorize so quick its crazy!  Reminds me alot of Lindsey! ;)  Then weve been workin on his speed drills for addition...he has 45 seconds to do 25 problems and hes passed the test "A" so on to test "B" and he KEEPS getting held up on 7+3 and 6+4, ive told him 10 10 10 10 10!!  lol!  Ive asked him those problems several times!  So this most recent test he took, he got those two right, he just didnt get all the way thru it.  He also goes vertical instead of horizontal to work his probs...Not sure if that is a lefty thing or not, but it sure seems like a time wasting idea to me?  I told him to do the horizontal way but he didnt like it?  so whatever?  He has also now moved on to chapter books, so that means we are reading several chapters a night now.  He reads very well, just with not a whole lot of emotion lol! 

But all the kids are doing wonderful and i am so happy that i get to be their parent! :)  We are starting our moving process here and it has been more stressful and busy than normal, adding the garage sale on top of it all, its just downright craziness at times.  But we are doing one thing at a time and it will all get done eventually.  I am hoping i can just fast forward to April and we will be SET!! ;) Anyways, hope everyone has had fun in the snow!  Catch ya laterrrr!  hopefully in sunnier weather...

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1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, "Stop telling me no!" made me laugh out loud. Glad you didn't let him get away with that, but yeah, funny. Super cute snow pics and sign for the wreath! Thanks for the update on the fam! :)
