Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Weeks Fly By...

Well there really isnt too much new to report as of lately.  We are in the process of moving AND having a garage sale, which means we have boxes everywhere and NOTHING is where it goes anymore. #annoyingasheck  We went over to mom and dads yesterday with all the kids and it was nice weather outside so we let all the kids roam around outside their garages and play around while we got some serious work done! :)  It was nice to get a few things taken care of over there!  We moved some of their garage sale stuff over here to our garage and took our garage stuff over there and josh got all his stuff arranged in his garage and i did the same in mine.  It took a few hours, but we really got quite a bit done!  Then after all that, we went to Rib Crib for some tasty dinner!

Mom and i have so many things we feel like we need to do, but the problem is getting them done with 2 small children hangin around is dang near impossible.  It is so difficult to gather toys up for a garage sale and be putting them in boxes as the kids are taking them out and playing with them.  Jace is a master at that.  One toy goes in the box and then i turn around and he pulls it right out.  #cmonnow  But one day we will get it all done.  When we get moved in over there, i told mom that we will have a couple hours every night to get things done that we need to.  I have to finish painting the kitchen cabinets (or staining them, i guess) and i have considered painting the powder bathroom gold, but not sure on that. 

I have been doing chalkboards also and i have one order for a graduation one.  Then i posted my wreaths on some of the garage sale sites on facebook and i have 6 orders!!  woowoo!  So that is exciting.  i have to get those done quickly though because when we start moving and all that it will be a mess for a little bit.  But itll all work out!! :)  I was excited that people wanted my wreaths! :)  YAY!!  I am thinking about possibly going that route instead of having a shop...??  not really sure on that one yet?  But i have done a chalkboard for Mrs. Chapman, Carters teacher and i am in the process of getting Carters done! 

Not quite done with Carterman's, obviously!  But i will be soon! :)  He is so excited about it!  makes me happy!  Triston loved his and i think Carters is turning out even better! :)

I only have one of the wreaths done so far, but i have an order for a baby girl wreath which will be all pink and i cant wait to make it!!  Then i have another one for a yankees wreath and that one could potentially be awesome, but no one has any navy blue ribbon! :(  What am i gonna do?!?  So i am going to be on a mission to find navy blue patterned wire edged ribbon!  lol! 

AAAAnyways, the sermon at church today was REALLY good!!  God Never Said That is the series we are in and he talked about how God can deliver us from anything, any sin, anything that entraps us and it was so good to hear!  I love Craig!  He is such an awesome pastor!  And on a seperate note, i saw these pictures today while i was going thru my phone and they all cracked me up!  So im putting them on here so i wont forget about them ;)   and lastly, i have a healthy brain #seebelow

 photo d0e04041-2262-45f7-8245-3793ce7c5929.jpg

1 comment:

  1. Excited to see the baby girl wreath! Loving all the stuff you've been making lately... nice!! And yes, you do have the gift of instant sarcasm... whereas I tend to think of the perfect response a couple days later. ;:-(
