Sunday, February 1, 2015

A Week Goes by Super Fast...

Okay, so we will start where i left off!  LOL!  Last week was Spirit week for the boys at school, which i knew was coming, i just hadnt prepared for it by last sunday.  So about 6:00 that evening Josh was like "Hey the boys have to be a super hero tomorrow" WHAT???!?!  Yikes.  So I started trying to figure out what to do.  I thought we could probably pull a Batman costume together the easiest so we talked them both in to being Batman! :)  So i looked at Pinterest and got a few ideas and began to work.  I made capes for them out of Joshs old t-shirts that were black. Then put duck tape on their boots (over a little knee high panty hose thing so their boots wouldnt be ruined by the duck tape residue) Then made them little cuffs out of toilet paper and paper towel cardboard empty roll things.  I printed a Batman logo to go on the cuffs after i painted them black.  they looked cute enough! :)  Then i decided that i would paint them a batman mask on their faces instead of making one out of cardboard.  I think that was the better way to go :)  So the next morning rolls around and we woke up late, which was a lovely start.  Then, we realized that we had wrapped one of Carters boots too tight where he couldnt get his foot in it.  Sooooo Josh had to get a razor blade and cut the duck tape on the bottom so it could stretch back out.  Oops.  Then i was painting their faces while josh was getting the other one ready in their outfits.  We worked together like a great team that morning! :)  heres a few pics of their sweet selfs in their get-up! :)

Later that day, mom and I went to Target to get a few grocery items and i am not quite sure what was up with Kyndal Faith but OHHHH MYYYY GOSH, she was hell on wheels.  I let her walk in to the store from the car and then i had to pick her up and put her in the basket and that did NOT go over well.  She was furious.  and She showed it.  I was so embarrassed because when she cries because she is mad she has a really high pitched squeal she does that just calls even more attention to us.  So that was not plesant.  So off we went to get a blue icee to hopefully make her COOL IT!!!  Finally she calmed down from that episode, but OHHH they were far from over.  Anytime i did something that she wasnt 100% happy with she threw a fit.  Fussing, flailing, freaking out, making me crazy.  So i went to the baby area and got her a deal of pacifiers and i got her the blue one out.  that settled her for a matter of seconds and then she the green one also.  Then she did this.

and that made me laugh.  :)  Shes so cute!  Then she went right back to it, so mom was trying to give her toys or anything that would make her happy.  Nothing worked.  So off to the checkout line we went.....quickly.  we got our things and bounced. 

(Im noticing that in all these pics she looks happy as can be....dont let her fool you!) lol!

So the next day was Tuesday, and we didnt have to worry about their costumes that day! :)  But i packed the boys' bag for their basketball practice that evening---more to come on that later.  But mom and i went to sooner mall that day and let the kids play there for a bit.  Then mom had to go sign some stuff with dad so i took the kids on a long walk.  Jace was doing a "robot sneeze" from umizoomi and everytime he sneezed Kyndal would crack up!  It was precious! :)  Here is a video:

Then that evening when the kids came back from practice Carter was wearing some red pants that were WAYY too short, so i asked what in the world that was about.  Then Josh told me that those were the only ones in the bag.  OOPS!!  I packed Carter a pair of jaces shorts, LOL!  They didnt fit too good...

 The next day, Jace, Kyndal and I went to Cheddars with Ariel and Jasmine.  It was a fun lunch, but Jace and Jasmine were SOOOO cute with each other.  Jace would do somethin silly and Jasmine would just laugh at him for so long and he would start laughing with her.  He kept being like "jasmine said what" "Jasmine said Jace" Jasmine said Hi" Jasmine said..."  lol!  It was cute! :)  He was so happy to hang out with her again! :)  I took a few pics of them...i let Jace go sit by her for just a minute to snap a quick picture and then he was mad because we had to go :(  Sweet boy!  Through the whole lunch Jasmine and Kyndal were so calm and Jace was just crazy! lol!  Difference between boys and girls, LOL!  Jace was all over the place!

Over the weekend, the boys had their game at 10:00.  and Carter made FOUR BASKETS!!!!!!!! wahoo!!!!!  I was so excited for him! :)  I stood up and screamed for him the first time he scored! :)  He was smiling SO BIG!! :)  and then Triston got scratched in the eye.  So he wasnt too excited after the game that "something bad happened to him and something good happened to Carter" to put it in his words, LOL!  So we got to talk about how he needs to be happy for Carter when somethign good happens for him!  Triston is so smart and could memorize anything if he tries, and Carter is clearly going to do well in sports.  He is already doing great!  Triston is doing good too, he just doesnt want anyone to watch him not do perfect, so he has a hard time even trying.  its frustrating.  this is his first year playing and we have told him countless times that he isnt supposed to be good yet.  He has to practice to get good.  But he still doesnt like it.  He is ready to play soccer.  So we have them signed up for that also! :) 

Later, we went to Target because we had two house showings back to back (YAY) so we let the boys pick out one thing each and T got a movie and C got a "slime kit" lol!  So when we got home he and Josh sat down to do it all.  Then Jace and Triston got interested in it and so it was kind of a family affair at the table playing with differet kinds of slime. lol!  boys...

Ive been slowly but surely getting different things done for the shop!  I painted a stool last gonna glitter the top of it and its gonna be super cute! : )  and then, a while back i painted a not sure what im going to write on it, but i painted it with a stencil becasue i wanted to see how it would look. I like it! :)  Here is a few other things so far :)

Now for today, it is 30 Second Theology at church, which I LOOOOVE!!!  Craig takes commercials and puts them in a spiritual perspective! :)  I love it! :)  They had a big blow up helmet for the kids to run through and hotdogs and chips and cheese and cokes and all that kind of stuff.  i love!!  It is great! :)  I got a few pics of the kids too...they LOVED running thru the tunnel!  When the fog came out it scared Jace a little and so he turned around and came back and found me and held my hand and was like "Cmon momma" so we ran thru it together the first time, then he was okay!  After church, Josh took the boys to see Brooke and Chris and i took Jace and Kyndal on back and had lunch with mom and dad and then came home to get Kyndal down for her nap.  that isnt working out to well right now.  But at least i got time to write this blog! ;)  Enjoy the Super Bowl tonight!  Hopefully it wont be another week before i post!!  Who knows! :)  Til next time.....

One more thing, Kyndal makes the tickling sound that i make when i tickle her, "ticka ticka ticka" but she says it sooooo cute...see...and sometime she will even tickle herself too :) :)  shes so cute

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