Sunday, January 25, 2015

Dallas with the Kids!

So for mom's birthday this year, dad got her a new car!  woohoo!  I think I was more excited about it than she was, LOL!  no, I know she was excited.....just maybe not as much as me ;)  Anywho, they had to travel to Grapevine, Texas to get it!  So origionally mom and dad were just going to go, but then we all decided to go.  I wasn't sure how it would work with Jace and Kyndal being in their carseats the majority of that day, but it went okay! 

When we got to the dealership, they had a big red bow on the car for mom! :)  SO cool!  It was beautiful!  I am so excited for her!! :)  So we got to look all around in it and play with all the cool features it had and then the dealer came out to teach mom all about it.  So of course, by that time, the kids were OVER IT!!  They were so fussy!  Neither one of them wanted to sit in the car any longer, which was difficult.  So I ended up taking them both to walk around for a bit.  I knew mom wouldn't be able to focus with all the kids hollerin and nonsense.  So we checked out all the dealership and I let them run around for a bit until we came across dad who had just got done signing the papers!  They got some of their energy out though!

After we finally got finished there, we went to the Rainforest Café to see what the kids thought about it!  Kyndal was fairly uninterested at first.  Jace though, he was ALL ABOUT checkin everything out.  It was all he could do to stay in his seat until we ordered.  He was ready to see all the animals!  He saw a "bahrilla" and elephants and then walking out they had a crocodile that moved around.  He and kyndal both got pretty in to that one! :)  They both wanted to see it but then got a little creeped out by it if they got too close, LOL!  Jace said "it wont get me...?"  :)

They really did pretty well for the most part!  I love how Kyndal is sitting here so sweet! :)  Makes me happy! :) 

This evening, Josh got down in the floor and played with all the kids.  He played with Kyndal by herself for a bit and then I took her and he rough housed with the boys for a little bit.  Then Kyndal was fussing like CRAZY to get down and play with all the boys, so Josh said let her and I did.  She got down there and kinda just stayed on the outer edge and then I took my phone out to get a quick picture of it, and she saw it and just walked right over to me saying "cheeeeeeeeeeese" LOL!!  So dang cute!!!!  I love her!! :)

That's about it from around here! :)  Im sure im leaving lots out, but that's all I can think of at the moment! :)  Hope you have a lovely evening!  Catch ya lata!!

  photo d0e04041-2262-45f7-8245-3793ce7c5929.jpg

1 comment:

  1. HOW CUTE is Miss K-Faith!? I love that little series of pics at the end. :) And that's fun that they put a big bow on Mom's new car - she left out that detail when telling me the story, so yay for you blogging and snapping a pic of it!!
