Tuesday, January 20, 2015

JumpZone!! And More....

Wow, well this post was supposed to have been "published" last week, lol!  I didn't realize it was still a draft, lol!  Anyhow, here this one is! :) 

well not a whole lot is really new with us around here, but Friday Jace and I got to go to JumpZone with Fielder and Denisha.  Jace had a blast while we were there.  He loves hanging with Fielder!  :)  He and another little kid butted heads while they were on a toy and I couldn't get to him and he was crying (which he NEVER does!) and I was freakin out for a second!!  It made me so sad!  but when I finally got to him he was okay!  But he had a little red mark on his face! :(  For the most part they had a blast though.  Here are a few pics...

Then Saturday, the boys had their basketball game and they did good!  Mrs. Chapman, Carters teacher came!  Carter was so happy! :)  She is so nice!  I love her!  She has so much patience with little Carter man.  Just what he needs.  

Here lately, I have been starting to sell some of the things I make!  I have always thought about doing this, but always been too nervous to really try very hard.  So Josh finally convinced me in to renting a booth in a shop in Midwest City so that I can see if my stuff sells.  Hopefully it will, but I am not sure.  I am going to make flip-flops with the crystals on them, wreaths, garlands, signs, and anything else I can think of! :)  Here are a few things I have done here lately!!

Over the weekend it was moms birthday!  So they came out to the Edmond campus with us for church on Sunday and then we went to eat lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse with Bill and Jill!  It was fun and I hope mom had a great day!  Linds was in town for it too!  And she stayed thru Monday and on Monday we went to celebrate moms bday again with Babaw and GD and Jobug and Emily.  That was also lots of fun.  Emily is always fun to chat with! :) 

So anyhow, I cant really think of much exciting around these parts!  The kids are all doing good.  The school year is in the 2nd semester, which always seems to fly by!  Triston now has more homework which involves him reading "chapter books" to us so that takes a little bit more time than his homework used to.  But I know that is only going to expand from here.  He will have more and more and more homework as the years go by!  And oh how fast they go.  I was looking at wedding pictures the other day and it is crazy how little the boys were then.  They were basically Kyndal and Jaces ages now. 

Now for Kyndal and my endeavor to let her cry it out.....yeahhhhhh....she is not good at that.  lol!  Two out of the three nights she has actually had to go to sleep in her crib (meaning she hadn't already fallen asleep before) by herself, she pooped and puked.  soooooo im not really sure if that is something that I should continue doing??  I do not know if that is causing more harm than good at this point.  If anyone has any bright ideas, holla atcha girl!! :)  lol, well that is about all I can think of for now!  Have a terrific evening! :)  I will close with a few cute pictures of my littles...because I know you all think theyre as cute as I do! :)

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