Monday, January 5, 2015

A Couple Stories for Ya...

So I have decided lately that I need to go ahead and let Kyndal start "crying it out" so that I do not have to devote SOOOOO much time to getting the kids all in bed.  I always hesitate with that because it is difficult for me to listen to them cry.  It breaks my heart, in fact.  Josh says its a good idea, but I still struggle with it.  So I finally came to the decision that it was, in fact, TIME!  So, last night was the first night I gave it a go. 

So she had been crying for quite a while...almost 20 minutes, so Im getting weary and its tearing at my heart.  I walk by her room and smell something.  So I walk a little closer and sniff real big...and YES, I DID smell something.  I went in...  I found that not only had she poo'd through her whole outfit, but she had also managed to vomit all in her crib and down the side of it.  (Too much info??  sorry...)  But it was shocking...and devastating....and it flat out broke my heart.  There she was, sitting in her own puke and poo and im just ignoring her.  #notokay  I felt bad.  So I went and changed her diaper and outfit and then went to clean up the vomit ALL OVER EVERYTHING.  #yuck  Then I proceeded to rock her to sleep.
Kyndal-1 Rachael-0

Tonight has gone much better.  Although the crying lasted for a good 45 minutes, there were no other problems that went on.  She is now night night in her crib, after what felt like forever!  I snapped a quick pic of her on the monitor tho!  poor baby!  My fear here is that she is in her crib all alone and wondering WHY I wont come get her.  Why is mommy not coming?  What did I do?  I know babies don't think like that......but I DO!  lol!  I love her!! :)

But ol homegirl has been getting a serious attitude lately.  She wants what she wants when she wants it and if she doesn't get it, by golly, she is gonna THROW A FIT!!!!  Its pathetic.  She bangs her head against stuff (which ive had to start spanking her for) and she could seriously get HURT doing that.  She hits it on hard stuff like the wall or concrete.  Its terrible.  I don't know why she has been doing that lately. and she flails her legs all around and kicks and screams....its crazy.  It seems to be getting worse.  But I know she is just realizing now how things work and that she can have things she wants sometimes and so she gets mad when she cant have them, lol!  If you tell her no she will either cover her eyes and hide from you (if she is in her car seat or high chair where she cant move) OR she will turn around and walk away from you so fast and then fall and proceed to throw her fit.  lol!  that girl, I tell ya!  gotta love her! :) 

On a different note, Josh and I went by this little antique place in Midwest City tonight and talked to the owner about booth space.  There was a big sign in their window the other day when we drove by and I said somethin to Josh about it, so he took it and ran with it.  She loved my wreaths and said that a lot of the things i make would definitely sell.  That was encouraging.  It terrifies me to go out on a limb like this and just HOPE that someone might like something i did enough to BUY it.  But, I think it could be great too.  I enjoy making it all, so I figure why not?  Might as well give it a go now, so I am not wondering later if I ever would have been able to do well with it.  Also, Linds, you are welcome to get in on this if ya want?  You can make some random stuff or calligraphy it or whatever you wanna do?  If you dont wanna mess with it, you don't have to either. :) 

Lastly, Mrs Fowlers birthday is tomorrow.  I am her homeroom mom and so I got everyone in her class to send at least one $10+ gift card and I arranged it in a cute little arrangement.  I am excited to take it to her tomorrow.  I hope she likes it!  They are gonna have cupcakes too.  :)

Anyhow, that's all I got for ya!!  Have a lovely evening!! :)  Peace!
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1 comment:

  1. Sad about sick Missy K - glad you went in, and glad you all have a video monitor!
    Love the gift card box - cuteness! And look at you with the heart lettering!! (I am so done doing stuff like that for you, bc you're doing an awesome job yourself. lol So yay for us both!) Interesting about the booth space - I may make a few things to throw in - we can talk more about it this weekend!! Either way, I'm excited for you! :)
