Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year!!

Well, this new year has been off to a slow start!  We haven't really done much of anything honestly.  It is kind of nice on one hand, but on the other hand this whole having no plans and nothing going is wearing on me.  I am used to having something going or something that needs to be done every day, but lately ive been waking up with not a single plan for the day.  That feels weird.  like...what in the world am I going to do today?  lol!  We have gotten to spend a lot of time with the kids, which has been great!  But I am ready to get back to "normal" routines! 

On a different note, on New Years Eve, Brooke and Chris came over to our house to hang out.  They brought the boys over and we will have them the rest of the break!  So Josh cooked out steaks and we all ate dinner together and really just all hung out until the ball dropped.  They released Brooke to go back to work from her knee injury, so that day was her first day back to work.  I am not sure if I ever wrote about what happened to her.  I know I had mentioned that Chris broke his ankle if 4 different places and they had to do surgery on him and put all kinds of rods and pins in his leg.  #yuck #owwwch  After all that had happened, and Chris is laid up at home, Brooke blew her knee out at work!  WHAT?!??  LOL!  Yes, she was playing soccer with the kids and one of them accidentally kicked her leg!  She said she heard something pop and she immediately fell.  So they took her to the doctor and they are still in the LONG process of figuring out what is wrong with it.  I think she got an MRI yesterday.  I cant believe that both of them are on crutches at the same time.  #whataretheodds  But nevertheless, she has now been cleared to go back to work with several restrictions on what she can and cant do.  But she is hoping that whatever is wrong with her knee, it wont require surgery.  Join me in praying for that!!  :)

As for our house, after Kyndal had the flu, Jace got kind of a cough thing going and was hackin his lungs up all the time.  Now he is better, but Kyndal now has that going on.  And that means she is NOT sleeping good AT ALL!!!!  I am TIRED.  I want one good night of sleep and I will be rejuvenated.  But she is in there whining, so tonight may not be the night that's gonna happen, lol!  For the last few nights Josh and I have been the recipients of several of her kicks to our faces, which is not pleasant when youre tryin to sleep.  Its not just a small kick either.  When she is tired and crabby and cant sleep well, she is MAD and so she kicks with all her might, like hurls her whole bottom half up and then slams it down on our face.  Cool huh?  yeah.  I get so torn because she wakes up so many times in the middle of the night that by the 4th or 5th time I go in there im OVER it and so I bring her in to my bed so that I don't have to get up any more, but that doesn't work out that well either.  Which is worse???  I don't know.  If she wasn't so darn cute, I don't know what id do with her, LOL!  I Love her so much, kicking and all! :) 

As for this new year, I am really going to try to improve on many of my bad habits and make new improvements on my life!  I am going to change our lifestyle, Lord willing, and help us all have better eating habits.  I need to make this change so that my children NEVER have to make the change for themselves.  So that I can help them fight that battle before they even start it!!  I would love that!  So I am going to give it my all this time and pray that I can finally make a lifestyle change instead of a temporary quick fix. 

I will continue with an update of this past weekend.  It was the last weekend of their Christmas break!  Today (Monday) school resumed!  But Josh got in some last minute fun with Triston and Carter yesterday after church.  He took them downtown to the Bricktown Ballpark and they did the snow tubing thing!  Of course it was like 20 degrees outside, so they were FREEZZZZZING!!!  but the boys both said they had a great time! 

Also, at church Triston got enough points to "buy" a little Crayola light up toy.  It really was pretty awesome.  Josh and I were having just as much fun with it as they were! lol!  But he was excited to finally get something with all his points! :) 

Anyhow, that is about all from me! :)  Hope everyone had a wonderful New Year and have a great year ahead!!
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