Sunday, February 15, 2015

Now That I'm 29...

Well, I had my birthday on Wednesday last week and i must say, i feel so different now that im 29.  haha jk, as if you feel any different after your special day!  However, this marks the first year that mom and i have neither one had a birthday cake/cookie or a valentines cookie either!  Woohoo for that one!  It is also the first birthday ive had where i have ZERO pictures of that day! :(  how sad!!  i cant believe i didnt even get one!  But i had a great day!  We had the boys so all our family and mom and dad went to eat at Olive Garden for dinner!!  YUM!!  So delicious!  and daddy even came and met us at the mall for lunch! :)  Other than that it was a pretty normal day! :)  Just another day, another year older!  Times a flyin by!

In other news, this week we took Kyndal and Jace for a walk and we let Kyndal walk too.  She LOVED it!  We went to go see Prissy and Miss Kyndal Faith is completely fearless of her!!!!  She held the little dog treat out for her just like daddy did and she let her take it right from her!  I was proud of her!  i thought she might be a little skiddish at first, but she jumped right in! :)  MY girl!!

then Friday was the boys' Valentines party at school!  I didnt get to go to Carters :(  i was told that younger siblings are not allowed at the kids' parties, so i didnt get to go to both!  I was sad.  Being that i could only go to one, i had to go to Tristons because i am his homeroom mom!  Brooke got to come though, which was great!!  So she was able to make it to both of them, so that worked out well!  She and Josh both said Carter was bummed i wasnt there!  #heartbreaking  i felt bad, but if i could have brought Kyndal i would have been there for sure!  There were younger siblings there too...because Mrs. Chapman doesnt make a big deal ab it like some others do.  So i dont know what to do really.  I feel bad now that i KNOW its wrong, that makes it even worse if i do it.  But anyhow, Tristons party was a lot of fun!  I had them play a game where they used a straw to transfer marshmellows from their plate to a cup.  They loved it and wanted to play it again, so id say it was a success! :)  YAY!  ya kinda never know if they will like it or not!  Then after that we had ice cream sundaes and they opened their valentines from all their friends and then it was GO time! 

This weekend hasnt really been too exciting either.  We dont have the boys, so we have had a little free time here and there.  We got a ton of stuff done for the garage sale...which is going to be massive, btw!  Massive AND a pain in the butt.  lol!  But ive got all the baby/kids clothes set out and ready.  Now on to mine and joshs clothes.  So much junk we have to get rid of.  We have been slowly trying to sell some of the junk online on those garage sale sites on facebook!  We have really had pretty good luck with it!  People will buy anything these days! :) 

Thursday and Friday night my husband had to work SUPER late with one of his buddies.  He was helping him out switching the servers at Oklahoma Blood Institute.  He got home after midnight both nights.  Not cool!  But i was able to do some serious crafting while he was out!  i made Triston a chalkboard for his birthday and i am going to start one for Carter!!  I think his turned out pretty good!  I am debating making one for mrs fowler and mrs chapman also.  We will see though.  I may just make them a wreath and call it good :)  That has been my trademark end of year gift for teachers...a wreath! Hopefully they like them as much as i do!!  i also made this cross...i tried painting leopard on it for my first time and i think it turned out good!  painting leopard is seriously the easiest thing EVER!  You jsut dip the brush and swipe it...however you works! 

Anyhow, that is all for now.  Not too much exciting happening this week!  Hope all is well and catch up with ya soon! 

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  1. Totally thought that was a leopard print ribbon... you're getting more and more impressive with all the crafts you're doing!! I hope it's going well with the shop. I meant to talk to you more about that today - my bad! Also, this is the first birthday in a long time that I wasn't there with you... and look, no pictures. lol Sadness. But at least you preserved the memory by writing about it here. ;)

    1. haha that is so true! so sad that i have no pictures :( i thought about it that evening and wished you woulda been there...for more than just the pics :) but i know its a LONG way to drive for a i cant blame ya! :)
