Saturday, February 7, 2015

My Baby Boy is THREE!!!

Well its happened yet again, a week has flown right past me while I was trying to catch up.  Over the weekend, Carter had brought the class frog home "froggy" (hes stuffed ;)  So we were SUPPOSED to take him around with us and take pictures with him and Carter and all that, but as it turned out, we pretty much forgot ol Froggy everywhere we went. :(  So Monday morning, we scrambled around trying to take a few pictures with Froggy and I wrote real quick in his "journal" about what all he did with us.  :(  Talk ab feeling like a failure as a parent for TWO WEEKS in a row!!!  DANGIT!!  How do i not pay attention better?  I feel like I know in the back of my head that things need to be done, i just forget about actually following through and getting it accomplished.  Its ridiculous really.  Anywho, we got a pic of Froggy with all the kids and a few more.  This is the only one i have on my phone tho...quite blurry huh?  ANNOY ME!  oh well.  I tried.

On to a different topic, :)  My baby boy turned THREE on Feb 2nd!!  I cannot believe he has been in my life for 3 years!  They have truly flown by and I love and treasure every second i get to spend with that sweet boy!!  He is the most rambunctious crazy sweet kindhearted little boy!  He is nonstop all day long, from waking up to going to bed, hes runnin around like a crazy boy...and i wouldnt have it any other way!  He has his moments of being a tad bit stingy with his toys (as you can kind of see in the pic above where he has taken froggy away from Carter, LOL) but he is learning to share better and better!  Anytime Kyndal is crying he happily gives her his toy and tells her "its okay deedal" and it melts my heart!!  I pray daily for him to grow into a strong man of God and be courageous and truly get what it means to know Jesus as his Savior!  Then any other peer pressure or bad things that come his way, he will make it through just fine!

That night, we went to Chuckee Cheese for his birthday to "play games" and he has not stopped talking about it since!!  He had such a fun time!  He was able to run around adn just play and do whatever he wanted.  It was so great!!!  His brothers helped him here and there and Jobug and Emily and Babaw and Grandad all came up there to help us celebrate!  :)  Kyndal had herself a great time too!  It was their first time to experience it all, so they were totally in awe!  He got his picture taken with Chuckee too, so he was excited about that also!  He wasnt too sure about him at first, but when i got down there with him, he was better and warmed up to him quickly from there! :)  All i can say is he is braver than i was at his age!  My parents have a pic of me in my dads arms right beside Chuckee because i would NOT go anywhere near him by myself!!  lol!  Oh the FEAR! haha!

I love this pic of two boys! :)  They look so old here its crazy!  TIME, SLOW DOWN PLEASE!!

Then later that week, it was dads chapel and so Josh went to school with the boys!  I got a few pics of that too...  they look so cute in their suit and ties :) :)  and kyndal kinda photobombed the first one, lol

On Wednesday, Jace, Kyndal, mom and i went up to Journey Church with Fielder and Denisha for a late celebration of Jaces birthday with his buddy Fielder!  He loves him!  and Denisha told me that the only reason Fielder would wear his KD shoes is because she told him that Jace wears them!! :)  How cute!!  They played all around for a while until they decided they were over it!  lol!  So then, we went on to get some Chickfila and then went to check out 405 Imports (nothing special, by the way) and then went to the Ashley furniture store in Norman!  They had a super cool rug that was sparkly..woohoo! :)  Other than that, nothing too exciting!  But every day since Jacemans bday, he has been wanting to go "play games"!  Its so sweet!  We try to explain that his bday only comes once a year, but hes not fully catching on to that! 

Anyway, we did some packing and some crafting and random whatever things we needed to get done thru the rest of the week.  We have had the boys the last two week solid because of Brookes knee surgery, so that has been fun!  They went with Brooke today (Saturday) and it feels so empty around the house...its weird!  I miss them already! :(  Oh another thing, the other day, Jace was crying because i took his cup away and so he was bawling loud and not happy with me and Kyndal walked over to him and hugged him!  It was soooooo freakin precious, OMG!  When i said awwwwww she did it again, so i was able to snap a quick pic!!  PRECIOUS!!!!
Then the next day, I put a bow in Kyndals hair and Jace INSISTED on wearing one of his own!  Crazy boy!  I told him a million times that boys dont wear bows but he was having none of it!! :) :)
And now, here is a pic of my little booth at the shop! :)  Hopefully it will end up working out well, but who knows?  We shall see!  Then the next pic is a chalkboard i did for Kyndal Faith!  I have seen them and thought theyre so cute so i decided to give it a shot!  Here it is...

Now, as for TODAY, (Saturday) it was the boys' last basketball game and we had a party afterwards where Josh gave them all their trophies and medals!  It was lots of fun!  Josh and I had a bit of confusion in both thinking the other one was going to take care of the decorations and neither of us did, so this morning was a bit of a crazy mess, but nevertheless, we got 'er done!!! :) :)  I dont have any pictures of that yet, but i will try to update this one (if i think of it) with the pics my mom took!  But as for now, that is all i got for ya! :)  Have a lovely evening and a great Sunday!! :)  

  photo d0e04041-2262-45f7-8245-3793ce7c5929.jpg

1 comment:

  1. Adorable chalkboard! The pics of sass-a-frass Kyndal taking a drink and J with the hair bow made me laugh. :) And the boys look so handsome all ready for chapel! Your booth is coming along and looking great... you should throw in a happy spring wreath by the Valentine's one, maybe, and definitely add a "We take custom orders - any color scheme, any size you want" sign somewhere!
