Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Garage Sale...

So this past weekend was our famous garage sale, lol!  We got rid of most everything and then a couple ladies came in at the end and took almost all that we had left so they could donate it.  So that worked for us! :)  We were hoping for pretty weather, but both days ended up being kinda cold and dreary, but im glad that didn't keep us from selling stuff :) 

The first day, I came to relieve Josh around 8:15 and Dad showed up to help me out there because Josh had to leave pretty quick.  People were coming and going, and this guy showed up in a cowboy hat and Jace said "Hey Cowboy"  I was kiiiiinda surprised, but thankfully the "cowboy" had a good attitude about it and just said "Howdy Partner" So it was cute...Jace was like "whatd he say??"  He was excited!  :)  Then a lady showed up that looked similar to Brooke and Jace was all over her sayin "Hey Brooke....Hey Brooke......wheres Chris?"  lol!  Dad and I had to keep kinda pulling him away from people because he was being a bit too friendly.  lol!  Sweet boy :)

The second day was rather uneventful.  Dad, Kyndal and I manned the fort for the majority of the day.  Mom kept Jace at the house, with his chatty cathy self.  He would keep being like "Is he a guy momma?"  "What are they doing?"  "Is she a girl?"  "Why are they taking my toy?"  ahhh good times!  But I decided itd be much easier to leave him at home the second day!  So he and mom and Lindsey brought us some lunch that day.  All in all, it was a success and it was actually kinda fun......after we got it all set up.....that part was not fun. 

Last week Carter had his field trip to the Fire Station.  He loved it!!  They learned all kinds of stuff and he even got a little fireman's hat....that Jace and Kyndal have had lots of fun with :)  Josh was able to go with them and that made Carters day im sure. 

Then heres a few of Jace and Kyndal in the hat...

I have still been making some wreaths.  I made a "Linemans Home" wreath for a lady.  She sent me a picture and asked if I could do it and I told her I would give it a go and I was so thrilled with how well it turned out.  Made me so happy :)  She said she loved it too and it was exactly what she was wanting...YAY!  This first pic is the one she sent me, all she said was that she wanted orange in it.  and so the second is what I made...

Then a lady wanted a wreath and garland for her babies first birthday...  this is the wreath part of it...

I am really enjoying the chalkboard signs that go in the wreaths!  Theyre so much fun to make!! :)  I have 4 more orders for this week now :)  Woo hoo!!

But anyways, that's about it around here!  We are getting settled in and comfortable here at my parents house!  So that's good.  Now if mom and dad would just appreciate my procrastination as much as I wish they would, we would be SET!! ;)  lol!  #illshutthedoorinaminute #illgetthelaundrylater  lol--That ones for you daddy!  :)

  photo d0e04041-2262-45f7-8245-3793ce7c5929.jpg

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