Monday, March 9, 2015


Well the big move is officially done with...well kind of.  All our stuff is out of the old house and in the garage here.  We are slowly but surely getting it all taken out and put up.  Mom and dads stuff is kinda taking up too much space...youd think they live here or something, haha! ;) 

But moving day went well!  Josh and Chris worked their little hearts out.  MAN!  They did SO MUCH!!!  It was crazy how hard they worked the entire days on Friday and Saturday and Sunday!!  Bless them!  Josh said he is kinda sore...I don't doubt it!  But thankfully he had Chris' help because them two together are go-getters.  They dive right in and knock it out.  Anyhow, the boys had their first soccer game on Saturday.  They didn't win, but they really enjoyed it...which is all that matters! :)  Then after that, Brooke and Chris and Mason all came by the new place to check it out.  Then Josh and Chris went back to the old house and Brooke and Mason left.  She called me a couple minutes later and asked if I needed was so nice of her to care :) :)  So she ended up coming back to help me for a little bit!  I forgot to add that mom had taken Jace and Kyndal to Jobugs house to kinda get them out of the way for a bit.  That was more helpful than shell ever know~ :) :)  They try to help so much, but they just cant do anything.  I get one box loaded up and they come right behind me taking stuff out of it and putting it who knows where!  haha...crazy kids!  So I had a few hours there where I was able to get a few things taken care of, which was great. 

Then when mom and the kids got back, Brooke me and the kids went to the old house to help Josh and Chris finish loading up everything, then we went and treated Brooke and Chris to dinner for ALLLLL that they did to help!!  We went to Rib Crib which was tasty....and super close to our new house.  Then the next day was sunday and we went to church.  Craig wasn't preaching and I found it quite difficult (due to daylight savings plus the kids not sleeping very good plus being tired from moving) keeping my eyes open. #embarrassing #dadandjoshkeptnudgingme #irritating  So after church was over we headed to grab lunch then back home for naps and MORE work!  I had also promised Triston a date to Braums when he passed his speed drill, so he and I went to Braums Sunday also.  It was so fun to hang out one on one with him.  Hes a jokester, that's for sure.  It just came at such a hectic time...  But it was good :)

I have stumbled upon a few gems from back in the day just recently.  I used to write for a newspaper, if yall didn't know.  It was pretty big time, I must say!  I got several awards for my excellent skills in writing... #nonotreally #icantbackthatup (Linds you may be the only one who catches the #)

Then I also found that I, yes I, Rachael Muecke, was a bonafide member of the TY Beanie baby club.  Oh YESSSS, you read that right.  I was sure I was gonna be a millionaire pretty soon.  Too bad I didn't cash in back in the day when they were actually worth a darn... #sigh #bejealous

Another cool story is that I was taking me wreaths to be delivered and I went to the salon to drop it off and some of the other ladies there placed more orders!  I walked out with 4 more wreaths to make!!  WOOOO!!!  exciting :)  One lady needed it pretty quick, so it worked out great because I headed right home and made it for her that same day!  She was so surprised :) :)  Then they needed another one in two days, so I hopped on that one right away also!  It is one of my most favorites that ive done! :)  Here it is...she likes butterflys a lot, so they asked if I could add a lot of those...

Also, in closing, here is a pic of Jace and Kyndal in the same jackets Triston and Carter used to wear!  MY oh my how time flies.  These were my FAV jackets for two boys, and now the little ones are wearing them.  WHAT??  But aren't they so cute?

1 comment:

  1. Ohmygosh, pretty sure I'm gonna need to read ALL your old Newspaper entries... "April 19th will be a sad day for all of us accept Bill Clinton" definitely had me cracking up this morning! As did you mocking yourself for being a bonafide member of the BBC. lol Cute pics of J&K - I remember T&C in those jackets, too! Nice Austin Powers hashtags. #sickasadognow #gonnavom ;) Oh, and that's exciting about the new wreath orders!! Best of luck as you finish unpacking and with the garage sale this weekend!
