Sunday, January 25, 2015

Dallas with the Kids!

So for mom's birthday this year, dad got her a new car!  woohoo!  I think I was more excited about it than she was, LOL!  no, I know she was excited.....just maybe not as much as me ;)  Anywho, they had to travel to Grapevine, Texas to get it!  So origionally mom and dad were just going to go, but then we all decided to go.  I wasn't sure how it would work with Jace and Kyndal being in their carseats the majority of that day, but it went okay! 

When we got to the dealership, they had a big red bow on the car for mom! :)  SO cool!  It was beautiful!  I am so excited for her!! :)  So we got to look all around in it and play with all the cool features it had and then the dealer came out to teach mom all about it.  So of course, by that time, the kids were OVER IT!!  They were so fussy!  Neither one of them wanted to sit in the car any longer, which was difficult.  So I ended up taking them both to walk around for a bit.  I knew mom wouldn't be able to focus with all the kids hollerin and nonsense.  So we checked out all the dealership and I let them run around for a bit until we came across dad who had just got done signing the papers!  They got some of their energy out though!

After we finally got finished there, we went to the Rainforest CafĂ© to see what the kids thought about it!  Kyndal was fairly uninterested at first.  Jace though, he was ALL ABOUT checkin everything out.  It was all he could do to stay in his seat until we ordered.  He was ready to see all the animals!  He saw a "bahrilla" and elephants and then walking out they had a crocodile that moved around.  He and kyndal both got pretty in to that one! :)  They both wanted to see it but then got a little creeped out by it if they got too close, LOL!  Jace said "it wont get me...?"  :)

They really did pretty well for the most part!  I love how Kyndal is sitting here so sweet! :)  Makes me happy! :) 

This evening, Josh got down in the floor and played with all the kids.  He played with Kyndal by herself for a bit and then I took her and he rough housed with the boys for a little bit.  Then Kyndal was fussing like CRAZY to get down and play with all the boys, so Josh said let her and I did.  She got down there and kinda just stayed on the outer edge and then I took my phone out to get a quick picture of it, and she saw it and just walked right over to me saying "cheeeeeeeeeeese" LOL!!  So dang cute!!!!  I love her!! :)

That's about it from around here! :)  Im sure im leaving lots out, but that's all I can think of at the moment! :)  Hope you have a lovely evening!  Catch ya lata!!

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

JumpZone!! And More....

Wow, well this post was supposed to have been "published" last week, lol!  I didn't realize it was still a draft, lol!  Anyhow, here this one is! :) 

well not a whole lot is really new with us around here, but Friday Jace and I got to go to JumpZone with Fielder and Denisha.  Jace had a blast while we were there.  He loves hanging with Fielder!  :)  He and another little kid butted heads while they were on a toy and I couldn't get to him and he was crying (which he NEVER does!) and I was freakin out for a second!!  It made me so sad!  but when I finally got to him he was okay!  But he had a little red mark on his face! :(  For the most part they had a blast though.  Here are a few pics...

Then Saturday, the boys had their basketball game and they did good!  Mrs. Chapman, Carters teacher came!  Carter was so happy! :)  She is so nice!  I love her!  She has so much patience with little Carter man.  Just what he needs.  

Here lately, I have been starting to sell some of the things I make!  I have always thought about doing this, but always been too nervous to really try very hard.  So Josh finally convinced me in to renting a booth in a shop in Midwest City so that I can see if my stuff sells.  Hopefully it will, but I am not sure.  I am going to make flip-flops with the crystals on them, wreaths, garlands, signs, and anything else I can think of! :)  Here are a few things I have done here lately!!

Over the weekend it was moms birthday!  So they came out to the Edmond campus with us for church on Sunday and then we went to eat lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse with Bill and Jill!  It was fun and I hope mom had a great day!  Linds was in town for it too!  And she stayed thru Monday and on Monday we went to celebrate moms bday again with Babaw and GD and Jobug and Emily.  That was also lots of fun.  Emily is always fun to chat with! :) 

So anyhow, I cant really think of much exciting around these parts!  The kids are all doing good.  The school year is in the 2nd semester, which always seems to fly by!  Triston now has more homework which involves him reading "chapter books" to us so that takes a little bit more time than his homework used to.  But I know that is only going to expand from here.  He will have more and more and more homework as the years go by!  And oh how fast they go.  I was looking at wedding pictures the other day and it is crazy how little the boys were then.  They were basically Kyndal and Jaces ages now. 

Now for Kyndal and my endeavor to let her cry it out.....yeahhhhhh....she is not good at that.  lol!  Two out of the three nights she has actually had to go to sleep in her crib (meaning she hadn't already fallen asleep before) by herself, she pooped and puked.  soooooo im not really sure if that is something that I should continue doing??  I do not know if that is causing more harm than good at this point.  If anyone has any bright ideas, holla atcha girl!! :)  lol, well that is about all I can think of for now!  Have a terrific evening! :)  I will close with a few cute pictures of my littles...because I know you all think theyre as cute as I do! :)

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Monday, January 5, 2015

A Couple Stories for Ya...

So I have decided lately that I need to go ahead and let Kyndal start "crying it out" so that I do not have to devote SOOOOO much time to getting the kids all in bed.  I always hesitate with that because it is difficult for me to listen to them cry.  It breaks my heart, in fact.  Josh says its a good idea, but I still struggle with it.  So I finally came to the decision that it was, in fact, TIME!  So, last night was the first night I gave it a go. 

So she had been crying for quite a while...almost 20 minutes, so Im getting weary and its tearing at my heart.  I walk by her room and smell something.  So I walk a little closer and sniff real big...and YES, I DID smell something.  I went in...  I found that not only had she poo'd through her whole outfit, but she had also managed to vomit all in her crib and down the side of it.  (Too much info??  sorry...)  But it was shocking...and devastating....and it flat out broke my heart.  There she was, sitting in her own puke and poo and im just ignoring her.  #notokay  I felt bad.  So I went and changed her diaper and outfit and then went to clean up the vomit ALL OVER EVERYTHING.  #yuck  Then I proceeded to rock her to sleep.
Kyndal-1 Rachael-0

Tonight has gone much better.  Although the crying lasted for a good 45 minutes, there were no other problems that went on.  She is now night night in her crib, after what felt like forever!  I snapped a quick pic of her on the monitor tho!  poor baby!  My fear here is that she is in her crib all alone and wondering WHY I wont come get her.  Why is mommy not coming?  What did I do?  I know babies don't think like that......but I DO!  lol!  I love her!! :)

But ol homegirl has been getting a serious attitude lately.  She wants what she wants when she wants it and if she doesn't get it, by golly, she is gonna THROW A FIT!!!!  Its pathetic.  She bangs her head against stuff (which ive had to start spanking her for) and she could seriously get HURT doing that.  She hits it on hard stuff like the wall or concrete.  Its terrible.  I don't know why she has been doing that lately. and she flails her legs all around and kicks and screams....its crazy.  It seems to be getting worse.  But I know she is just realizing now how things work and that she can have things she wants sometimes and so she gets mad when she cant have them, lol!  If you tell her no she will either cover her eyes and hide from you (if she is in her car seat or high chair where she cant move) OR she will turn around and walk away from you so fast and then fall and proceed to throw her fit.  lol!  that girl, I tell ya!  gotta love her! :) 

On a different note, Josh and I went by this little antique place in Midwest City tonight and talked to the owner about booth space.  There was a big sign in their window the other day when we drove by and I said somethin to Josh about it, so he took it and ran with it.  She loved my wreaths and said that a lot of the things i make would definitely sell.  That was encouraging.  It terrifies me to go out on a limb like this and just HOPE that someone might like something i did enough to BUY it.  But, I think it could be great too.  I enjoy making it all, so I figure why not?  Might as well give it a go now, so I am not wondering later if I ever would have been able to do well with it.  Also, Linds, you are welcome to get in on this if ya want?  You can make some random stuff or calligraphy it or whatever you wanna do?  If you dont wanna mess with it, you don't have to either. :) 

Lastly, Mrs Fowlers birthday is tomorrow.  I am her homeroom mom and so I got everyone in her class to send at least one $10+ gift card and I arranged it in a cute little arrangement.  I am excited to take it to her tomorrow.  I hope she likes it!  They are gonna have cupcakes too.  :)

Anyhow, that's all I got for ya!!  Have a lovely evening!! :)  Peace!
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Happy New Year!!

Well, this new year has been off to a slow start!  We haven't really done much of anything honestly.  It is kind of nice on one hand, but on the other hand this whole having no plans and nothing going is wearing on me.  I am used to having something going or something that needs to be done every day, but lately ive been waking up with not a single plan for the day.  That feels weird.  like...what in the world am I going to do today?  lol!  We have gotten to spend a lot of time with the kids, which has been great!  But I am ready to get back to "normal" routines! 

On a different note, on New Years Eve, Brooke and Chris came over to our house to hang out.  They brought the boys over and we will have them the rest of the break!  So Josh cooked out steaks and we all ate dinner together and really just all hung out until the ball dropped.  They released Brooke to go back to work from her knee injury, so that day was her first day back to work.  I am not sure if I ever wrote about what happened to her.  I know I had mentioned that Chris broke his ankle if 4 different places and they had to do surgery on him and put all kinds of rods and pins in his leg.  #yuck #owwwch  After all that had happened, and Chris is laid up at home, Brooke blew her knee out at work!  WHAT?!??  LOL!  Yes, she was playing soccer with the kids and one of them accidentally kicked her leg!  She said she heard something pop and she immediately fell.  So they took her to the doctor and they are still in the LONG process of figuring out what is wrong with it.  I think she got an MRI yesterday.  I cant believe that both of them are on crutches at the same time.  #whataretheodds  But nevertheless, she has now been cleared to go back to work with several restrictions on what she can and cant do.  But she is hoping that whatever is wrong with her knee, it wont require surgery.  Join me in praying for that!!  :)

As for our house, after Kyndal had the flu, Jace got kind of a cough thing going and was hackin his lungs up all the time.  Now he is better, but Kyndal now has that going on.  And that means she is NOT sleeping good AT ALL!!!!  I am TIRED.  I want one good night of sleep and I will be rejuvenated.  But she is in there whining, so tonight may not be the night that's gonna happen, lol!  For the last few nights Josh and I have been the recipients of several of her kicks to our faces, which is not pleasant when youre tryin to sleep.  Its not just a small kick either.  When she is tired and crabby and cant sleep well, she is MAD and so she kicks with all her might, like hurls her whole bottom half up and then slams it down on our face.  Cool huh?  yeah.  I get so torn because she wakes up so many times in the middle of the night that by the 4th or 5th time I go in there im OVER it and so I bring her in to my bed so that I don't have to get up any more, but that doesn't work out that well either.  Which is worse???  I don't know.  If she wasn't so darn cute, I don't know what id do with her, LOL!  I Love her so much, kicking and all! :) 

As for this new year, I am really going to try to improve on many of my bad habits and make new improvements on my life!  I am going to change our lifestyle, Lord willing, and help us all have better eating habits.  I need to make this change so that my children NEVER have to make the change for themselves.  So that I can help them fight that battle before they even start it!!  I would love that!  So I am going to give it my all this time and pray that I can finally make a lifestyle change instead of a temporary quick fix. 

I will continue with an update of this past weekend.  It was the last weekend of their Christmas break!  Today (Monday) school resumed!  But Josh got in some last minute fun with Triston and Carter yesterday after church.  He took them downtown to the Bricktown Ballpark and they did the snow tubing thing!  Of course it was like 20 degrees outside, so they were FREEZZZZZING!!!  but the boys both said they had a great time! 

Also, at church Triston got enough points to "buy" a little Crayola light up toy.  It really was pretty awesome.  Josh and I were having just as much fun with it as they were! lol!  But he was excited to finally get something with all his points! :) 

Anyhow, that is about all from me! :)  Hope everyone had a wonderful New Year and have a great year ahead!!
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