Monday, December 8, 2014


Okay, so its been a bit since I have updated on here!  All is going great and not a whole lot new to report.  The boys started their basketball league with Josh as the coach 2 weeks ago and they are loving it.  They do not know ANYTHING about basketball, but they are learning more and more as they go.  It is weird to watch them play, because I forget that they do not know where to line up when theyre shooting free throws, or how to inbound the ball...the simple things like that, they do not know yet.  They will get it all down soon though!  They are both doing really well!  I am so proud of them both.  Josh is loving coaching too!  He loves basketball anyway, so to get to teach the boys all about it, I knew he'd love it!!!

Then Chris broke his ankle in three different places last week.  That's no good for him! :(  I remember how bad my ankle injury hurt and I only had a bad sprain.  He was saying when he wakes up it hurts the worst and I SOOOO remember that!  YUCK!!!!  Not pleasant.  at all!!!!  So Brooke is having to pick up a lot of the slack around their house, so keep them in mind and pray for them every now and then!  They could definitely use it! :) 

Tomorrow night we are taking Triston and Carter to their first Thunder game!!  They do not know it yet!  We are going to surprise them!  But I am excited about it.  I am sure they will enjoy it even more now since they are playing it.  Josh and I are going to try to explain it all to them as they play and show them how things are done in a game! 

As for Jace and Kyndal and I, we have pretty much been doing the same ol thing!!  We have been hitting every Hobby Lobby in town trying to find mom a lot of a certain kind of poinsettias she likes!  All Christmas stuff is on sale 50% off, so she wants to get lots of them, but they are sold out of them at a lot of the stores! :(  But here are a few cute pictures of them because I don't want you to miss them too much :) :)

We got our Christmas cards in the mail and I love them!  They turned out super cute!  I also had fun with addressing all the envelopes! LOL!  Yes, it was probably a waste of time, but it was still fun to me! :)  I put some pictures on the front and then on the back I put some of the "outtakes" if you will.  With a family of 6, with four little kids, there tend to be lots of pics that don't work out as well! LOL!  But I thought they still turned out cute! So I used them!  I also was pumped that Shutterfly has the pearlescent paper that I LOOOOOOVE!!!!!!  I definitely used that! :) :) 

Also, recently I had a bubble in my tire so I had to get my tire replaced, which sucks with a big ol SUV like I have.  Theyre super expensive and they are NEVER in stock!!!  But last week they ordered it and it finally came in today.  So i took my car up to Sears today after the kids' naps and they took FOREVER to get it done.  It kinda messed up the whole evening, but I tried not to let it get to me.....although im not sure if I did very good on that lol!  I hate being annoyed like that because that makes me so short with Jace and Kyndal too! :(  Then on top of that, Kyndal didn't go down to sleep very well.  Jace woke her up so she was crying and cryin, so i decided to bathe her and thank the good Lord, it WORKED!!!!  So she is fast asleep now, and so is her brother!  Which is why i am having time to write this! :)

Anyhow, that is about all from around these parts!  Hope all is well with everyone! :)  I will update hopefully a few more times before Christmas! :)  Have a lovely evening!!!  
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1 comment:

  1. How cute are your Christmas cards!? I haven't officially gotten mine yet, but I love the card and that you decorated the envelope - so cute!! Love the other pics on here too, and I'm excited to come watch T & C play sometime soon. Hope you all have a blast at the game tonight!! :)
