Monday, December 1, 2014


November 28-the twenty eighth thing I am thankful for is the veterans, police officers and fire fighters that serve and protect us.  Here recently with all the criticism of law enforcement officers, i have a much greater appreciation for them all.  I hate that they are all under fire because certain people think that poor little Michael Brown was Mr. Innocent.  He was not.  period.  Whether he was white or black, he was not innocent in that altercation.  If he would have simply done what the officer was instructing him to do, none of this would have happened.  I am only stating my opinion here, but I fully support Darren Wilson and feel bad that he has had so much happen to him for reacting in a split second to what could have been a life or death decision for him.  Had Michael Brown killed him, we would have barely heard about it in the news.  It is just annoying.  I cannot stand all the people acting like all white people are racist.....anyhow, nevermind.  So much to say there, but this is not the time or the place for THAT!!  LOL!

November 29th-the twenty ninth thing I am thankful for is that this the wonderful family time we got to have on Thanksgiving!!!  Brooke and Chris came over along with mom, dad, and Lindsey!  Josh made TONS of food for lunch.  Then for dinner, we went down to Nancys house and had MORE food.  Granted i usually only eat the rolls and potatoes, I was still plenty full! :)  But I am so thankful for my awesome extended family and I really enjoy getting to see them, even if it isnt too often! :)

Lastly, November 30th--saved the best for last!  The thirtieth thing I am thankful for is my Savior Jesus Christ!!!  I am so thankful for what He did for me and all He has seen me through.  So many times He was probably shaking His head saying "OHHHHH Rachael, what am I going to do with you?!..........Youre seriously doing that AGAIN???"  But I am so grateful that He kept His hand over me and allowed me to get thru it all and make it to the other side of the tunnel.  I am so thankful that He erases all my sins and that He doesnt remember them and hold them against me.  So happy that He wont give me what I deserve, but instead He will let me spend my eternity with HIM!!  AWESOME!!  I can only imagine how cool that will be!!
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1 comment:

  1. YAY, thankfulness month completed! Glad you stuck with it! Three good choices on this post. :)

    Also, the pic of J,K, & M kinda looks like Jace is strangling K-Faith...but she still looks happy about it. lol It reminded me of the him pushing her down incident on Friday. lol
